userJarryd Campicancel

13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!

4 Years Ago
Increase elevator power usage to 10 while it's moving (uses 1 power while idle)
4 Years Ago
Fixed gib warning on loot barrels
4 Years Ago
█▄▊▋▍▆▄ ▉▆▌▆▄█ ▆▅▊█ ▇▊ ▄▍▋▉▇▄ ▌▅▆▇▋▊▊▆
4 Years Ago
Removed some debug tools
4 Years Ago
Merge from elevator_block
4 Years Ago
Even more volume tweaks
4 Years Ago
More prevent building volume tweaks
4 Years Ago
Elevators can now only be built up to 6 floors high
4 Years Ago
Deploy volume tweaks
4 Years Ago
Merge from elevator_block
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
Save lift entity between reboots, don't parent it to the lift bone Added a client only, distance gated update to manage the cable renderers Remove MoveLift RPC (not needed anymore) Consolidate cleanup calls Update parenting volume layers
4 Years Ago
Delete hi res materials folder
4 Years Ago
Merge from elevator_block
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Transfer any damage applied to the elevator lift to the elevator parent
4 Years Ago
Collider changes to allow building floor over the top of the elevator and not allow placing deployables on top of the elevator
4 Years Ago
▌▌▅ ▅▊▍▌ ▍▊▆▄ ▍█ ▌▊▉▉██▊▍▋ ▍▉
4 Years Ago
Merge from elevator_block
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Update protobuf definition numbers for easier merges
4 Years Ago
▆▇▊▅▇ ▉▊█▄ █▇▄▄▆▅██▇_▇▊▆█▄▌▅▊
4 Years Ago
▋█▉█▄ ▍▆▍▊ ▇▅▋▍▊▄▉▆█▆
4 Years Ago
▅▆▌▆▉ ▄▌█▉▍█▍▆▅▇▍▌ ▌▅▅▋▉█ █▋ ▅▊▌█▇▊█▉▅▋ (▊▌█ ▅▉▄▅▉▋ ▄▍▆▌▄▅ ▇▋ █▉█▊▌█▉█▇)
4 Years Ago
Tweaked call button colliders
4 Years Ago
Strip some colliders on the server Better EntityMenu conditions
4 Years Ago
Converted call elevator functionality to use EntityLinkBroadcast Added a new EntityLinkBroadcast method that only traverses a specific type of socket
4 Years Ago
Lots of cleanup and code removal now that sockets are being used
4 Years Ago
Removed SocketMod_ElevatorRotation (no longer needed)
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Reworked elevator connections to use construction sockets instead of bounds overlaps
4 Years Ago
Fixed a case where elevators wouldn't notify neighbours if they were killed via a kill command
4 Years Ago
Elevator now inherits from StabilityEntity instead of AnimatedBuildingBlock
4 Years Ago
Tweaked prevent building volumes to prevent being able to build a floor at half height through an elevator
4 Years Ago
Convert the lift section of the elevator into it's own entity
4 Years Ago
Updated elevator description
4 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to rotate elevator block
4 Years Ago
Fixed hurt trigger starting active Fixed hurt trigger applying damage incorrectly in listen server
4 Years Ago
Update fence collider layer
4 Years Ago
Tweaked prevent building volume to stop blocking wire tool access
4 Years Ago
Add a hurt trigger to the bottom of the lift to kill any players that get stuck under it
4 Years Ago
Lift mesh is now marked as wood so it uses correct hit effects
4 Years Ago
▍▊▄▌▋▋▇ ▌▄▉ ▋▌▇▅█▌ █▄▅ ▇▉▊▇▉▆▉█ ▅▅▆▆▅▉▅▍ ▇▄▍▍▌▍▌▉▄. █▅▄▊▉▍ ▇▄ ▉▌▄ ▇▆█▊▅▆▆ ▊▋ ▇▉▆▅ ▅▅▌ █▅▆▇▋ ▄▇▄▅█▌▉▅ ▍▆▊▊/▅▉▄▉/▇▋▉▋▅▋▋▌ ▌▍██▅▌▍▆█.
4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops
4 Years Ago
▍▄▊█▌▍█▌▋ ▌▆▆▍▄▄▊▉▌ ▄▉ ▆ ▅▄▌▄▆▋▌▉▊▉▊▋▅▆▆▇▉ ▉▋ ▇▆▇▌ █▇ █▉▇▋▅▅▄█ ▊▋▍▋▇ ▉▆ ▉▆▄▇▊▉▌ ▌ ▋▆▄▆▇▅▄▋▆ █▊▌▅ ▉▌ ▉▇▉▆█ █▆▉'▅ ▄█ ▌▄▆▉▋▌▉▋
4 Years Ago
Fix editor scene error when selecting an IOEntity with a null output array
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▇▉▅▇ ▊▊▆▆ ▅▍▉ ▇▉█▉██▋ ▍▊ ▉▍ ▆▅▉▄█ ▋▆▊▊▇