30,724 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.33cph!
Increased water opacity
Fixed underwater fog always being disabled
Added per-biome grass textures
Refactored the way SpawnFilter and TerrainMath handle temperature
Tweaked terrain generation (now allows seeds that would lead to collider overflows in Unity 4)
changed the pickaxe hit sound so it's synched better with the animation
adjusted attck animations of all view models so it lands in the center of screen. set up the alternate attacks for the boneknife, and salvaged_axe
mecanim behaviour script that will handle alternate animations to be played for the attack
nullified the weapon bob when the player is aiming down the sights
Biome-specific grass textures for Andre.
sound effects for the salvaged_axe; added some weapon specific hit effects for the hatchet / stone_hatchet / pickaxe
salvaged axe prefab; tweaked various settings on some other view model prefabs
special fx events for the salvaged_axe
made some tweaks to several of the view model animations to fix some of the clipping on the arms.
vm melee hit anim updates
Added mesh colliders to hazmat suit parts
Hatchet, Boneknife, Pickaxe should be functional - even if the animations are kind of odd
Refactored grass system to support multiple instances thereof
Added support for using different filters for every texture in the atlas to the grass system
Removed some unused code from TerrainMath
Added triangle shaped foundation (test) http://files.facepunch.com/garry/2014/September/12/1410522651.jpg
Tweaked spawn handler placement check height offset (may fix trees spawning inside rocks, requires server restart)
Biome tweaks (all trees in the snow biome are now snowy, some nicer transitional noise, requires server restart)
Adding a bunch of primitive meshes - for placeholding, prototyping
Made grass dithering add more position and color noise in transitional areas
Fixed legacy and legacy uvmix terrains not having proper water reflections
Fixed missing sky from new water reflections
Added tree rendering to new water reflections; bark and leaves
Added optional oldReflectionPath to PlanarReflection component, for comparison shots against new method
Added missing overlays to terrain's water reflection
Moved new water reflection shader into a Resources folder; was broke on client build
Fixed fog rendering in water reflections; also switched reflections to a faster/simpler replacement shader
Fixed atmospheric blend locking inspector values during play mode
Fixed and consolidated PVT layer masking; not final, pending feedback from artists
Added auto PVT cache reset on cache aware material param change; edit-mode only workflow tool; exposed as PVT_Control.cacheReset
Improved the distant texture scaling on terrain. Aka. no more massive ground textures.
Reimported all terrain normal+height maps
Killed the last walking tree.
attack / holster animations for the salvaged_hammer
Added ragdoll testing scene
Tweaked forest clutter to form nicer clusters
Fixed bug in AIPart (this explains the teleportation)
re-made bota bag vm prefab & transfered scripts ( as everytime something changes on the model it breaks the prefab)
updated bota bag vm deploy anim + meta data
Added polys to bottom of cork (as it can be seen in shot)
More AILocomotion adjustments in another attempt to fix animals teleporting to origin
Tweaked forest distribution (more snowy trees)
Reverted spawn debug logs
Doubled some forest densities (performance test, requires server restart)
Fixed server not saving config files on quit
Rock hit sounds, screenshake
Fixed weapon sounds effects sometimes not playing
Added fps.limit X (where X = max fps, default = -1 = no limit)
Auto-updated terrain asset files (5.0.0b3)