
1,048 Commits over 3,775 Days - 0.01cph!

6 Years Ago
Military Flamethrower, materials, lods, collision prefab setup
6 Years Ago
Grenade Launcher, world and view model. lods and prefab + materials.
6 Years Ago
Fuel Generator - (Assets\Prefabs\Tools...) model, fbx, prefab, materials, lods, collision and gibs.
6 Years Ago
Fuel Gauge materials and texture set up.
6 Years Ago
tesla coil prefab: col, gibs and lods.
6 Years Ago
Tesla coil: prefab, col, gibs and lods.
6 Years Ago
updated minicopter collision mesh
6 Years Ago
Minicopter collision mesh.
6 Years Ago
RF Aerial and RF Receiver models. FBX. Col, Lods and gibs. Materials and prefab. (under: Assets/Prefabs/Tools/RF Units)
6 Years Ago
▍▄▋▋▌▍▌ █▉▋▇▍▉▄, ▅▇▍▄ ▆▅▄ ▌▌▌, ▉▉▇▅▍▌▄▊▇ ▇▍▅ ▌▅▉▄██
6 Years Ago
▊▇▇▄▇▊ ▌▋▄▊▆▇▊▍ ▊▇█/▉▌▋█▆/▋▆▇▅▌▋, ▇▅▍▋ ▅▆▆ ▊▇▍▅▄█▋▅▍
6 Years Ago
missing meta file
6 Years Ago
Detonator, materials, lods and prefab, view model + world model variation
6 Years Ago
rotated version of the siren light for helk
6 Years Ago
siren light and airfield version for petur. prefab/materials and lods and col
6 Years Ago
▄█▉▄▊ ▉▄▌▉▇ - ▆▉▆▉▆, ▇▆▅▊▅▋, ▇▋▌▆▊▊█▅▉, █▋▅▅, ▄▇▌ ▍▍▍▍ & ▉▊▇▆.
6 Years Ago
Fluorescent Light for oil rig. 2 variants. wall and pole versions. Lods and col + textures.
6 Years Ago
Blood Bag world model fbx, lods, prefab and col.
6 Years Ago
New camera to replace old asset store camera. fbx/col/lods/world&view model.
6 Years Ago
Folder for new camera (whilst unity does it's thing)
6 Years Ago
Minicopter for alex. (not sure if scale is 100%, just got internet)
6 Years Ago
Metal Rowboat, materials textures, gibs and lods
6 Years Ago
reduced popping lods (mesh & smoothing group correction in lower lods) for rowboat.
6 Years Ago
▅▆▅ ▊▉█ ▄▅▋█ ▄▉▆█▊▍▉▅█ ▄▋▊▇▌▆▋ ▉▄▍▌▊▇▅▊ ▍▌█ ▋▌█ ▆ ▄▉▋▊▌▊▊ ▇▊▊
6 Years Ago
update rowboat lod0
6 Years Ago
rowboat changes (adding storage space to the front and making the rear seat better for skins)
6 Years Ago
Altered spray can texture.
6 Years Ago
gibs and collision mesh(es) for rowboat
6 Years Ago
New rowboat to replace asset store art, just needs gibs and collision
6 Years Ago
Strobe light LOD0 rotation fix
6 Years Ago
▅▋▄▆▇ ▄▋▆█▌ ▋▆▇, ▍▅▌▉▌ ▆▇▊█▉ ▌▇▋ ▆▄▆▌▊▅▉█▉, ▅██▆▉▅ ▋▊▅ ▍▍▇▅▉▍▉▄▄
6 Years Ago
▅▉▆▇▉▉▍ ▆▍█▌▅▉ ▍▇▇▌▇ ▅▌▅
6 Years Ago
▋▌▊▅▍▋▊▊▍▉▅, ▍▌▋▊, ▋▌▅, ▍█▇▉▅▅ - ▄▄▆ ▇▋▇▆▋▇▇▌█ ▄▉▋▇▍▅▄
6 Years Ago
▌▅▅ ▊▅▅▊▋▅▊ ▉▋▆▇▍▆ ▉▋█▅▇, ██▍█▄▄▄▆▇ ▆▇█ ▆▊▍ ▇▇██▍▅▅▆▄ ▍█▄▊▌▊▅
6 Years Ago
M39, lods world model and view model and textures
6 Years Ago
▅▄█▍▍▄▍█▌ ▊▆▇▇▋ ▆▇▄ ▄▊▇█▉▄▇▉▊
6 Years Ago
▄▊▅▌▌█▉ ▊▆▉▅▌ ▅█▄ ▌▇▅▍▌▊▅▆▊ ▋▊▉█▋▆▋. ▄ ▋▋▄▌▋▉ ▋▉ ██ ▍▇▉ ▇▅▆▄▌▋▍ ▄▍█▌██ ▅▅▍▅▌ '▄▌▄▅██▆▄▌'. █▇█▅ ▅▍▅ █▉▆▇▌█▋▄▌.
6 Years Ago
removed unused textures
6 Years Ago
Now they show up...
6 Years Ago
Candles/damagedbooks/old sofa rgba textures - the .mat file isn't showing again.
6 Years Ago
Slot machine , fbx and prefab set up, + arm animation.
6 Years Ago
plastic finally allowed me to find the .mat change for the l96
6 Years Ago
removed old unused ao and metalness textures for l96
6 Years Ago
L96 RGBa texture - moving from Rust standard to Core shader (can't seem to find the material change in plastic)
6 Years Ago
changed size of L96 normals
6 Years Ago
L96, prefab, materials and collision mesh. (includes world model, same with 8x scope)
6 Years Ago
8x scope, materials, prefab and collision mesh
6 Years Ago
6 shop signs for helk, materials/textures and prefab (found in Assets/Content/Props/signs)
6 Years Ago
compound bow, lods and prefab
6 Years Ago
alternative red door for bandit town