userJarryd Campicancel

11,890 Commits over 2,466 Days - 0.20cph!

3 Years Ago
▍▉▌ ▇▄▇▇ ▌▊▋ ▆▆▇▌▉█▌▌▆▍ ▆▌▄▄▄ ▄▄▍ ▋▍▉▍▄▉▄ ▉▄ ▊▍▍▄▆▅▇▍▍ ▊▇▉▍▍█▅▄
3 Years Ago
▇▆▅▅▊ █▍▇▉ █▉█▊▇▌▌▇▅▆/▉▄▊
3 Years Ago
▌▍█▍▅▉ █▌█▄▌▊ ▍▌▅▆▍▉▅▅▍
3 Years Ago
Added support for "dof_mode 2" that sets the focal distance based on distance from the camera to the parented entity, dof_focus_dist is still used and treated as an offset Added a new "graphics.dof_focus_target" convar that overrides which target the new mode uses for it's distance calculation
3 Years Ago
Merge from camera_recording
3 Years Ago
Merge from demo_toggle_nvg
3 Years Ago
Fix NRE when a player changes clothing in a demo
3 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to record multiple camera animations in a single demo session startRecordingCamera will now fail if a name isn't provided
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
▍▄▉ ▇█▋▌▇▇▋ ▆▇▇ ▍▆▉▌▄▋▉▊▆ ▌█▅▌▋▅█ ▊█ ▌█▄ █▋▆▊▋▅ █▍▆▅ ▍▅▅▄▋█▊▌▆ ▅▄▋▅▄▅▊▍
3 Years Ago
▌█▆▅▇ ▇▌ "▋▋▄▍▋▇▌▍ █▊▄ ▍▇▌▅▍ ▇▇▆▌" ▅█▇▋▆ ▋▇ ▆▉▆▍▋▋▅▍ ▊▌ ▊▊ ▇▉▍ ▊▇▋▆▆▆ ▋▉▍▌▅▉▊▇█▇ ▊▍▄▉█ ▆▋▆ ▆▅ ▍█▄▊ ▊▌ ▆▆▌ ▄▍▄█▅▉ ▍▇▄▉ ▅█▉ ▆▉▄▊ ▆▍██▉ ▉▄▄▆ ▆▉▇ ▅▆▇███ ▇▊▉▍▄▉▌ ▊▋▄▋ ▇▆█▉ ▍▊▆ ▋▇ ██▄█▌▇▇▍▍▆ ▋▄▄▌▆█▅▇ ▍▍ ▉▍▋ ▍▇▍▍▅▋ ▆▊▄▊ ▅▄▌ ▉▄▅▋ ▅▌▋█▆▋▆ █▅▅▋
3 Years Ago
▋▍▌ ▋█▊▍▋█▇█▅ ▍▌▉▆▋▌▌ ▉▉▊▉▊
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
█▋▄▋ ▅█▊▋▋▅▅ ▆▇▉▋ █▍▅▉
3 Years Ago
█▆▊▆▆▊ ▋▋▉█▊▊ ▍▉▇▆▄ ▌█▇'█ ▋▌ ▄▉▊▇▄ █▌▅▉▉▌▍ ▋▇▊▊ ▉▇ ▍▇▌▅
3 Years Ago
▍▍▍▄▌ ▋▇▆▇ ▄▍▍▇
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Show a warning in the skin inspector if a skin has a duplicate ID and display the next available ID
3 Years Ago
Show a button to fix prefab and viewmodel names on Skinnable asset
3 Years Ago
Merge from demo_toggle_nvg
3 Years Ago
Fix NVG being turned off whenever a player changes clothing during demo playback
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Ignore phone and midi client folders in plastic
3 Years Ago
▉▆▋ ▊▉ ▌▅▆█▅▅█ ▇▊█▊▍▇▍▋▅ ▉▍▄▌▋ ▋█▋ ▅▌▄▊█▄ ▍▆▄▋▌▆▅ ▊▍▆▌
3 Years Ago
Added an option for phone booths to append their grid code to their name (eg. G4, C2) so we can place them at monuments that are placed multiple times (like gas stations and super markets)
3 Years Ago
▇▋▊ ▋▇▌▄▅ █▉▌ ▊▌▉▆▊▇▊█▅▋▋▉▉ ▇▊▉▋▇ ▄▅▆ ▅▄█▉ ▌▌ ▅▄ ▆▊▉▉ ▋▉▇▅▄▊▋ ▋▄▋▍ ▉▆▅ ▇▊▇▇▌ █▇▉▉▋▄▊▋ ███ ▌▅▆▍▌▌ (▇█▋) ▋▆█ ▆█▄▍▆ ▋▉ ▉▋▍▌▅▆▅▍ ▉▅
3 Years Ago
Add delete and backspace key support for code lock UI
3 Years Ago
Fixed skull spike skins not being applied when picking up with hammer
3 Years Ago
Fixed death screen respawn button spacing when connecting to a server while dead
3 Years Ago
▅▉▆ ▊▌ █▋▄▄▇ ▉▄▄ █▌▅▉
3 Years Ago
▄▍▍ ▅▍▊▌▄▋ ▊▄▉▊ ██▍▊▅▄▆▉ ▉▇▊▄▍ ▅▇█▉▆ ▄█▊▊ ▆▅ ▄▍▇▌▊▊ █▆ ▍▍▆▋
3 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
3 Years Ago
Fix phone booths NRE when answering
3 Years Ago
▍▊▉ ▄█▆▉▍▇█▋▍ ▍▇▄█ ▌▍▊▄▊▋▊█ ▄ ▉ █▄▄▊▄▇ ▉▇█▍▄
3 Years Ago
█▇▌ ▌▍▇▅█▆ ▄▄▅▆▌ ▇▌█▆▉▊▉▉█▅ ▍▌▉ █▋▌▊▅ ▅▇ ▅▍▆▍▌ ▇▅▍▇█ ▆▆▍█ ▉█▇▉ ▇▍▉▌▍ ▋▍▅▋ ▊▊▇▇ ▍ ▄▍▋ █▉██▆▉
3 Years Ago
▋▍▇▌▋▍▍ ▍▊▆▇ ▆▌▆▌▊▇ ▅█▋▌▇▉, ▇█▊▆▇ ▇ ▌▌▋▅ ▆▇ ▋▅▉▍ █▇▉█▍▊ ▌▆▇▄▌▋▇ ▊▍▉ █▇'▍ ▇▄▋ ▉▉▋▇▉▅ ▉▌▅▉▋▅ ▍█'▇▌ ▊▋▉▇▌▇▉▄▉
3 Years Ago
▋▇▍▇▌▆▄▍▇ █▌▊ █▆ ███▍▇▍▉▌▆▊
3 Years Ago
Plants increase water quality when raining (standalone and in planter)
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Applied IO line curve calculation fix from main (fixes broken monument lines and massive editor performance drain)
3 Years Ago
Fixed phone booth collider getting stripped on server
3 Years Ago
▅▉▅▇▊ ▅ ▍▇▉▅▆▍▅ ▋▉▄▋▌▅▋▇▆ ▇▆▊▅▅▄▌ ▇▋ ▌█▍ ▆▉▉▅▉ ▊▊▌█ ▇▌ ▋▉▊▆
3 Years Ago
▅▍▋▍▋ █▄▇▇█▋ █▋▋▅▌▌ ▉▄▄ ▄▌▍▉█ ▌█▋▆ ▋▄▇▊ ▍▉█▌▌▆▉▅ ▇▇▅▋▍▍▉ ▄▄▌▇
3 Years Ago
▄▆▉▊▄ ▅ ▇▇▉▆▇▋ ▊▊▍▄▇▌▍ ▊▆▇▍█▌▍▆▄ ▊▍▌▋▆▋█ ▆▌ ▋▆▄ ▉▊▌█▊▊ ▌█▉▆▅ ▊▆ ▇▅▊▆ ▄▌▄▍▇▊▊█▊▉▌▅ ▋▅▊▊▌▅▊ ██ ▌▅ ▅▋▉▇▌▅▉▌ ▊▌▍▌ ▍ ▆▅▆▍▆▄▄
3 Years Ago
Potential NRE fix in PlayerVoiceRecorder
3 Years Ago
Fixed pickup/put down sfx not working in builds
3 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
3 Years Ago
Adjusted phonebooth road offset (was 1.2, now 1.5) to move further away from roadsigns
3 Years Ago
Show incoming call number on the ringing and call in progress UI states
3 Years Ago
Merge from main