
205 Commits over 305 Days - 0.03cph!

5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
merge from tincan_alarm
5 Months Ago
Fixed ConversationManager Update NRE
5 Months Ago
▅▍▇▊█ ▌▊▍▆ ▅▅▊█▍▉▋▇▄▋▌▊▉█▆▌▍▍▄_▇█▄▌▆▉▍
5 Months Ago
merge from firemode_improvements
5 Months Ago
Fixed LTDescrOptional NRE error caused by retro TC screens
5 Months Ago
Removed AmbientLightLOD components from the search light, fixing spotlight intensity issues
5 Months Ago
merge from demorecorder_ui_improvements
5 Months Ago
Fixed occlusion culling setting always turning itself back on when opening the game
5 Months Ago
merge from swapitems_fix
5 Months Ago
merge from doorcontroller_fixes
5 Months Ago
Fixed IOEntity editor tool spawning wires with missing materials
5 Months Ago
merge from wire_slacking/optimisations
5 Months Ago
Fixed player deployed elevators not draining batteries (had no input set to main power slot)
5 Months Ago
Fixed IO hoses material fuckery again, unity didn't like the renames
5 Months Ago
Set the device ID config UI input field to alphanumeric, so it behaves like computer station and ignore any special characters
5 Months Ago
merge from wireisolation_fix
6 Months Ago
Fixed RF receiver gibs scale
6 Months Ago
merge from searchlight_fixes2
6 Months Ago
Fixed some IO prefabs missing their main power slot input
6 Months Ago
merge from wire_slacking/optimisations
6 Months Ago
Fixed small and medium non-animated neon signs culling issue
6 Months Ago
merge from serverevent_commands
6 Months Ago
merge from spawnview_command
6 Months Ago
Removed unused retro TC localization tokens
6 Months Ago
Pressing R to reset debug cam now reset roll immediately regardless of any camlerp value
6 Months Ago
merge from spawnview_command
6 Months Ago
Added another 0.25m to the seismic sensor range forgiveness, following CS 98678
6 Months Ago
merge from wire_slacking/optimisations
6 Months Ago
merge from wire_slacking/optimisations
6 Months Ago
Fixed demo recorder off-centered popup
6 Months Ago
merge from demorecorder_ui_improvements
6 Months Ago
compile fix
6 Months Ago
merge from wire_slacking/optimisations
6 Months Ago
merge from demorecorder_ui_improvements
6 Months Ago
Merge from fluid_combinersplitter_fix
6 Months Ago
merge from electricalheater_fix
6 Months Ago
merge from electricalheater_fix
6 Months Ago
merge from wire_slacking
6 Months Ago
merge from pipette_skin
6 Months Ago
merge from io_seismic_sensor
6 Months Ago
merge from electricity_sideinputs_drain_fix
6 Months Ago
merge from pipette_skin
6 Months Ago
Minor change to the seismic sensor description
6 Months Ago
Updated large medkit description to include the 100% chance of recovery from wounded state
6 Months Ago
Compile fix
7 Months Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2/doorcontroller
7 Months Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2/doorcontroller
7 Months Ago
Merged doorcontroller_mergefix into main
8 Months Ago
Merged doorcontroller_mergefix into main