userDamian Lazarskicancel

2,165 Commits over 3,044 Days - 0.03cph!

7 Years Ago
Removed creeping plants from rocket factory interior for performance reasons
7 Years Ago
Simplified material setup for rocket factory interior
7 Years Ago
Added static doors
7 Years Ago
Fixed JIRA bugs Fixed missing coliders Adjusted LOD/cull distances Adjusted misaligned collision/rendermeshes
7 Years Ago
Walkway LOD distances
7 Years Ago
Rocket scaffolding. Increased texel density. Moved pivot closer to the object.
7 Years Ago
Added stair collision to rocket factory roof
7 Years Ago
Fixed ladders inside warehouses
7 Years Ago
New lift prefabs Updated manifest
7 Years Ago
Updated manifest file Potential lift fix
7 Years Ago
Fixed rocket factory tower lod distance
7 Years Ago
Lift colider fix Launch site Scene2Prefab
7 Years Ago
More aggressive lods on rocket factory objects and walkways
7 Years Ago
Lifts / roofless variants
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory changed lift leading to the roof
7 Years Ago
Fixed turbine colider
7 Years Ago
Fixed intersection between rocket and scaffolding Fixed rocket factory trim colider Fixed invisible blockers Fixed support beam colision Fixed gaps in warehouses Fixed missing coliders on turbines Fixed modular pipes turning black Fixed portacabin stairs
7 Years Ago
Warehouse occluder Rocket factory occluder
7 Years Ago
Launchsite scene2prefab
7 Years Ago
Additional warehouse LOD Support beam LOD/COL/Prefab Fixed door scaling Ground pipe hole LOD/COL/Prefab
7 Years Ago
Portacabin walkway LODs/COL/Prefabs Pavement merge and vertex paint Door rotation fixes Fixed colision material on ground Fixed vertex paint on ground LODs Created placeholder loot placement
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory / scene/lod/colider fixes
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory ground
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory exterior LOD/COL
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory LOD/COL/Prefabs
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory LOD/COL/Prefabs
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory building / LOD/COL/prefab progress
8 Years Ago
Rocket scaffolding LODs/COL
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory door LOD/COL/Prefab
8 Years Ago
Launch site warehouse awning and tweaks
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory grounds, replaced game objects with prefabs
8 Years Ago
Launch site warehouse LOD/COL/prefabs
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory / added moss inside the rocket factory building
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory dressing / added overgrowth inside rocket factory / moss
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory grounds / dressing progress / silo COL, LOD's, prefabs / grounds loot spawners
8 Years Ago
Launch site / warehouse grounds dressing progress
8 Years Ago
Launchsite warehouse / scene progress / vertex paint /dressing
8 Years Ago
Launch site warehouse progress
8 Years Ago
Launchsite warehouse rework progress
8 Years Ago
Warehouse backup
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory silo
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory silo
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory / vertex paint / tweaks and fixes
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory / lift shaft ladders / UV map fixes / ladder fixes / fixed gaps in geometry / material tweaks
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory / split rooms into separate objects / scene update
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory / created LODs and colliders for collapsed walkways / cleaned up walkway meshes
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory lift room dressing
8 Years Ago
Rocket scaffolding scene update
8 Years Ago
Rocket scaffolding progress
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory rail tracks