280 Commits over 397 Days - 0.03cph!
merge from buildingerrors_improvements
Fixed IO hose grey material fuckery again
merge from buildingerrors_improvements
Fixed fire mode switch sound being replicated
Fixed the screen turning black after respawning before the end of the death screen fade
merge from spectate_blackout_fix
Fixed missing PreventBuildingMonumentTag on all caves prevent-building volumes
- fixes the tin can alarm not deployable in caves
- fixes barricades not deployabled around caves
Ran S2P on all cave scenes
Added an admin convar to disable the tin can alarm wire culling, for cinematic purposes
Fixed tin can alarm triggered multiple times when crossed while mounted to a vehicle
Make sure you can't adjust the wire slack if you don't have a pending wire, will limit accidental slack changes
Fixed IO counter showing 1 by default instead of 0
▇▄▄▅▍ ▆▊▅▌▌▅▊ ▅▆▉▅▇ ▉█▉▆▋▊▉ ▆█▆▇▍▅▍▍ ▇█▅█▇▍▉▅▊, ▌▋▌▌▊▋▇ ▋▌▆▉█▍▅▉▇█▌ ▉▍▇▅▋▍▆ ▇▋ ▄▅▋█▍ ▆▍▇▄▋▋▉
Fixed ConversationManager Update NRE
▅▍▇▊█ ▌▊▍▆ ▅▅▊█▍▉▋▇▄▋▌▊▉█▆▌▍▍▄_▇█▄▌▆▉▍
merge from firemode_improvements
Fixed LTDescrOptional NRE error caused by retro TC screens
Removed AmbientLightLOD components from the search light, fixing spotlight intensity issues
merge from demorecorder_ui_improvements
Fixed occlusion culling setting always turning itself back on when opening the game
merge from doorcontroller_fixes
Fixed IOEntity editor tool spawning wires with missing materials
merge from wire_slacking/optimisations
Fixed player deployed elevators not draining batteries (had no input set to main power slot)
Fixed IO hoses material fuckery again, unity didn't like the renames
Set the device ID config UI input field to alphanumeric, so it behaves like computer station and ignore any special characters
merge from wireisolation_fix
Fixed RF receiver gibs scale
merge from searchlight_fixes2
Fixed some IO prefabs missing their main power slot input
merge from wire_slacking/optimisations
Fixed small and medium non-animated neon signs culling issue
merge from serverevent_commands
merge from spawnview_command
Removed unused retro TC localization tokens