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vm water bottle anim update
mesh tweak to stop seeing through neck of bottle
Fixed occasional vegetation reverse shadow proj showing up on walls when using flashlight in darkness
Merged back fixed version of
m429 changes: made the rear sight larger so ADS has a better sight picture, fixed some bugs on the worldmodel
Added batching to non-moving parts of shop fronts
Fixed building parts occasionally not disabling after being batched (causing draw call performance issues)
Forced sign shader recompile
Fixed fantastic graphics preset having fucked up shadow cascade settings
Fixed a bunch of items not being for sale
Fixed legacy LODGroup on code locks not disabling when pooled
Fixed Racing Stripes Chest Plate not being for sale
tweaked revolver view model animations
Fixed inventory NRE on startup
Fixed LODs showing in workshop
Added Viewmodel viewer in Workshop
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fix for crude barrel drops
downsized furnace cookie
added furnace light dancing
Merged blend layer shader changes
Fixed name tags on sleepers sometimes not disabling completely
increased watercatcher health
water catchers catch way more water (from fog)
Disabled PropRenderer.Update
prepare prefabs (dropped waterbottle fix)
Server update schema periodically
Various script optimizations
crates no longer display health
waterpurifier costs 10 cloth instead of 15
fish & provides some minor hydration
water bottle world model drop + LODS
water bottle holdtype
Reduced mesh decal renderer update overhead
cheap fix for buggy flashlights
fixed repair bench consuming components anyway
vm water bottle anim updates
food gives very little to no water
bota bag cheaper again
can no longer drink salt water directly from ocean (gives warning)
drink option more easily visible when aiming at streams or lakes
updated techparts/tarp icon
metal frags drop less frequently than wood in barrels
lowered metal frag amount
Added pooling to client side lock entities
Fixed client side socket handles sometimes not destroying
reduced water bottle deploy time
fixed silencer icon showing overtop of revolver icon
vm water bottle prefab update
Bullet flyby playback improvements + sound tweaks
Fixed occlusion weirdness on a few sounds
Fix some weapons playing 3rd person reload sounds on deploy
Tiny bit of misc sound polish
water bottle now has a gross dirty water viewmodel and can be filled
can no longer action-drink from water bottles or bota bags - must equip
updated item descriptions of water containers to specify their usage
another potential fix for empty boxes
barrels drop 3x as much wood, and drop metal frags instead of 1x crude
potential fix for weird shadows from viewmodel when using flashlight