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2 Years Ago
▊▍█▇ ▇█▄ ▄█▇▊▄▉ ▄█ ▋██▇▆█ ▄▍▇▆█'▆ ▇▍▊▅ ▄▌ ▇▆-▅▍▋█▊▆▊▌ ▍▄▍▅
2 Years Ago
▊▉▉ ▅▋▋▋ ▌▇▅▇▋▋▆ █▉▊ ▊▍ ▇█▍ ▊▍█▉▌▉▄ ▅▍ ▇▊▅ ▌▆█▇▄▉
2 Years Ago
▌▅▅ ▇▆▌█▌▇▇▋ ▋▋▊ ▄▉▆▋▄ ▄▆▄▆▋▇ ▍▇ ▋▆█▅▌▋▇▊▌ ▌▉▉▇ ▉▋▄ ▅▋█▊▆ ▄▅▉▆ ▄▇▆▌▌█ ▍▇█▊▉ ▍▆▌▄▇▍▅ ▊▊▅ ▊██▄
2 Years Ago
▄▋▆ ▆▅▍▉▊█ ▌▋▇▋▄▄▊▉ ▅▌▄▉█▋▌█▉ ▊▅▅ ▍▉ ▋▉▇▋
2 Years Ago
█▆▋ ▅▍▉▇▅▌ ▄▅█▆ █▉█ █▄▋▄▍▆▍▄▍ ▆▇▄▋▍▋█▉ ▅▄ ▅█▊
2 Years Ago
█▊▇▋▄▋█ ▅▊▆▊▌▍ ▇▅▆▊▌▊▇▊
2 Years Ago
▍▇▊ ▉▉▍▍▊ █▍▍▄▆ ▌█▊ ▆▆▊▍▉██▄ ▊▇▋ ▆▍▉ ▊▊▇▅▍▄▍▉▉ ▇▄ ▆▊▆ ▇▍▊▍██
2 Years Ago
▋█▋▍▌ ▄▋██ ▋▌_▅▇▊▅▋
2 Years Ago
█▇▍▍▉▋▉█▊ ▉▉▆▊▇▇
2 Years Ago
▅▉▊ ▅▄▋▌▄▆▋▅ █▄▉ ▋▇ ▍▍▆▆ ▄█▇▅▍▇ ▆▆ ▌▄▆▇▉▄▅▉▌ █▌▋▆▄ ▄▅▆▆▍▆▍ █▆▊ ▅ ▊▆▋▆▉▆ ▋▉ ▊▆▅▉▌▍▄▇
2 Years Ago
▉▊▉▉▋▅▉▉ ▌▊▍▄▄▍▊█ ▊▅▅▄▊ ▊▌▄ ▊█▊▇▍▊▅ ▉▇▍▅▇██▇ ▄▍▆▇▌▋▊ ▍▅ ▊▄▌▇ ▍▄▊▌▌█ ▌▇ ▉▅▉ ▆▉ █▋▄ ▌▆▄▆▋▅▅▇ ▇▍▇▄██▋▌▋▋▉▆▇ (▆▉▍▉▄█▋ ▋▅▆▆ ▌▍▇▇▄ ▊▉▌ ▌▆▉ ▌▅▌ ▌▄▇ ▊█▋▌█▊ ▊▋▅▊▋ ▊▇!)
2 Years Ago
▉▄▅ ▄▌█▊▉▊▍▉▉ ▊▍▆▆ ▌▌▄▇▇▅ █▇█▅ ▍▅█ ▄▇▍▉▍█▆▋▄ ▄▌▇
2 Years Ago
▋▄▇▌█▋▇██▇█▍▆ ▆█▍▉ "▌▅▅▌▌▋█▅▆" ▊▄▄▊▌▄▌ ▄▉▌ ▉▍▆▉+
2 Years Ago
Merge from nexus
2 Years Ago
Fix ChooseSpawnZone returning zone name instead of key
2 Years Ago
Merge from nexus
2 Years Ago
Fix prefab merge screwup in MenuUI.Options ToggleResolution.Dropdown field was set to null when it wasn't supposed to be
2 Years Ago
Expose option to invert Y axis while mounted on the options menu (already existing vehicle_flipy convar)
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Merge from nexus
2 Years Ago
Merge from world_config
2 Years Ago
Use higher resolution icons for the in game item store Fix item names shown twice on the item store (not perfect - some still show two names with minor differences)
2 Years Ago
Initial setup for menu2 dev (empty prefab, enable it from Tools -> Menu2 menu)
2 Years Ago
Merge from networkgrid_layers
2 Years Ago
Merge from nexus
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Make the dungeon network group layers repeat every 100 units up so we have more than dungeon layer for more network isolation
2 Years Ago
Add support for layers along the Y axis (up) to network grid so it's now "3D" ish
2 Years Ago
Support pitching the camera up/down on the RC drone
2 Years Ago
Don't allow the chat UI to be open while debug camera is active
2 Years Ago
Prevent opening the chat UI if the player is dead/sleeping, or has a dialog open (should exclude poker UI already) Automatically close the chat UI if those conditions fail
2 Years Ago
Allow changing the RC ID for drones More audio fixes when flying the drone from the computer station
2 Years Ago
Merge from data
2 Years Ago
Server compile fix
2 Years Ago
Improvements to base drone sound code to sound better for manual controller drones
2 Years Ago
Merge from data
2 Years Ago
Consolidate some logic for getting GC info
2 Years Ago
Add a new format "rcon" for clientperf which only sends responses to rcon
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Replace the InputField for server search with RustInput, seems to fix the broken placeholder text for it
2 Years Ago
Disable the 'Optimized Loading' Full option (causes unpredictable crashes - it could work for weeks and then start crashing all the time for some reason) Note that this crash is caused by skipping asset warmup (which the Full option automatically does)
2 Years Ago
Remove prefab overrides in GameUI messing with the easter event UI
2 Years Ago
Remove RequireComponent from GhostSheetSystemSpaceUpdater, not really necessary and it makes prefab preprocess complain
2 Years Ago
Custom collider component support for BurstClothHitboxCollision Allow specifying a transform to use for determining the up axis for cloth collision projection
2 Years Ago
Add a UseLocalGravity field to BurstClothHitBoxCollision to allow turning off automatic gravity orientation
2 Years Ago
Use the CheckSphere position instead of randomizing within the quadtree node
2 Years Ago
Run CheckSpheres after building the list of candidates in WorldPositionGenerator (reduces the number of CheckSpheres needed by a lot)
2 Years Ago
Fix screen settings apply button not turning clickable after changing a dropdown value
2 Years Ago
Merge from server_browser_ui
2 Years Ago
Change tags UI to be case insensitive because the filters are not Clean up some leftover bits of code