
5,973 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.07cph!

4 Years Ago
Fixed gestures playing at 2x the speed on Nextbot NPCs
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Fixed JSON function precision for real
4 Years Ago
Fixed JSON function precision for real
4 Years Ago
Fixed players getting flinged unexpectedly, most noticeably with SetNoCollideWithTeammates enabled and standing in teammates
4 Years Ago
Fixed players on moving brush entities getting insta killed if inside each other with SetNoCollideWithTeammates( true )
4 Years Ago
Remove "Torque Limit" from ballsocket tool as it does nothing
4 Years Ago
Tracking Sandbox Camera now properly tracks players instead of tracking somewhere above them
4 Years Ago
Fixed walking on player heads not working correctly if SetNoCollideWithTeammates() is set to true and the 2 players are in different teams in teamID range 1-4
4 Years Ago
Avoid console errors when using PrintMessage with weird input
4 Years Ago
Fixed jumping animations playing on players when landing in multiplayer (Fixed extra GM:DoAnimationEvent calls with PLAYERANIMEVENT_JUMP)
4 Years Ago
Try to avoid unexplained crash to do with overflowing font cache and display a warning instead (Another "CUtlRBTree overflow" crash)
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Get rid of EffectData networking changes as they somehow cause crashes
4 Years Ago
Player.SetNoCollideWithTeammates( true ) no longer causes players with Team ID 1-4 to not receive melee damage from NPCs
4 Years Ago
Fixed merge blunder
4 Years Ago
Final merge from main
4 Years Ago
Final merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge 2
4 Years Ago
▇ ▊▆▇▉ ▇▌▄▌ ▋▆▊ ▊▆ ▋▉▉▌▍▌ ▌▋▇▆ ▋▋▉█ ▍▊ ▋▄█▄▆▆▉
4 Years Ago
▌█▉ ▅▄▉▇ ▉▋██▌▍▊ ▄▌ ▄▅▍█ ▋█ ▆▍
4 Years Ago
Kepp these changes on x64
4 Years Ago
merge 1
4 Years Ago
merge 1
4 Years Ago
New text label language string
4 Years Ago
Added new nextbot hooks Fixed direct calls to :PerformLayout() part 1 Fixed direct calls to :PerformLayout() part 2 These may cause issues, but shouldn't though Minor adjustment to usage of Panel.GetChildrenInRect Motor's force limit is now functional Minor OnLuaError usage changes Just adding a new argument for future use Right click on emtpy spawnlist space to add a new label Hopefully fixed spawnlists sometimes gettiing corrupted Issue is, GetChildren() doesn't always return children in order they were added, which causes massive issues with how DTileLayoyt expects the data. ZPos seems to solve this issue for us. Hopefully this means that the rare instance of spawnlist icon positions getting randomly garbled up when moving stuff around should now be fixed.
4 Years Ago
Updated TTT: Fixed Duck key while spectating in roaming mode teleporting you to last spectated player (Community)
4 Years Ago
reload language on client, not server, oopsie
4 Years Ago
Reload language files just before Lua gets initialized, instead of just after
4 Years Ago
Debug prints for a certain network related crash
4 Years Ago
when you forget 1 file after commit
4 Years Ago
Fixed bad direct calls to PerformLayout() part 2 - InvalidateLayout( true )
4 Years Ago
Fixed bad direct calls to PerformLayout() part 1 - Baseclass calls
4 Years Ago
Added NextBot.OnEntitySight and NextBot.OnEntitySightLost
4 Years Ago
surface.DrawTexturedRect(UV) works with poster command nicely surface.DrawCircle looks less shit and it's color argument is now optional
4 Years Ago
Fixed a crash issue with Nextbot's vision module Lua Nextbot's vision module get's created on Spawn Use TransColor, not TransAlpha for prop fading
4 Years Ago
Moved static prop lighting update to a separate argument of util.RedownloadAllLightmaps, hopefully fixed a rare crash with it
4 Years Ago
"stack" argument for OnLuaError
4 Years Ago
Added safeguard to CMDLCache::GetStudioHdr from CSGO for an unknown cause crash
4 Years Ago
You can now add a spawnmenu label by right clicking empty space in the spawnlist
4 Years Ago
Increased precision of doubles in util.TableToJSON
4 Years Ago
Increased precision of doubles in util.TableToJSON
4 Years Ago
Added Filter text field to console UI, direct bindings to con_filter_* stuff
4 Years Ago
Added Material:Get/SetVector4D, returns/takes 4 numbers
4 Years Ago
Fixed Motor tool's Force Limit not functioning
4 Years Ago
Fixed a crash issue with secondary ammo display when switching to a NULL weapon
4 Years Ago
Fixed render.DrawQuadEasy producing malformed/squashed quads in very certain rare cases. Fixes wheel direction indicator spazzing out with certain wheel models on certain surfaces
4 Years Ago
NPC.NavSetGoalTarget, NPC.NavSetRandomGoal, NPC.NavSetGoal and NPC.NavSetWanderGoal now return a bool - whether the path generation succeeded or failed NPC.NavSetGoal no longer tries to generate a 0 length path failing every time, now has 2 more arguments, minPathLength and direction = vec3_origin
4 Years Ago
SLAM tripmines now properly clean their laser when they are removed SLAM no longer tries to throw/place the entity immediately after switching to it if the player switched away during the placing/throwing animation