8,345 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Finalized miltun area geometry
Miltun surroundings sculpts
Desertified miltun finalization WIP
Miltun surroundings desert conversion
Fixed geometry around remaining cliffs
Backup time / area around waste management progress
Reworked the megacliff walkway ramps because the old style was impossible to splat with the new cliff pieces without it looking like complete crap
More west coast finalization - only remaining part of the old world.
More megacliff area / backup
Backup/west megacliff area progress
More west coast finalization
Removed terrain blending from cliffs where it isn't desired.
More west splatting.
More megacliff area finalization
Finalizing west megacliff WIP
Finalized around junkyard and beyond
Finalizing further down the west coast
Finalizing down west coast WIP
Finalized remaining bits of the east side.
South coast elevation finalization WIP
Desert-specific rock quarry material tweak
More desert boundary stuff
Finalized big lookout cliff area
East of desert progress backup
Finalizing corner east of new desert WIP
Splatting progress backup
Final satdish sculpts & cliffs
Finalizing Satdish island WIP
Sat island resculpted for the new cliffs
Finalizing down towards the new desert.