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Supermarket in desert finalization
Fixed topological issues that were unintentionally cutting off some player spawn areas
Gas station in desert finalization
Fixed rock_pile.mat not being biome tinted. Presumably an oversight since it looked completely whack in the gas station cave.
Adding supermarket & gas station to the desert WIP
Remaining locomotive damage states. Prefab application coming after slight mesh tweaks.
TrainDecals are cutout instead of fade because they're on a single mesh all around the large train and it causes lighting issues in some circumstances
FX/Lighting/Damage iteration for locos & carriages.
Main prefab backup & related files
Lighting iteration.
Decal emissiveness WIP.
Exhaust, dmg, impact & coupling WIP.
Prefab backup & related files
Loco fx/light prefab backup
Fixed mountain goat ores once and for all by now running Hapis-specific spawn tables for them, like we did in the old days.
Fixed up close cliffs potentially double rendering. Tiny extra FPS maybe.
Reverting chinook oil fix until the wipe patch.
Batch of Wipeless fixes:
Oil chinook, MT lighting, softcore spawns, boat spawns and more.
Mountain goat ore fix 3/3 - should be pretty much extinct
Greatly reducing the number of mountain goat ore spawns. 1/3
Fixed some areas that were causing inside terrain violations.
Fixed some roadsigns being unharvestable statics.
Few other small buglist fixes.
Fixed big oasis still not spawning proper palm tree clusters around itself.
Errn demanded ziplines down from the mainland cliffs over to the satdish island and back.
More autospawn floater fixes.
Improved forest spawns in the western desert.
Buncha other fixes, with emphasis on floating decor on cliff verticals in the desert.
Fixed the new southern islands forests not spawning properly, and gave them some more ore.
More concentrated forest patches in the desert area.
Another big chunk of bugfixes. (This changeset is functional)
Debug progress/backup (Not a mergable changeset)
Improved spawns around the rivers.
Various other fixes.
More buglist fixes. (This changeset is non-functional)
Reverted launch site & miltun updates from latest (startup debug)
Still enabled all the previously disabled groups within them, as those are probably harmless.
Fixed forests not properly spawning in the far-eastern snowy areas.
Temporarily disabled some troublesome AI related things.
Forest density fix 2/2
More community fixes
Updated AI related objects for MilTuns
Fixed MilTuns & LS interiors having a bunch of missing stuff, such as lighting and more.
(No AI in this changeset, to be migrated from latest)
Forest density improvements 1/2
Zipline pylons down west side.
More topological improvements and height fixes.
Added loot to the new NW mine.
Topo mask improvements.