5,292 Commits over 2,345 Days - 0.09cph!
Tweak rendering distances
Updated error report urls
Dev - holding F6 down will draw collliders
Warn if using the wrong unity version
If sign texture isn't set or doesn't exist then unlock the sign for editing (for old saves)
Added giveall (admin give item to everyone on server)
Added giveto (admin gve item to specific player)
Fuck it, you can have woundedLoopSound back when you can implement it safely
Fixed NRE in MixerSnapshotManager with woundedSnapshot
Changed all instances of "Unnammed" to "Unnamed"
Fixed it being incredibly difficult to add a floor to the top of a wall
Fixed holster sometimes being called twice, causing building block snapping to stop working
Let player walk up the new steepish stairs
Disabled animation import on building blocks
Fixed fog in ViewModels scene
Fixed missing trees in PlayerModel
Deleted a bunch of unused crap
TerrrainPathConnect error in TestLevel
Tweaked dev item give screen
restart command can take a reason
Fixed corpse looting
Dev/Admin - press F5 to see info on what looking at
Ragdoll react to bullet/hit
Fixed not always admin in editor (for proper)
Fixed GameTrace hitting triggers
Fixed server projectile not getting cleaned in editor
Added Vince's L/U type stairs
And the same for foundation triangle/steps
Foundations use old block collisions until mesh is fixed
Window bars collider changes properly (apart from toptier but it's on Vince's list)
Fixed building effects not showing
Cleaned up sign code
Painted textures are stored by CRC
Client caches painted textures to disk
Shooting optimizations
Sign deploy exploit fix
Fixed signs being able to support each other floating in the air
Fixed not failing to connect properly when server full
Fixed some blueprints being usable in belt bar
Player is always a developer in editor
Fixed player animation params sometimes being infinity
Don't draw on sign if mouse button is still held down from menu selection
Decal shader ignores uv < 0
Merged MeshPaint into main
Fixed hitting tree noise generators
Tweaking quality settings
Fixed barricades missing placement guides
Added decal.scale server convar
Optimized PrefabAttribute lookups (doesn't create any objects now)
Don't decay landlocked blocks
Added ddraw.box
Fixed not being able to place triangle foundation on terrain
Clientside IsDeveloper() fixes
Fixed parachute cull distance
Fixed server autoupdating on startup