
6,195 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.07cph!

4 Years Ago
Restore invalid model file header checks for VRAD
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Allow right click on 3D view to activate FPS camera controls, on tools where right click in 3d view is not used
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Made the "Default to 15 degree rotations" setting invert what SHIFT does during rotation, not outright disable/disable it
4 Years Ago
█▌▄ ▋▌▅ ▇▌▍▌▊▅▋ ▌▌▇▌▅, ▄▆▇▋
4 Years Ago
Fixed gravity gun not detaching the attached entity on client when the gravity gun is switched away too quickly
4 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to send large dupes (arm them) to server while being able to download large dupes from server. Dupe anti spam is now per-player on server and also exists on client.
4 Years Ago
Fixed "Browse" for func_instance in Hammer not filling the field properly when map .vmf is not located in the GarrysMod/garrysmod/maps folder
4 Years Ago
Fixed "snap to grid" display not updating when it should
4 Years Ago
VRAD no longer crashes with invalid model versions on static props (i.e. Portal 2/CSGO models) VRAD no longer bails compiling vertex lighting for static props with invalid model versions VRAD now uses DX90 vertex format for vertex lighting of static props
4 Years Ago
Fixed HLMV not being able to open VPK folders ( and potentially other places not detecting VPK folders )
4 Years Ago
Fixed Hammer not loading vgui language files Fixed certain labels/buttons in model picker being cut off
4 Years Ago
do not rebuild all skins when a panel gets its skin set Added surface.Get*
4 Years Ago
Added ENT/SWEP.IconOverride (Also works for NPCs/Vehicles)
4 Years Ago
Fixed race condition Lua errors with spawnmenu dupes/saves
4 Years Ago
Fix an issue with OwnerChanged clientside not being called when initially dropping a weapon
4 Years Ago
▊ ▊▌█▅ ▌▇▉▋ ▊█▊ ▄▉ █▍▋ ▊▆▅▆▋▆▉ ▋▇ █▄█ ▅▄▇▍▌ ▄▍▅▅▄
4 Years Ago
Don't count "no workshop id" as a workshop id for server browser gamemode list, potentially hiding the install button
4 Years Ago
TTT: Fixed broken radio/drop animations ( Community PR#1710 )
4 Years Ago
Color( ... ) to color where possible and similar things Hopefully nothing broke in the process Disabled DToolTip skin inheritance this is temporary Fix for wheel indicator angle This fix is ugly AF, I am sorry Fixed TOOL.ServerConVar not doing anything Presets for Weld and Camera tools Copy to clipboard for Playermodel Selector Fixed draw.RoundedBox(Ex) corner overflow Fixed DNumberScratch text overflow kinda meh fix, probably should've used the texture tiling thing from derma skins for the background DTextEntry.OnGetFocus is called when focus is actually got
4 Years Ago
Same treatment for the gamemodes/ folder (excluding TTT)
4 Years Ago
Let's get this over with: Replaced a bunch of Color( 255, 255, 255 ) cases with color_white, etc
4 Years Ago
Use language string for None weapon for the NPC right click weapon selection
4 Years Ago
Fixed HL2 credits not working
4 Years Ago
Fixed nextbots not respecting EF_NOSHADOW
4 Years Ago
cherrypick language files
4 Years Ago
updated language files
4 Years Ago
Added localized badge
4 Years Ago
csgo icons from PR
4 Years Ago
new csgo map icons
4 Years Ago
merge from pre release
4 Years Ago
merge from pre release
4 Years Ago
cherry pick some changes: the 2 constraint crash fixes, nextbot perf, dtooltip perf,, presets for weld/camera, wheel direction fix, rpg wep fix, server browser IP selectable, pvs fix fix, supergravgun changes, playermodel copy, font no crash
4 Years Ago
Disable DTooltip skin inheritance for now, it can cause performance issues
4 Years Ago
Added rightclick menu for player model selector icons to copy model path of the player model
4 Years Ago
Do not exit the game on "Couldn't create windows font" error
4 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to +use pickup hl2 grenades Fixed not being able to +use pickup weapons (as in, physics pickup) Weapons no longer disappear when you pick up 0 ammo from them with gmod_ammo 0
4 Years Ago
Super Grav Gun can now pickup objects of any mass and ragdolls, as well as kill by grab, and it works properly with all NPCs that can be grabbed.
4 Years Ago
Not for next update: Fixed GMOD_SendToClient having inflated buffer sizes
4 Years Ago
Preventative fix for large Lua files causing clients to get stuck on loading or completely breaking a server with autorefresh
4 Years Ago
HTTP global always returns a boolean, not only on success
4 Years Ago
Fixed SetMaterial PVS with missing materials fix not working with CaPiTaLiZeD materials
4 Years Ago
merge nextbot performance changes
4 Years Ago
merge slider constraint fix
4 Years Ago
Ensure slider constraint with bad values does not cause crazy physics and cause potential crashes
4 Years Ago
Server's IP address can be selected and copied in the server browser.
4 Years Ago
Fixed RPG shooting a non guidable missile in some cases
4 Years Ago
5th optional argument for surface.DrawOutlinedRect - thickness
4 Years Ago
Added new argument to Entity.EmitSound - flags, and fixed type checking for the other optional arguments, including pitch and volume arguments not working if soundlevel argument is not given.
4 Years Ago
Ugly hack to fix gmod_wheel direction indicator cutting into the model with certain models
4 Years Ago
merge constraint crash fix