19,538 Commits over 3,990 Days - 0.20cph!
Bind RenderContext.SetBlendMode
Added mix-blend-mode to styles
Renderer support for mix-blend-mode: lighten + multiply
Fix warnings
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Cleaning up, separating weapons
Delete old deathmatch folder
Disconnect if can't create gamemode
Delete lasereyes gamemode
Update Access
Added BaseWeapon.TraceBullet
Fixed TraceResult.Direction wrong direction
Entity.Owner is now a player - can use OwnerEntity to get it as an entity
When setting Parent, if new parent entity is the world, will behave correctly
Update baseaccess.txt
Initial commit
Addon text
Rough baseline
Don't include shared/decals.cpp
Moving these out of source control since they're part of sbox_game now
Remove some more debug spam
Made previews a bit more modular
Added NetworkClass.NetworkDirty
Network CurrentTool
Put addon name in generated source
Don't print results of command line commands
Addon ProjectGen, ignore some dumb warnings
Chat prints in server console
Fixed some warnings in addons
Reduce console spam
Simplifying network write/read
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix loading screen closing too early when joining a server
Update steam dedicated server files
Dedicated server console input to managed
Don't print a load of shit on startup
Fixed pGameProps crash
Run command lines after bootstrap::init
Delete StandardPlayerAnimator.cs
Dedicated status in title
NavMesh path fix
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed some serverside convars not getting captured
Remove debug output
Clamp surface hit volume
Lets manually set the frametime in PreWorldUpdate
More debug
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Physics impact sounds test fix
Surface sound hit debug
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed shaders/gentxtfiles.cmd
Navmesh pathing WIP
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update baseaccess.txt
Added logger warning with exception
Initial Hotload unit tests
Test hotload convert simple Action/Func
RconListener issue warnings instead of errors
Added ActionNonSimple hotload test
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed exception in RunCommandFromClient
Cleaning up gameglue
Fixed UI being offset in console
Fixed menu background image size
Add navmesh to testmap
Initial NavMesh binds
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed drone material
Physics impact sound tweaks
Keep children sorted (will need to revisit)
Effect tweaks
Stop doing skin goo particles
Texture fixes
Texture fixes
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix decals lagging a frame behind
Adding some sounds
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Adding some textures
Fixed surface properties not hotloading
Tweak the way CombineRestitution works so we can make things bouncy
Update surfaces
delete alyx addon
Fuck impact_physics_dust
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed UI left/right/up/down not scaling
Fixed background properties not being inherited
Support for background-size: cover + contain
HotloadManager outputs exception on errors
Fix panel event exception when hotloading fucks up on Action<bool>
Allow access to Library.Spawnable
Entity Spawn Menu
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
PlayerInfo to PlayerScore
Added Tool system
Implemented physics sounds
Fixed SceneObjectUpdater leak
Added Physics.TestPointContents
Entity.InternalEntityKeyValue gets called with a list of map entity keyvalues
Added [HammerProp] for setting entity properties from hammer/fgd shit
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
removing a bunch of unused stuff from vr_complex
Added Trace.HitLayer( layer )
Fixed ModelEntity.ClearCollisionLayers (takes no args)
CollisionGroup.Trigger is bullshit, just do EnableSolidCollisions = false
Water surface can be shot
Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.Enum
Clientside ragdolls float in water
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Remove unsed water stuff
Player controller swimming
Added PhysicsBody.FindClosestPoint( vec )
Added PhysicsBody.Density
Fail gracefully if Assets.Load couldn't deserialize
Added BBox.Size, Volume, RandomPointInside
Water: splashes are clientside, splash sound, objects denser than water sink, flat objects lay flat on the surface of the water
Water sounds
Update usermessages.proto