
8,345 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!

3 Years Ago
Arctic base preliminary
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Supermarket in desert finalization
3 Years Ago
Fixed topological issues that were unintentionally cutting off some player spawn areas
3 Years Ago
Gas station in desert finalization Fixed rock_pile.mat not being biome tinted. Presumably an oversight since it looked completely whack in the gas station cave.
3 Years Ago
Batch of buglist fixes.
3 Years Ago
Adding supermarket & gas station to the desert WIP
3 Years Ago
mf hapis_mt_ai_test
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Remaining locomotive damage states. Prefab application coming after slight mesh tweaks. TrainDecals are cutout instead of fade because they're on a single mesh all around the large train and it causes lighting issues in some circumstances
3 Years Ago
FX/Lighting/Damage iteration for locos & carriages.
3 Years Ago
Main prefab backup & related files
3 Years Ago
Lighting iteration. Decal emissiveness WIP. Exhaust, dmg, impact & coupling WIP.
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Prefab backup & related files Cleanup
3 Years Ago
Progress backup
3 Years Ago
Loco fx/light prefab backup
3 Years Ago
Loco lighting prefab WIP
3 Years Ago
Fixed mountain goat ores once and for all by now running Hapis-specific spawn tables for them, like we did in the old days. Fixed up close cliffs potentially double rendering. Tiny extra FPS maybe.
3 Years Ago
Reverting chinook oil fix until the wipe patch.
3 Years Ago
Batch of Wipeless fixes: Oil chinook, MT lighting, softcore spawns, boat spawns and more.
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Mountain goat ore fix 3/3 - should be pretty much extinct
3 Years Ago
Topo mask backup
3 Years Ago
Fixing ore placement 2/3
3 Years Ago
Greatly reducing the number of mountain goat ore spawns. 1/3
3 Years Ago
Fixed some areas that were causing inside terrain violations. Fixed some roadsigns being unharvestable statics. Few other small buglist fixes.
3 Years Ago
Fixed big oasis still not spawning proper palm tree clusters around itself.
3 Years Ago
Errn demanded ziplines down from the mainland cliffs over to the satdish island and back. More autospawn floater fixes.
3 Years Ago
Improved forest spawns in the western desert. Buncha other fixes, with emphasis on floating decor on cliff verticals in the desert.
3 Years Ago
Label fix
3 Years Ago
Fixed the new southern islands forests not spawning properly, and gave them some more ore.
3 Years Ago
More concentrated forest patches in the desert area.
3 Years Ago
Another one
3 Years Ago
Another big chunk of bugfixes. (This changeset is functional)
3 Years Ago
Debug progress/backup (Not a mergable changeset)
3 Years Ago
Improved spawns around the rivers. Various other fixes.
3 Years Ago
More buglist fixes. (This changeset is non-functional)
3 Years Ago
Buglist fixes WIP
3 Years Ago
Reverted launch site & miltun updates from latest (startup debug) Still enabled all the previously disabled groups within them, as those are probably harmless.
3 Years Ago
Fixed forests not properly spawning in the far-eastern snowy areas. Temporarily disabled some troublesome AI related things.
3 Years Ago
Forest density fix 2/2 More community fixes Updated AI related objects for MilTuns
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Fixed MilTuns & LS interiors having a bunch of missing stuff, such as lighting and more. (No AI in this changeset, to be migrated from latest)
3 Years Ago
Forest density improvements 1/2
3 Years Ago
Zipline pylons down west side.
3 Years Ago
zipline addition WIP
3 Years Ago
More topological improvements and height fixes.
3 Years Ago
Added loot to the new NW mine. Topo mask improvements.