userJarryd Campicancel

11,890 Commits over 2,466 Days - 0.20cph!

4 Years Ago
Tweaked local offset of telephone vm so it's not off-screen
4 Years Ago
More player ownership checks
4 Years Ago
Readded missing PlayerModifiers component to player prefab, fixes teas not working (must have been lost in a merge)
4 Years Ago
▍▌▊▊▌▆▍ ▉▋▋▍ ▊█▊▉ ▌▉ ▌▉▅▍▊ ▌▉▊▉▆▆ ▋▊▅▅▇
4 Years Ago
unsaved comment (no actual changes)
4 Years Ago
▉▉▄▋▋█▌█ █▅▊▉▄ ▆▍ ▉▍ ▊▄▆▉ ▆▋▇▌▍▋▄▋▆ ▉█▅ ▄ █▅█▅▌ ▉▄▍▄ ▋▋▉▇ ▉▊▌ ▌▋ ▊█▄▇▋▋▍▋▋▋ ▋▆▊▆█ ▄▌ ▌▅▌ ▋▉▅▉▅▄▉▆▊▆▇▍▇ ▋▌▋▍▄ ▇▋▆▅ ▌▆ ▆▌▅▉▄ ▇▊ ▌▋▄ ▄▄▆▉▆▋
4 Years Ago
Fixed multiple vm warning log when interacting with a phone
4 Years Ago
▋█▋▆▋▌ ▅▇▇▍ ▆▉▊▊▉▇█ ▌▌█▊▄ ▍▊▌▆ ▆▆ ▅▅▆▌▅▍ ▋▉▉▆ ▌▍▄▆▅██▇ █▆▊▄▇ ▌▄ ▊▊▊▉▄ █▉▉▌▆▅
4 Years Ago
Fixed dialler UI opening in an incorrect state
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
▅▊▊ ▊▇▆▋▌▍▌ ▄▆ ▉▄█▉▆▍ ▋▆▆▇█ ▊▉▆▋▇▆ ▋▅▄ ▍▌▋█▄
4 Years Ago
▅▄▆▆█ █▌ ▌▋▄▉▊▆▄ ▄▆ ▇▋▋▉ ▍▌▄▍▇▄▍▅ ▋▅█▉ ▅▌▄▇▇▌▍▅▆▌▇▍ ▌▍▋▅▅▇ ▋▉▇▊▊▆
4 Years Ago
▄▌█▇▊ ▍▄▌▆ ▉▊▉█▍▆▋▋ ▆▊▍█▌▇▉▍█▉▊ ▊▍▍█▉▋ ▊▅▄▅▇▌ ▅▋ ▄█▋ █▇▄ ▋▌▆▋ █▌▌▅█ ▍█▆██▅ ▇▊▅▄ ▋▆'▄ ▊▉▍ ▋▌▋▌ ▍▋█▄ █▌▌▊▅▍▊▍ █▋▅▋▄█▋▉ ▋▋▊█▊ ▋▋▅▋▌▊ ▄▄ ▆▉▅▍▅ ▍▉▇▊█▅▇▌ ▌▇ ▉▌▌▇▄▆ ▅▅▅▄ ▇▊▅ ▊▌▇ ▆▊▌▆▅▄▋
4 Years Ago
Apply client-side check to make sure player doesn't get too far away from telephone while in use
4 Years Ago
Add some extra precautions to stop players getting stuck attached to a telephone after disconnecting
4 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect Free method used when returning slack calculation list to pool (fixes busted cables at monuments) Move line gizmo rendering to OnDrawGizmosSelected for better performance
4 Years Ago
Potential NRE fix in AnswerPhone
4 Years Ago
Fixed valid placement angle and added missing GroundWatch to telephone
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
▆▅▉▅▍▅ ▉▆▅ ▉▊▄▆ ▆▇▅▋ ▌▄▌▌ ▍▋▊▇▋▉▇▌, ▄▌█▊▆▋▋▌ ▆▉██▌█▄▊▆ ▄ ▅▆▇▊▄▄ ▆▇▇▇ ▍▌▅▊▅ ▇▅▊▅█ ▍▉▊ ▇█▇▊█▍ █▋ ▍ ▅▋▇▅▉▇ ▌▇▇▍▇ ▇▌█ ▇▌▆ ▉▆▇▉ ▋ ▄▊▉▍ ▆▋ █ ▋█▌▊▄ ▋▇▆ ▄▋▌▌ ▋▄▄▅▇ █▄▍▋ ▆█▆ █▇▇▋▋▉ ▊▅▅▍▉█▉ ▋ ▌▊▍▊▅▋██▋▋▍█▆▉ ▆▋▋█▍▊▅ ▊█ ▊▉█▅▋▋ ▌█▉▊▉▊ ▇▍ ▅▄▊▌▍ ▊▉▌▆
4 Years Ago
▅▍▋▇▅▊▋ ▆▊▅ ▊▍▉▅ ▉▊ ▄█▍ ▇▇▍▄ ▆▍▅▅▌▋▋█▇
4 Years Ago
▅▇▇ ▍▆▍▌ ▆█▇▅▇▅▅▅█
4 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to research items with redirects When researching a redirected item a blueprint for the base item will be produced (eg. researching a spacesuit will produce a hazmat blueprint)
4 Years Ago
Ensure text exists before applying curve modifier
4 Years Ago
▊▅▍▇▌ ▉▊▊▌▋▄▆▆▋ ▊▇▇ ▆▋▅▄▇▅ ▋▇ ▍▊▋▌▍▄▄▄▄ ▍▉ ▊▉▌▉▆ ▊▆▆▋▇▊▇▆▉ ▋▄▍▌, ▅▆▄▅▍▍▌ ▍▌▍ ▋▄▅▆▌▅▋▋█▅
4 Years Ago
▄▌▆ ▄█▋▆▅▋█ ▆█▉ ▆▍▊▌▊▊▋▍ ▅▍█ ▆▇▌▅▉▅ ▊▋▊▍▉█▋ ▌▊ ▍██▊▅▆█▇ ▇▅ █▊▊ ▆▊▍▍▍▋▌▅ ▌▅▊▊▋▉ ▋▉
4 Years Ago
▉▍▅█▄▄ ▍▊▇▆ ▄▅█▊▌ ▌▊▋ ▊▊▉██▇▍▇▆
4 Years Ago
▄▋█▆▊ ▆█▅▆ ▍▇▇▋
4 Years Ago
Lowered shader lod level of the lit text shader used on skull trophies (300 -> 100)
4 Years Ago
Changed skull text face colour and moved it out slightly on the default trophy
4 Years Ago
Admintime now works in the editor (only checks at intervals so it's a bit less responsive than when in pure client mode)
4 Years Ago
Revert SpawnHandler change
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
Tweaked positioning of label on default trophy and table trophy
4 Years Ago
Changed skull trophy text material to a lit version so it responds to light
4 Years Ago
Fixed merge issues
4 Years Ago
Added demo.startrecordingcamera and demo.stoprecordingcamera to manually record camera movements to a file, not synced to a demo
4 Years Ago
Added demo.togglenvg
4 Years Ago
▍▄▊▍▇▊ █▉▍▆▍▄ ▋▆▆▇ ▄▊ ▋▆▉▋▍ ▊▆▊▋ (▅▍ ▍█▄▅▆▋ ▇▍██▊▍▊ ▄▄▌▍▅▆ ▆▄▇ ▊▊▅▋▆▄▍▊▋▌)
4 Years Ago
Elevator uses 5 power at all times instead of changing power consumption based on whether it's being used or not
4 Years Ago
Remove some extra dlls
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
▇▍▋█▆▉ ▆▄ ▄▊▌▉▍▊▇▍▅▆▉ ▉▉▄▋▅▉▅▋▌ ▍▇ ▌▆▇▄▇▄▅▋▆
4 Years Ago
Manifest and protocol update
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
Save the animation out if stopping mid-demo while using the PlayAndRecordCamera command Fail gracefully if the animation file can't be found when using PlayWithRecordedCamera
4 Years Ago
Fix NRE in when disabling MainCamera
4 Years Ago
▄▆▄'▅ ▊▋▄▇ ▄▋▅ ▇▆▉▊▇ ▄▄▇▅ ▌▅▄▌▊ ▄▅ ▊▊ ▄▍▌ ▋▄ ▄▉▄█ █▊█ ▆▊▅ ██▆'▌ ▊█▅▍▋▆ ▅▌ (▅▆█▊▊ ▇▋▍▋▆▉)