
205 Commits over 305 Days - 0.03cph!

8 Days Ago
merge from twitch_rivals_2024/twitch_rivals_flag
9 Days Ago
merge from qol_io_rotation
9 Days Ago
█▅▊▄▍ ▌█ ▌▄▍▄▋▇▌▆▋▇▍ ▇▊▊▍▉▇▄▉▉▄ ▋▅█▇▆▋▄ █▋▆▆▉▋█▅▋▄▋▋ ▅▅▅▅▍
10 Days Ago
merge from battery_fullcharge_slot
10 Days Ago
merge from battery_fullcharge_slot
11 Days Ago
merge from creativemode_io_text
11 Days Ago
merge from teslacoil_tweaks
12 Days Ago
merge from wire_slack_fix
12 Days Ago
Restored monument marker font
15 Days Ago
Fixed item radioactivity NRE when loading a save with item that doesn't exist (happen a lot when switching in between aux2 and main using the same save)
16 Days Ago
16 Days Ago
Added a new localization key for train yard's skip container, to avoid conflicts with 'skip' the verb in other languages
16 Days Ago
merge from wire_slack_fix
16 Days Ago
merge from wire_slack_fix
16 Days Ago
merge from storagemonitor_passthrough
18 Days Ago
merge from tincanalarm_recipe/tincanalarm_recipe (?)
31 Days Ago
Fixed SKS description using the SAR token
33 Days Ago
Phrase update
38 Days Ago
▋█▅▍▆ ▅▇▉▋ ▇█▊▄_▉▇▆█▌▇▆▆██_▉▅▊▍▆█▇
47 Days Ago
Double clicking on a selection history entry now calls AssetDatabase.OpenAsset
52 Days Ago
Fixed halloween hunt score announcement typo
2 Months Ago
Phrase update
2 Months Ago
merge from store-ui-frontiersman
2 Months Ago
Phrase update
2 Months Ago
Tin can alarms can no longer be picked up without building privileges
2 Months Ago
Phrase update
2 Months Ago
merge from localization
2 Months Ago
Fixed truncated entities max health text
2 Months Ago
Fixed the TMP fonts conflicts (fixes missing Arabic font)
2 Months Ago
merge from wallpaper
2 Months Ago
merge from localization
3 Months Ago
Fixed paddling and above ground pools showing power usage 0
3 Months Ago
merge from localization
3 Months Ago
Phrase update
3 Months Ago
merge from localization
3 Months Ago
merge from localization
3 Months Ago
Fixed new modded prevent building prefabs not working as intended, because of 103805
3 Months Ago
merge from clearinventory_improvements
3 Months Ago
Fixed TMP error when joining a server or opening the map for the first time (caused by the PermanentMarker TMP asset)
3 Months Ago
Restored server browser search bar text size
3 Months Ago
merge from wallpaper
3 Months Ago
merge from wallpaper
3 Months Ago
merge from localization
3 Months Ago
merge from repairbench_icons
3 Months Ago
compile fix
3 Months Ago
Phrase update
3 Months Ago
merge from localization
3 Months Ago
Added wallpaper pack icon
3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
merge from store_wallpaper_page