5,836 Commits over 3,837 Days - 0.06cph!
Fixed missing alphas on ground textures.
Lots of random scene stuff.
Tundra beach scene progress
Water, cliff shader and snow scene tweak
Cliff shader update, and merge prep.
Heightmap and spec on all the ground textures.
62 trillion brand new strands of grass. Replaces the old grass.
Water now reflects the sunlight. Terrain reflection tweaked too.
Updated the entire Trees2 folder
No broken pink stuff in test scenes.
LOD billboards for forest type 3
More snow stuff. Brrrrrrr.
Improved some awfully flat looking ground textures.
Fog, light and grass tweaks.
Slight camera and TOD tweaks.
I like big butts, and these new bushes too.
Asked the dead grass to kindly stop reflecting so much light.
Missing spec on ground textures.
Medium ground foliage progress. All affected by wind.
Prefab dependancy fixes and terrain texture spec.
Better spec on drydirt, forestground, grass and rockdark ground textures.
Forest type 3 tree prefabs, with basic LODs for performance testing.