8,351 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Speechbub changes.
Placement semantics.
Various widget stuffs.
Improved UI.Conversations
Placementguide readability
UnitInspector item slot tooltips are properly aligned.
DPI tweak on our panel backgrounds.
Tooltip consistency fixes.
Fixed activitywidget animation
Changed Tooltip.Large to be an item tooltip w/ stats and such.
Icon fixes.
Maybe fixed Sebov's collapsed UI panel issue.
RadialIndicator uses the properly padded circle graphic because sampling.
RadialIndicator clashes less with outline shader
Less spammy resourcewidget until implemented.
Went over a bunch of effects for color consistency and icon stuff.
Merge hell too.
Herb stuff & icons.
Untested ContextMenuWidget
Floating resource widget for click-locking. UI.ResourceWidget.
Went back to green highlights, and testing another green build button notification fx
Some misc clarity tweaks.
More build menu & related.
SettlementInspector slide in/out doesn't adjust canvas group alpha because performance
Tweaked notification tabs
Better consistency in the "new" highlights
Fixed some "new" highlights being rendered behind tabs that had nothing new
Job assignment panel doesn't display the mood background in the 3rd redundant place on screen anymore
Construction menu category buttons (ended up kinda crappy, so subject to change)
Some other shit that I'm forgetting
Properized SettlementInfoWidget
Prater font stroked proper.
Various SettlementInfoWidget, including a deposit tween tester.
Other misc minors
Fixed shelter construction
Resource widget WIP (don't use this yet)
More shelter data.
Friendly health bars are green again.
Styled enemy health bars. (red)
gui_game that isn't all disabled.