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med assault rifle world model and lods
will need some some refinements but good enough for now
updated with viewmodel and intial textures/materials - will work on these
world model to come tomorrow all being equal
med assault rifle skin folder setup and material/texture tests - gemstone tests
Shields 4k textures and materials for paddy
updated triangle planter, fleshed out prefabs and now as a deployable
scripts may need checking over
triangle planter progress
LODs, Collison and Gibs
initial prefab setup - some extra work will revist tonight
weapon mod refresh progress
updted ReinforcedWoodShield.fbx so the strap now matches more closely to Metal shield
so a single anim set can be re-used for it
adjusted toolgun.entity lod distances to match worldmodel prefab values
to fix harsh lod transitioning
adjusted binocular lod distance to be a bit more accomodating
fixed hammer tool texture after many, many years.
no longer has nasty streak going down the side
added ao texture and fixed specular texture
cinematic 4k car radio texture and material
car radio model and textures
materials and basic prefab setup
properly set texture sizes in the import settings
added mini crossbow bolt
smaller mesh version of the wood arrow - same material
mini crossbow textures
resized too
removed the prefab just made
updated ians worldmodel prefab with new mesh
renamed VM fbx to be more consistent with prefabs
mini cross bow world model
lods and basic prefab setup w some scripts
mini cross bow mesh update
updated textures & materials
added extra loops to the bow string to allow better anims
removed unused blockout mesh and .mats
finally got deployable easels to work
will need refinement and looking over
deployable paintable easel
model and prefab progress
currently not working
deployable targets type a and type b
type a is more human-like
type b is like a dueling tree
will need a programmer to look over stuff, again
deployable target
will need a programmer to look over stuff again
chicken coup deployable test
will need looking over with an actual programmers eyes just in case
chicken coup progress
better uvs and mesh.
now has hay on the inside too.
chicken coup model
blockout with temp uv's
proper scale
removed antiquated blockout mesh
4 shot mini crossbow viewmodel mesh
merge from main - attempting check-in fix
fixed cctv gibs not receiving proper materials
added missing textures/material for t1smg for paddy
merge from latest media projects as plastic auto selected an earlier changest
io arrow + temp input/output materials
reinforced wood shield world model
4 shot mini crossbow folder setup &
basic blockout / grey box
reinforced wooden shield viewmodel
reinforced wood shield blockout
blowpipe viewmodel mesh for alex
temp textures
world model -> LODs
textures and materials
basic/initial prefab setup
updated WorkCartDecals_albedo
Unauthorised is now correctly spelded
fix for rail road planter
added missing bottom face
fix for small and large planters missing underside faces