704 Commits over 3,776 Days - 0.01cph!
Temporarily deactivated the slightly broken horizon clouds.
Colour grading for TODs and biomes.
Backup committing a few lookup tables.
Actual iceberg metas this time.
Iceberg metas and normal map fixes. Toned down the water material reflection opacity, to banish the blinding holy water.
Asset files for the remaining icebergs.
Fixed some pink materials.
Saving a colder TOD xml for the upcoming multi-biome support.
Suddenly the TestLevel coast is a bit chilly.
Added two secondary materials and textures for skin comparisons.
Improved the skin on first person arms, and main character model.
Adjusted the grass to match the trees a bit better. Slight moon tweaks.
Fixed some clutter rock LOD distances. Added cacti files. Started on some desert environment settings.
Temporarily removed the clouds while they are bugged.
Ignore.conf'ing stuff used to make tree billboard normal maps.
Burlap shader normal intensity toned down.
An icon scene with more intricate rendering/lighting setup.
Calibrated the LODing on all field trees
Field tree billboard mats and normalmap meta fix.
Proper billboard import settings, and cleaned up old clutter.
Field tree lod billboard textures
Moved the tree billboard generation scene from art branch.
New placement shader and prefabs.
Building suggestion shader v2
Improved the lantern light effect.
Lantern animation files and some cleanup.
Lantern LOD, colmesh, sound.
Sweeping terrain color changes to, among other things, get rid of the large dark brown spots. Made the grass behave better with color overlays. Toned down the AO a bit.
Made the night time sky silhouette a bit more visible and less disorientating.
Some lantern and light source related files.
Viewmodel metal shader, glass shader, rough early lantern prefab (no light yet) for world placement and a random tree prefab.
Backup committing a view model shader and some lantern files.
Fixed the terrible night stars.
More light tree and shrub files
Fixed bad translucency on forest 4's.
Shrub textures and a little cleanup.
Killed a couple of ugly ferns, and committed some shrub wips so I don't lose them again!