7,315 Commits over 2,345 Days - 0.13cph!
Downed rain collision quality
Can throw melee weapons while running
Sentry NRE fix
Replaced rain particles
Removed rain falling on glass in front of eyes effect
Doors open/close 2x faster so sharrap
Sentry + ak worldmodel now uses new AK model
Removed unused textures/models
Resized some oversized textures
LookAt perf tweaks
Tweaked anim events to prevent delete component in a callback errors
Updated RustBuilder to 5.3.1p3
Merging spherecast LookingAt in
Fixed missing official servers
Fixed missing official servers
lookat uses spherecast instead of ray
Load modded/community server list from single source, to avoid ddosing ourselves
Simplified player colour skin lut
Implemented goosey's silencer model
Implemented goosey's holosight model
Command line -connect test
Print command line during bootstrap
Removed some un-needed errors
Don't receive voice chat when dead
Large water catcher is researchable
Fixed using blueprints as ammo
Fixed invisible collectables (placeholder models)
Fixed rock particles from colliding with player collider
Fixed missing textures on key lock
Moved secret debug keys to console commands (lookingat, noclip. debugcamera, drawcolliders)