13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!
Remove topFloor bool from save data, use a flag instead
Fixed a couple of cleanup issues
▊▄▊▆▇ ▆▍▋▉▅▌ █▅▌▄▇▇▊▋ ▊▍▊▇ ▇▄▌▅▊▌▊/▌▍▋▌▋▋▄▋
Fixed protection type on elevator so it can take damage
▊▍▌█▉▋ ▅▋▄ ▊▍▇▇ ▋▆ ▌▋▅ ▊▅▇▊ ▊▍▊▆▋, ▆▋█ ▇▍▅ ▋▇▊▋ ▄▅▋▊▇▇▆▄ (▄▊▇▍▌▉)
▄▊▅▆▅▌▋▆▍ ▇▅▉▊▆ ▉▆▆▉ ▊▋▆█ ▉▊▉ ▊▌▉█▉▍ ▊▋▋ ▍▉▍ ▇▄▅ ▌▄▋▅▉▅▇ ▇▌ ▋▇▇▅█▊ (▊▅▉▊█▄▅▌▇, ▇▉▌▌ ▆▍▆▍▉█ ▌▅▊▇ ▅█▇▉▋▋ ▅▊▉▆▅ ▇█▇▊ ▉▅ ▋▆█▌▍)
Merge from SecretLabChair
▊▉▉'█ ▉▄▇▋ ▌▅▍▉█▍ ▌▊▄▅▉ ▌▌▇▉▆ ▉▆ ▊▅▅▉▌▌▆▋ ▊▋▍█ ▄▍ ▇▊▇█▌▄▇
Prevent building layer fix
▄▋█▌▆█▄ ▆█▄▋ ▅█▇▋ ▋▋▆ █▋█▊▄ ▆ ▆▇▄▇ ▆▅▋▄▄▊ ▊▊ █▇█▆▄▌▊ ▅▇▇▇ ▊▉▍▆
▉█▋▊▋▉▉ ▋▇▋▄█ ▋▌▄ ▅▇▊█▇▆█▍
▄▅▄▇▇▊ ▅▅ ▆▇▇▊ ▄▇▇▉ ▍▄ █▍▅ ▅▋▉▄▄▇▄▋▉ ▄▉▆ ▊▍▉▌▄
Fixed some lod/culling issues on the cables
Elevator will now adjust the lift position if a piece of the elevator shaft is removed that causes the lift position to become invalid
Fixed incorrect parenting on oversized button colliders
Update neighbouring elevator states when an elevator piece is killed/picked up
Fixed some neighbour detection edge cases
Fixed elevator IO name not displaying
Fixed being able to pickup an entity without a hammer even if require hammer is enabled
Fixed loot barrel gibs not using the correct material
▉▄▆ ▆▉▋▇▅ ▆█▊▌ ▉▌ ▉▉▌▅▋ ▊▍▆▊▅ ▊▊▊▆▅ ▆▅ ▆▉▄▉▉ ▍▊▄█▅ ▊ ▋▆▉██▆▄█▆▌ ▆▅ ▊▆▇▄▉ ▌▄▅▄▄ ▇▇▇▉▇
Fix kayaks not decaying at the intended rate
█▅▇▉▇▅▆▊ ▍▉▋ ▌▍▌▊▊ ▉█▄▅ ▇▊▅ ▋▄▆ ██▊█▅▅▋▇▅ ▇▉▆█▅█▅▆▅ ▇▋▇ ▌█▍ ▅▊▊ ▊▆▋▄ ▊█▄▊▋ ▍█▇ ▊▅▊▊▆▄▆▍▍▋▆▇.▍▇▇▍▊▄▋▇▉█▄▄▇▇ ▍▋▇█▊▅
▌▆▆▌▍ █▍▅▉█ ▉█▍▆▉▋ ▆▉▍▄▍ ▍▊▊ ▋▇▌▊▌▄▄ ▇█▆▄▆▅ ▆▍ █▅▆▉▌▋▄▆ ▋▅▉▋▇█▄▊ ▍▊▉▅▊
Boom box now requires power in slot 0 to work, slot 1 is now used to toggle on/off
Icon and description typo fixes
Added an IOEntity child to the elevator to handle powered state
Fixed some save/load issues
Can now be deployed on floor/foundation as well as floor frames
Moved prefab position back to above pivot
Update collider positions and other components based on new prefab position
█▉▄ █▋▉▋▄▉▉ ▋▍▍ ▍▇▋▉▊▉▌▌▍ ▍ ▄▅▄▅ ▋█ ▅ ▅▅▄▌█
▉▌▆▅▇ ▌ ▌█▍▇▍▌▉▉▇ ▍▅ ▌▋██▊▍▆ ▊▇▄▊ ▇▇▊▍▄█▋▍ ▆█▅ ▄▍ ▉▍▋ ▅▆▉▅▄ ▆▄▆▆█▍ ▌▌ ▄█▍ ▋▅▄▊▋▄ ▋▅▋█▊ ▊▊▋█ ▍▋▆▄█ ▋▌▊▅▇▇ ▊▊█ ▌ ▄▆▍▆▆▌ ▉▆ ▄▅██ ▇▉▉█
Better rotation socket mod check
Kill parenting volume if elevator is destroyed
Spawn a separate entity to parent players for smooth movement
Add up/down button support and call to floor support
Ensure blocks are the same rotation, some conditional model stuff
Prefab and item setup, WIP code
▌▆▌▍▊ ▊▋███▊▋▆█ ▄▅▍ ▆▅▌▇▍▊▍▇ ▉▄▇▌▋▄▆▇▊▇ █▆▍▋▉ ▆▆▇█ ▉▌▅▋▋ ▍▆▄▆▌▊ ▍▉ ▌▊▄ ▊█▊▋▇█
Put gib override inspector behind a foldout (tied to an EditorPref so it can be toggled off/on project wide and the setting is remembered)
▊▄▊▅▍ ▊ ▇▌▋▇█ ▄▍ ▇▋▌ ▋▆▄▆▌▉▆▇ ▊▋▄█▄▄▍▇ ▉▊▋▍▌▄▆▊ ▉▆ ▅▉▌ ▆▆▉▄ █▄█▌▋▌ ▄▋▆█▆▉