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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
▄▊█▇█ ▅█▌▋ (▆▉▊▊ ▍▄▌) ▍▄▉▋█▍▆█ ▅▄▆▍▍▋ ▅▌▋▄▄ ▊▌▇▅▌ ▄▄▍ ▌▆▉▄ ▊▇/▉▅▉▋▇▊▅.
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
▇█▋▍▉▉ ▉▇▇▅█▄▄▅▇ ▍▆▆▆, █▍▆█ ▊▅▍ ▋▅▍▌ ▅▍▇▌. ▆▅▋▌ ▆▉▉ ▍▊ ▉█ ▌▇█ ▇▅▌▉▋▄█▄ ▄▅▌▉ ▋█▇█ ▄█▋ ▆▍▅▅█▍ ▋▍▄.
5 Years Ago
▌▅▍▄▋▇ ▌▇▇▄▄▌▌▆▇ ▄▆▊▇▉▆, ▋▍██▍▆▍▄▉ █▅▌ ▆▅▄▆▊▆▉▊.
5 Years Ago
scrap heli gibs, prefab update
5 Years Ago
updated scrap heli collision
5 Years Ago
Scrap Heli Carrier with temp collision mesh
5 Years Ago
changed length of hitch & trough's legs to protrude underground to account for hills.
5 Years Ago
combined hitch and trough models as per helks request. LODs/Gibs and Collision meshes also.
5 Years Ago
Hitch & Trough: Lods/Col/prefab setup/materials & textures
6 Years Ago
Battery cell tier 2 materials, textures, prefab, col & gibs
6 Years Ago
Makeshift battery cell tier 1 prefab/fbx/materials/textures/lods/collision/gibs
6 Years Ago
Control room panel model/texture/fbx/collision/prefab
6 Years Ago
removed placeholder white box control room panel
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
New Bow model & prefab setup. Fbx/col/gibs/materials etc
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
M249: materials fixed
6 Years Ago
M249: new specular maps
6 Years Ago
M249: Converted metallness maps to specular, removed old maps no longer needed.
6 Years Ago
m249 fbx .meta change which should fix some odd shading skinners are seeing.
6 Years Ago
Easter Basket model, world model and lods, materials etc
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
converted m39 from metalness to spec
6 Years Ago
knife blade fixes
6 Years Ago
Scaled knife blade
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
soda can silencer - shares same uv as the oil filter
6 Years Ago
renamed oil filter silencer material and removed unused textures
6 Years Ago
OilFilter Silencer material fix
6 Years Ago
low res version of the GL ammunition.
6 Years Ago
Knife model update + reduced lods.
6 Years Ago
added spud gun
6 Years Ago
Removed all the dears eyes. No idea why.
6 Years Ago
Plucked all the chicken feathers.
6 Years Ago
Oil Filter silencer model and texture update
6 Years Ago
silencer missing items
6 Years Ago
Knife model, textures, material setup, collision and prefabs world model and view model
6 Years Ago
Oil filter silencer, materials and prefab setup.
6 Years Ago
rgba textures for both those weapons
6 Years Ago
translating M39 and L96 material over to Core\generic material shader - removed unused textures (ao & metallic)