userJarryd Campicancel

14,071 Commits over 2,772 Days - 0.21cph!

6 Years Ago
WIP implemention of a blueprint file that can store and load configurations of props Asset files, gameconfig setup, load blueprint on new session Can start with starting furniture from new game menu Blueprint saves ground paint states Save wall rotations Refactored blueprint system Merge branch 'master' into grounded WIP grounded default furniture Fix entrance not being included in blueprint More blueprint stuff
6 Years Ago
Blueprint saves ground paint states Save wall rotations Refactored blueprint system
6 Years Ago
WIP implemention of a blueprint file that can store and load configurations of props Asset files, gameconfig setup, load blueprint on new session Can start with starting furniture from new game menu
6 Years Ago
Codegen Fix ships stats not updating when game is run from main menu Fix errors when accepting contracts before placing a starting expansion Replaced routes modal tutorial Water and power can now run indefinitely over distance Lowered new and contract stickers on entity purchase buttons Fixed contract highlights on right side of bottom bar always highlighting
6 Years Ago
Add grounded backdrop scene
6 Years Ago
Tech tree inspector now displays some warnings about any misconfigured techs Cleaned up some deprecated stuff on the tech tree Don't show decals in build menu, more tech cleanup Disabled balloons on a bunch of expansions
6 Years Ago
Delete prefabs on build menu Jenkins Disable net manager
6 Years Ago
Converted some tooltips to TextMeshPro Fixed being able to place overlapping boarding gates Update research contract Ships now depart after an hour even if all passengers haven't boarded Fix manifests being generated outside of the content folder Can now rebuild all manifests Don't end the day until all ships have departed Callback for assets being created Manifests are now automatically udpated when creating an asset in the Content folder via the Creator tool Fixed passengers lining up in the wrong direction on security checkpoints
6 Years Ago
Trying out a new passive research system Merge branch 'grounded' into passive_research WIP tech ordering system Particle effect for research points earned Show points per minute on the tech panel
6 Years Ago
Citizen update Update chairs and sofas with new citizens models New cash register props Swatch creator window Enable mannequins WIP retail props - snowglobe stand WIP new retail purchase logic Hooking some text up Merge branch 'master' into grounded New research station prop Research lab room area, buffs research rate with luxury Control tower icon for airline contracts panel
6 Years Ago
Citizen update Update chairs and sofas with new citizens models New cash register props Swatch creator window Enable mannequins WIP retail props - snowglobe stand WIP new retail purchase logic
6 Years Ago
Better passenger inspector Chairs now replenish fatigue, disabled beds Disabled cabins and sleeping rooms New archway, updated icons Some small QOL improvements to EntityInspector Show progress of contract optional objectives
6 Years Ago
Better ship entrance Build fixes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Removed some ship references Jenkins project version
6 Years Ago
Don't run quests Smartobjects can now specify a specific type of required worker WIP Security checkpoint Disable baggage stack prop, include security checkpoint in tutorial Contract tweaks Trying out optional objectives on airline contracts Notification when completing optional objectives Can mark which metrics to use in objectives New metrics for checking in and security
6 Years Ago
New sub categories Update expansion previews Tooltip when hovering over blimps
6 Years Ago
Fixed case where background props wouldnt be disabled by expansions Props can disable background props Enforce maximum contracts count Show active contracts in contracts menu Can now override notification sprite Pop a notification when an airline contract is completed
6 Years Ago
Hooked up last few bits of flight scheduling, fixed flights not leaivng if they are late UI tweaks, show current hour on UI WIP conditions/metrics for tutorials More tutorial flow Don't show weight on purchaseable details
6 Years Ago
WIP schedule management
6 Years Ago
WIP airline contracts Airline contract panel acceptance Acceptance logic Disable background props that are covered up by buildings Fixed grid manager not updating Contracts expire, more ship handling
6 Years Ago
Models for ship gate Stop adjusting shadow distance at runtime Better backdrop grass texture and directional light settings New archway that only lets checked in passengers pass, bug fixes Tweak to prop heat calculation
6 Years Ago
Fix ships being able to disembark early
6 Years Ago
Check in counter model WIP car drop off Better car drop off curve More cars
6 Years Ago
Ticked DM's are now updated every frame, FindEntity can now sort by prop heat Better landing logic Better take-off logic Fixed a serialisation issue on ShipGates, manifests
6 Years Ago
Smartobjects now have a fallback interact duration if no NeedReplenisher is available Can skip security stage via unit settings Some line logic tweaks Wall mounted ship entrance, force AI tick when an AI is spawned Disable helium tank Incoming ships text display WIP incoming flights UI Fixed boarding state not being incremented
6 Years Ago
WIP passenger check-in flow
6 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to delete engines Female mannequin Unsaved New chandelier prop Jenkins Merge branch 'master' into grounded Disable weight consideration Flight status widget
6 Years Ago
Trying out a new passive research system
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to delete engines Female mannequin Unsaved New chandelier prop
6 Years Ago
Rotation fixes, rider updates Better ship gates
6 Years Ago
Don't run talk chains on game start Fixed case where some wall pieces would remain visible after pucharsing an expansion Store enitties by tag to make filters run a bit faster WIP retail stuff Show register requirement when mousing over a retail prop Manifests update Props can now whitelist what unit types can use them Dummy humans spawned on interaction points are now using proper Citizen model New clothes stand model, new dress stand New PropBuffer prop type, buffs nearby props Put some clothes on the mannequin Merge branch 'master' into grounded WIP blimp movement
6 Years Ago
gitignore Can now double click to load a save Fixed some memory leaks in MeshInstancing Mesh instance doorway frames Fixed wall mounted rubbish bin showing full all the time Removed light on fire Fixed painted trims getting doubled up Trying out some props on the globe Improved world ship rotation Better starting expansion text Fixed some issues when placing pipes and power circuits Better assign ship route tutorial wording Replace passenger type icon with text on route option popup Disable threaded line of sight query, was crashing game Fixed placement of price dropdown on smart objects Move ship stats to a prefab Lowered specular on all citizen props Water leaks can't be triggered until player finishes plumbing contract Q now snaps then rotates a prop by 90 degrees Analytics Linux vdf Fix bottom trim colour not working after a load Fixed some job cleanup logic Reduced wall sconce light radius Fallback to stop units getting stuck in sitting state Better interaction point positions for Chess Table, Dining Table, Diner Booth, Toilet Added an indicator for props that are out of stock Stockpiles now restock when ship is idling Log passenger counts to analytics Log Quest completion NetPlayer NRE Move control prompts out of Content, add Ctrl-z to entity placement Better frames around the bottom bar buttons for tutorials Fixed bottom scroll gradient on entity purchasing scroller Added a zoom UI prompt after placing the first expansion Show power and water while deleting Fixed duplicate power nodes being placed Ice Cream stand setup Unsaved Update Rider plugins to 2018.3 Destroy colliders on backdrop after prefill UI is now hidden when taking a screenshot Added a post process script for citizens content Citizens update First pass on passenger talking logic Unsaved Prewarm data assets Hook up vomit animation Don't run talk chains on game start Fixed case where some wall pieces would remain visible after pucharsing an expansion Store enitties by tag to make filters run a bit faster WIP retail stuff Show register requirement when mousing over a retail prop Manifests update Props can now whitelist what unit types can use them Dummy humans spawned on interaction points are now using proper Citizen model New clothes stand model, new dress stand New PropBuffer prop type, buffs nearby props Put some clothes on the mannequin Merge branch 'master' into cinematic Convo sequence
6 Years Ago
Props can now whitelist what unit types can use them Dummy humans spawned on interaction points are now using proper Citizen model New clothes stand model, new dress stand New PropBuffer prop type, buffs nearby props Put some clothes on the mannequin
6 Years Ago
Store enitties by tag to make filters run a bit faster WIP retail stuff Show register requirement when mousing over a retail prop Manifests update
6 Years Ago
More ability work Player unit Start of ability targeting
6 Years Ago
Grid movement Obstacles Show unit AP
6 Years Ago
Don't run talk chains on game start Fixed case where some wall pieces would remain visible after pucharsing an expansion
6 Years Ago
Backdrop tweaks, starting expansion stuff Basic boarding/traffic control Codegen
6 Years Ago
First pass on passenger talking logic Unsaved Prewarm data assets Hook up vomit animation
6 Years Ago
Added a post process script for citizens content Citizens update
6 Years Ago
Selected Unit widget
6 Years Ago
Turn fixes, HUD turn indicator, TMPro
6 Years Ago
Destroy colliders on backdrop after prefill UI is now hidden when taking a screenshot
6 Years Ago
Initial commit Initial commit Basic scripts setup, folders Scenes, navigation, clothing Player controller Selection + hover management Factions Basic movement logic Project Settings Basic match turn handling, not working right now
6 Years Ago
Update Rider plugins to 2018.3
6 Years Ago
Ice Cream stand setup Unsaved
6 Years Ago
Fixed duplicate power nodes being placed
6 Years Ago
Move control prompts out of Content, add Ctrl-z to entity placement Better frames around the bottom bar buttons for tutorials Fixed bottom scroll gradient on entity purchasing scroller Added a zoom UI prompt after placing the first expansion Show power and water while deleting