14,336 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.21cph!
Standardised all purchases into an IPurchaseable interface
Fix toggle icons on paint, eyedropper and delete
Added a sortIndex to IPurchaseable to controll prop display order
Hooked up various features on EntityPurchaseWidget
Clean up a warning
Ships now start with no space, player has to build an expansion to start game
New start game contract that makes player purchase an expansion
Can now put a [CreatorObject] attribute on a parent class, not the children
WIP ship prop attachments
More ship attachments
More attachments
Moved all expansions into structural category
Merge branch 'master' into HUD
Fix UI exceptions on boot
Bump preview sizes to 512
Bump to 1024
Merge branch 'HUD' of SkyCruise into HUD
Moved all expansions into structural category
Active/Inactive Tab Icon colour
Fixed some issues preventing prop placement
Fixed purchase widgets not spawning into correct transform
Check for null categories
Cleaned up some unused purchasing logic, hooked up category switcher
Clean up a warning
Ships now start with no space, player has to build an expansion to start game
New start game contract that makes player purchase an expansion
Can now put a [CreatorObject] attribute on a parent class, not the children
WIP ship prop attachments
More ship attachments
More attachments
Can now take batch prop previews
Prop placement visual improvements
Removed/simplified some prop categories
Remove DependencyViewer
Reenabled no build box on ship entrance
Detele old prop blocker
Fixed broken ceiling light LOD
Passengers will only act on needs below 80%
Merge branch 'master' into HUD
Detele old prop blocker
Fixed broken ceiling light LOD
Passengers will only act on needs below 80%
Reenabled no build box on ship entrance
Prop placement visual improvements
Removed/simplified some prop categories
Can now take batch prop previews
Mark scenes, assets and prefabs as binary
Merge branch 'HUD' of SkyCruise into HUD
Fixed some staff issues after loading a game
Passengers can now timeout waiting for a prop to be staffed
Less spammy cash pop ups
Each balloon expansion now raises passenger capacity by 25
Added two new +25 passenger capacity tech tree nodes
Fix contract widget only being able to show 4 objectives
UI indicator to show passengers/baggage waiting to disembark
Added a 60 second timeout for ship disembark process
Unsaved change
Fixed checker and wood panel surface texture alignment
Some checks to try and catch baggage errors
Fixed exception when placing doors
Fix props getting marked as mounted on another prop incorrectly
Fix baggage not repositioning after moving baggage stack
Staff now run while moving baggage
Increased disembark timeout duration to 120 seconds
Increased month duration to 10 minutes (was 6)
Added a hover tooltip the disembarking progress UI
Fixed lightning sfx not being affected by volume setting
Fixed ship expansion tech not unlocking correctly
Stop score tracker from erroring
Changing routes no longer leaves orphaned luggage behind
Fixed placing props near disembarking passengers breaking behaviour
Disable auto id duplication detection
Can now change console shortcut from unity launcher
Moved save directory to math other FP games, old saves should be copied over
Props now support separate colliders for navigation and placement
Each prop now has a number of PropSpaceBlockers parented to it that can block placement, these blockers aren't seen by the navigation system. This is so we can create situations where a prop has some reserved space around it for units to use them, but that space is still considered walkable.
Merge branch 'master' into HUD
Added a UICompanyColourWidget and exposed company colours in cheat tool
Moved save directory to math other FP games, old saves should be copied over
Props now support separate colliders for navigation and placement
Each prop now has a number of PropSpaceBlockers parented to it that can block placement, these blockers aren't seen by the navigation system. This is so we can create situations where a prop has some reserved space around it for units to use them, but that space is still considered walkable.
Texture scroller can now work on RawImages
Disable auto id duplication detection
Can now change console shortcut from unity launcher
WIP Bundle load process
Import/Export Id matching
Disable auto id duplication detection
Merge branch 'master' into assetbundles
Fix some ids
More bundle stuff
Changing routes no longer leaves orphaned luggage behind
Fixed placing props near disembarking passengers breaking behaviour
Stop score tracker from erroring
Fixed lightning sfx not being affected by volume setting
Fixed ship expansion tech not unlocking correctly
Staff now run while moving baggage
Increased disembark timeout duration to 120 seconds
Increased month duration to 10 minutes (was 6)
Added a hover tooltip the disembarking progress UI
Fix baggage not repositioning after moving baggage stack
Fix props getting marked as mounted on another prop incorrectly
UI indicator to show passengers/baggage waiting to disembark
Added a 60 second timeout for ship disembark process
Unsaved change
Fixed checker and wood panel surface texture alignment
Some checks to try and catch baggage errors
Fixed exception when placing doors
Fix contract widget only being able to show 4 objectives
Each balloon expansion now raises passenger capacity by 25
Added two new +25 passenger capacity tech tree nodes
Fixed some staff issues after loading a game
Passengers can now timeout waiting for a prop to be staffed
Less spammy cash pop ups
Fixed walls getting damaged by fire and causing exceptions
Check if baggage stack is full before adding baggage to it
Fixed some staff nav issues
Items can now declare themselves as variants of another item
Fixed staff ahving a lower nav priority than passengers
Add rays and atmospheric scatterring to screenshot camera
Fix disembark trigger on ship entrance not working
Navmesh generation fixes
Block game input on what's new, load/save
Reworked interaction points on several larger props
Weather post process changes
Added unlock_entitlement command
Remove some logs
Increase starting power on ships
Staff changes
Service staff are now unlocked with maintenance staff
Staff contracts are now merged
Staff contract now gets player to build baggage stack
Service staff now pick up loose rubbish (they can't empty bins though)
Custom notification for water leak
Force light shadows while taking screenshots
Baggage stack can now be placed flush with wall
Can now disable auto collider population on props
Ships now start with 15 water, lowered toilet water usage
Made monthly contracts a little easier
Monthly contract now hides after it's been completed
Fixed whats new images not getting committed due to bad gitignore
Fixed doors not opening/closing correctly
"clear_autosaves" console command
Don't update save/load when saves are updated if panel doesn't have focus
Doubled max weight of all balloon expansions, rebalanced lots of prop weights
New monthly score objectives, generate an easy, medium and hard monthly goal if possible
Luggage monthly goal, better goal minimums
Spend Money monthly objectives now reward less
Fix not being able to delete destroyed props