
1,048 Commits over 3,775 Days - 0.01cph!

8 Years Ago
seperated flameturret base from the top; top can now rotate!
8 Years Ago
red dot sight; fbx, prefab, materials and textures
8 Years Ago
recycler light + texture size tweaks
8 Years Ago
recycler, textures, lods, prefab, collision etc
8 Years Ago
added gibs to the vending machine
8 Years Ago
changes to vending machine
8 Years Ago
flame turret with textures, materials, gibs, col, prefab etc
8 Years Ago
vending machine
8 Years Ago
satchel charge model, materials and textures
8 Years Ago
changed beancan material values
9 Years Ago
Mortar (need to check shader - it goes invisible when applied)
9 Years Ago
Ration floating box: fbx, lods, col, textures and materials
9 Years Ago
gibs meta and lods /try numero two
9 Years Ago
water dispenser gibs, and the LODs should be there now.
9 Years Ago
water barrel dispenser fbx, collision, materials (cloth) etc
9 Years Ago
large and small planters - mats, textures (plowed soil), gibs etc
9 Years Ago
resized ao for arrow heads
9 Years Ago
arrow heads fbx with textures, materials and prefabs
9 Years Ago
reactive target fbx, lods and materials
9 Years Ago
tuna wall light LODs, materials and textures.
9 Years Ago
flamethrower and scope + LODs and materials etc
9 Years Ago
adding jerry can LODs + prefab, textures and materials.
9 Years Ago
resized textures
9 Years Ago
Semi_auto_rifle - materials and texture plus fbx
9 Years Ago
updated ak47 material values
9 Years Ago
forgot boonie mat change :P
9 Years Ago
boonie hat mask
9 Years Ago
█▇█_▌▆▅▋ ▅▋▆ ▆▍▌▆█
9 Years Ago
Boonie hat with all the files and lods
9 Years Ago
updating hat prefab hopefully the mesh is all good.
9 Years Ago
misc hat textures
9 Years Ago
improved dodgy eyes on skin normals 2 texture
9 Years Ago
exploitable hat.cap with textures, materials, prefab and LODs
9 Years Ago
skin_head prefab wasn't referencing skin_head_fem prefab. Now is doing.
9 Years Ago
fixed some seams seemingly causing seam issues.
9 Years Ago
updated male heads with new eyes
9 Years Ago
updated player skin 1 head with new eyes and materials
9 Years Ago
crossbow lods - needs some more work but it's good enough for now
9 Years Ago
updating female material/textures: Added more pubes, smoothed out rubbish noisy details on the face, hopefully less ugly. Fixed some normal map bake issues on the face.
9 Years Ago
checking in crossbow materials for alex
9 Years Ago
updating survey charge
9 Years Ago
survey charge
9 Years Ago
Landmine + everything except lods
9 Years Ago
updated plate armour textures/materials
9 Years Ago
updating metal plate helmet textures/materials
9 Years Ago
female character , textures and lods
10 Years Ago
pistol and all the files!
10 Years Ago
bone club fbx + mats + textures+ lods etc
10 Years Ago
fixing rotations and scales of rpg fbx's
10 Years Ago
smoke grenade fbx + lod +prefab + materials + textures