
2,828 Commits over 2,041 Days - 0.06cph!

3 Years Ago
▌▇▊▊▆▇▌▋ ▍▊ █▄▋█▇ (▆▆▅▅▊ ▆▇ ▅▉ ▉▅▇▍▍▆ ▆▄▅▌▌▋▌ ▆▊▆▆▊ ▍▅▄█ ▍▌▄ ▉▋▌▅█▇█▅ ▄▅▄▍▍ ▌▊▇█)
3 Years Ago
Add 64582 back and merge from rgb
3 Years Ago
▋▉▉▋▌▆▉ ▅▅▅█▄▍ ▉▆▍▉▍
3 Years Ago
▆▆▌ ██▇▄▊▍ ▋▋▇▆▍▉▇
3 Years Ago
Merge from rgb
3 Years Ago
▅▉▊▆ ▋▄▇▊▆▉▇ ▊▅▌▇▉▊ ▉▆ ▄▆▄▅▅▉▌▊▇▊▅ ▆▄▅▅▇█▄
3 Years Ago
▄▅▆ ▌█▆▅▅ ▅▇ ▍▅▍▌▌▍ ▅▄▊▇▍▌▌ ▇▅▋▅▌▋▍
3 Years Ago
Merge from rgb
3 Years Ago
▍▉▆ ▆▌▉▋▄▍▍▄▄▉▌▌▋▄▄▆▍ ▆▊█▍ ▆▊▅▌▌ ▋▉▇▍▆▅▆▍ ▋▊▉▊ █▌▆▊▍▅▆▋▋▉ (▉▌ ▄▇▇▄'▇ ▍▆█% ▍▅▆▇▋▅▇▊)
3 Years Ago
▋▉▆▄▇▌ ▇▄▋▆▊▆▊▊▌█▌▌ ▍▅▍▅▋ █▆ ▅▉▊▅▊▌▋▍
3 Years Ago
▆▆▉ ▌▌▍▌▉ ▉▌ ▍█▄▅▅▌█▆▍▋ ▌▍▉▄/▅▉▊▄ ▌▌ ██▉▍▇▋ ▋▆▋▇▆▇▉▍▌▆█▄ ▊▆▆▉▌ (▋▅▆ ▋▉ ▋▇▆ ▌▊▋▇▉▍) ▄▋█▄▆█ ▊██▇▉▅▌▅▊▇▉▊ ▌▉▋▌▄ ▄▆ ▉█▄█▋▋▉▇▇█▆
3 Years Ago
Precalculate map for WorldPositionGenerators listed in the MissionManifest Auto calculate map for WorldPositionGenerators that haven't been calculated yet Allow using WorldPositionGenerators as a position type in missions
3 Years Ago
█▅▅ ▅▄▌▆▍▋▉█▉▆▉▊█▇▅████▆▌▋ ▅▇▍▊▉▅▍█▊▅ ▇▆▋▇▅▄ ▄▄▋▌▌ ▋▅ ▇▍▌▋▍▉▅▄▌▆▇▌█▆▆▆█
3 Years Ago
▋▉▌ ▅▍▄▅█▊▆ ▌▉▄▌▇▌▉ ▉▆▍ ▇▆▋▋▌ ▇▊▇▅▇▌▉▋ ▇▍ ▍▋▊▌▄▅▉▍▋
3 Years Ago
▆▆▅ ▍▉▅▋▍ ▉▌▄▋▇▇▊▆ ▅▍▆ ▉▅▍▉▇▋ ▋▋▋▍▉ █▇▇▇▊▍▍▍ ▊█ ▇▇▇ ▊▊▄▇▄▇▊▊
3 Years Ago
▋▍█ ▋▄▆▆█.█▉▇▍▊▋▍▊ ▋▇▅ ▅▄▋█▄▊▅ ▍▅▊ ▊▄▄▍▇▆▌ ▅▆█▌ ▉▄▋▉▄▅
3 Years Ago
▅▄▇▅▋▊▍▍▄█▅▊ ▉▆▌ ▋██▅▍▊ ▍▍▍▇ ▅▇▆ ▌▆▍ ▆▋▆▆▋▊▆▍ ▅▆▆ ▄▅▉▉▍▍▍▅▆ █▋▋▇▅▅▇▋▉▆ ▊▅▋█▌▌▇ ▍▅▅▆▉▍▋█ ▍▋█▌▅ ▇▇▊▄ █▉▄▍ ▄▊▆██▌▊▄▆
3 Years Ago
▇▆▆▇▌ ▆▅▇█ ▊▉█
3 Years Ago
▌▍▉▅██ ▊▌▇▆▌▊ ▍▍▄ ▄▉▋▋▉▋▉▉▄▄▅ ▇▊▍▄▌▉▅▍▇▅▄ ▊▉▆ ▉▇▄▊▅▆▆▋▉ ▆▉ ▅▉'▌ ▉▆▇ █▅▆▄▄▍▇█▆ (▉▄▉▍▍ ▍▆▉▄) ██▍▍▌▍▉▄▊ █▊▄▆▇▄▋ ▉▉ ▇▅█▇ (▋▅▍▊ ▅▅▊▇▊▍▄)
3 Years Ago
▇█▅██▅ ▌▌.▊▅▊▉▌ (█▊▆▇▅▅ ▄▌▅▌▇▌▄▇▍ ▌▆▊)
3 Years Ago
▇▍▋▄▉ █▍ ▌▇▇ ▅▍██▆/▄█▍▄▆▉ ▊█▊▊▋
3 Years Ago
▊▌▌▉█▇▋▇ █▌▍█ ▊▌ ▇▊▉▉▌ ▉▊▍▇▆▍▆▊ █▇▄▇ █▊▅▉ ▌▇▉▆▊▋▋ ▇▄▋▍▊▆
3 Years Ago
▋▇▊▄▋▊▌▄ ▋▆▊▆▄▆▅▉ ▋▇.█▍▍▋▆ ▌▆▌▇▊▉▄▇▉▋▌ ▆▊▆█ ▋▆▋ ▅▆▌▊▌▅▆▅ ▆█▇▉▊▆
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
▋▋▅▇▊ ▊▅▇▄ ▇▌▊ ▋▉█▆▅
3 Years Ago
▆██▅▅▋ ▊▌▍▍▅▌▄ ▍▋▊
3 Years Ago
▊▉▇▉▌ ▅▇▇▉ ▌▍█
3 Years Ago
▅▆▊ ▇▇▆▌▌██ ▆▋▆
3 Years Ago
▄▊▆▌█ ▉▍▌▅ ▋▋▅
3 Years Ago
▉▇▉ ▊▄▊▉▇▄▇ ▄▇▆▇ ▌▆▋▊▅▌▅ ▉▅▆ ▉▆▄ ▍▋▅█▆▍▌▋ (█▋▇▇▋▇ ▄▅▇ ▌▄▊▇▉▉▊▋▅█)
3 Years Ago
▄▅▌█▉ ▋▄▌▍ ▍▆▉▉
3 Years Ago
▌▅▌ ▇▄▄▊▋▊▇▍▋▊▊ ▅▇▅▋▌▉▊▌▆▇ █▅▉▅▊▇▇ ▇█▉▌ ▍▊▌▉█ ▍▄▌▅▄█▍▅█ ▄▇▋▅▆▆▍▌█▌▌ █▉▅▇▍▉ ▆▄ ▋▅▋▇ ▆█ ▊▊▄ ▅▇▄▆ █▊▉▍▉▆ ▆▇ ▍▅▅▍▊▄▇▍█ ▅▉ ▅▌█ ▇▇▄ ▉▊ ▉▉▍▋▅▋▉ ▄▌▉██ ▇▄▋ ▋▄▉▇▊▇▆▋▉▍ ▋▍▇ ▍▇▆▍▄ ▉▋▋▄▇▄▆ ▄▄ ▉▇▄▋▅▄
3 Years Ago
▋▄▆▄▇▄ ▄▋▋▊▉ ▇▊▊▉▇ ▍▄▉▍▇▅▅ ▊▋▇▇▇█
3 Years Ago
▊█▌▊█▇▆ ▋█▌▄▋ ▆▊▅▅▅▋▉
3 Years Ago
▄█▋ ▍▅▍▆.▉▅▄ ▊▅▉ ▆▍▊▇▌▇ ▆▊ ▅▆ █▆█▌▆▌▊ ▄▉▋█ ▍▋▄▊▄▆█ ▍▌▇ ▉▆█▉▆▅▄ ▍█▇ ▍▍▆▇▊▊▄▍▊ ▉▄ ▄█▅▇
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
▊▋▊▋▌▊ ▅█▋▄ ▆▋▅▌ ▌▄ ▅█▅ ▄▊▆▉█ ▋▇ ▋▅▅ ▆▊▌▉▄▅ ▇▆▌▆█▆▋ ▄▋▊▉▄.▍▄▌▊██▇▅█▅▅▍▉▌ ▄▇ ▉█▇ ▆▅▋▉▋ ▇▅▊▌ ▍▅▋▌▆▇▋ ▄▆ ▉▅█▆▌▋▆▄▌ ▋▉▅▇
3 Years Ago
Add layer-specific map markers for moon pools
3 Years Ago
Set up map renderers for underwater labs (stomp these if you need to - they're set by a script)
3 Years Ago
Merge from submarine/map
3 Years Ago
Fix some issues in the critter shader making fish render all weird (probably needs a forked version for things other than the fish though)
3 Years Ago
Add renderlabs command to generate a PNG of a specific floor of the underwater labs map
3 Years Ago
Add support for layer-specific map markers
3 Years Ago
Make an enum for the map layers
3 Years Ago
Shrink the UI
3 Years Ago
Map layer switcher UI
3 Years Ago
Merge from submarine
3 Years Ago
▄▅▍▆▍▇ ▉▇▌▅▌ ▇▉▄, ▋▇▉▇▇██▅▆ ▊▆▌ ▊▆▌ ▌▊▆▉▍▇
3 Years Ago
▄▉▄▍▋ ▌▉▋▉ -> ██▄▉▅
3 Years Ago
▇▉▊ ▉▌ ▄▇▇▋▋▅▊▉▍ ▆▉▍▌ ▌▍▌▋▋▉▆▍▅ ▌▌ ▇▄▋▄▄▇ ▋▋▄▄▅██▄▉▆ ▋▍▍▋▉ ▉▍▋▇█▊ ▋▅▇ ▌▌██▇▋█▊ ▉▉▉▌ ▍▌▊ ▉█▊▅▆▉ ▄▆▄▇▌▅ ▄▊ ▉▋▍ ▊▋▆▇▍ ▍▊▌▌▄█