8,340 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Savas: Added a very small buildable area. Loot improvements. Explosives shack. Public furnace and campfires.
Anti-bush topo around campfires.
Savas splats and topo. Hut entrance ramps don't hinder movement.
Savas: New loot tables from scratch, with unique crate textures. Food town is now Bullet Farm. Furnace and campfire outposts added. Airdrop frequency adjusted.
Furnace performance optimization. Added flicker to the furnace light.
Savas signs for confused noobs.
Medical loot tables. Manifest. Savas now has healing stations in all corners. Fixed missing barrels required to get on top of the monument dome.
Increased Savas silo loot respawn rate.
Fixed barrels spawning on top of each other. Removed _dm Savas version completely. (for now, it was never properly playable)
Increased loot spawn rate on Savas.
Missing loot asset file. Savas cliff topology. (No floating trees and bushes)
Slightly less overwhelming bush spawns on Savas. Added a new food crate loot type. Turned one Savas compound into a food town. Built manifest.
SavasIsland isn't missing half the decor spawns anymore.
Hapis has topomaps for barrel spawnage again.
SavasIsland_koth playable. Removed _dm from BuildSettings. (for now)
Added SavasIsland_dm and _koth to BuildSettings. (wip)
Tree-fields-bare alpha fix. Savas scene stuff.
Pre-topozone SavasIsland.
Standalone concrete barricade prefab.
Tree mat improvements. Island wip.
Cliff block, 9 & 10 cull fix.
Bush creeps can now hide from players running low quality setting.
Oak material improvements. Downsized some blank textures to 32.
Bare pine alpha branch fix.
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Savas island scene files. (wip)
Rockmats from other branch.