
5,812 Commits over 3,592 Days - 0.07cph!

3 Months Ago
Prevent crashes with ragdolls (especially when created too early) ClientsideRagdoll and ClientsideModel uses clientside dynamic model indicies This allows ragdolls to have their physics clientside only without being first precached on the server Fix game_text text being cut off on screen
3 Months Ago
█▊▋▅ ▊▇▋▅▄▅▄ ▄▇ ▅█▌▅.▊▍▆▅█▋▉▆▅▋ !▋▌▅▆▅ ▄▅▊▉▄▋▆▇ ▋▋ ▅▌▇█▇▊▇▊▉▋ ▌▄▅▍ ▌▅▌█▊▍▆▍ ▍▍▍▆ █▍▌ ▇█▊██ ▆▍▅ ▋▌▄█▆▉█ ▆▄▄▋▊ ▌▍▋▊▌ █▆▍ █▉▄▅▇ ▌▆▆▅ ▉▊▊▍▄▅▉ ▉█ ▄▇ █▊▌▆▋ ▆▍█▋▍▉▄▄▍ ▊▅▋▌▅▇ ▇▅▅█▇▄▋ ▌▋ ▅▅█▇▍█▌ ▊▌█▄▍ ▌▉▅▄▊▊▍▇ ▍▌ ▊▇▊ ▍▇▉█▌ ▋▉. ▄▊▉▌▅ ▊▅▉▌ /█ ▌█▄█▉▊▍█▊ █▋ █▌▇█ ▄▋▍▅▆▆ ▄▊ ▉▌▅ ▍▇▌▄▉██ █▍▅▇▆ █▊ ▊▄▅▇ ▌▉▌▆ █▄ ▍▅▇▊. ▆▌▌█ ▊▇▊▊▉▊ ▌▆▄██▆▋▉ ▉█▊▆▌ ▇▋▆▇ ▊▌ ▌▅▇▅▌▅▄▇▌▉ ▄▍ ▄█ ▉.
3 Months Ago
Fix linux compile
3 Months Ago
Fixed AddCSLuaFile'd addon paths not being detected by file.IsDir Allow immediate entity removal during timers, concommands and Think hooks This addresses most use cases for game.CleanUpMap() Mitigate a random crash with NPC:SetSquad Allow omitting first arg to NPC:SetSquad() to remove the NPC from its squad Hide IP address in status command for P2P servers Fixed CWorld model pointer being set to -1 during saverestore
3 Months Ago
▉▊▇▉ ▆▌▄▋▅▋█ ▌█ ▋▌▋█▉▄▌▆▍▍▇▌▍▇▋▊▊▋▋█▊▉
3 Months Ago
use the other MIN()
3 Months Ago
Rework how we get workshop subscriptions TODO: This modifies the subscribe date sorting in-game! This system should be faster and guarantees no duplicates if Steam decides to change ordering of subscriptions mid-game while we are getting them. Restore and fix code to count published file upvotes Performance improvements for clientside file.Exists/IsDir and Lua paths Fixed AI node related crashes, probably Added server settings to Sandbox menu bar Making them more visible to the average player Disable ability to grab jeeps with super grav gun Do not use deprecated functions in menu bar Do not run player anims to completion on model change
3 Months Ago
Added server settings to Sandbox menu bar Making them more visible to the average player Disable ability to grab jeeps with super grav gun Do not use deprecated functions in menu bar Do not run player anims to completion on model change
3 Months Ago
Fixed AI node related crashes, probably
3 Months Ago
Restore and fix code to count published file upvotes Performance improvements for clientside file.Exists/IsDir and Lua paths Fixed AI node related crashes, probably
3 Months Ago
Disable workshop stats for now
3 Months Ago
Disable workshop stats for now
3 Months Ago
Entity translation for scripted_sequence Fixed spawnmenu "Save Changes" / "Revert" buttons not having icons Regression from garrysmod/pull/1954 Fixed no loading screen when playing demos Fixed a bad thing with HTML translations Removed unused code from loading screen Removed usages of GM:LoadGModSaveFailed clientside Update icon_progress.lua Fixed a visual bug with drag'n'drop When the dragged panel's local position is higher than 2048 on any axis Duplicator uses `CurHealth` instead of `Health` Avoid issues with `Health()` function. Also make the NPC inherit duplicator table correctly Base gamemode supports DMG_REMOVENORAGDOLL for players
3 Months Ago
Try a blind fix for npc_satchel crash I think this might just be the problem with npc_satchel Fixed crash when try to push a NULL ITexture Fixed a crash when failing to create a fish entity Fixed a crash when failing to create child ents for point_spotlight Fixed crashes when failing to create entities for fire entity Fixed Gravity Gun leaking material reference count Fix crashes with deleting ai_network entity Bump "insane reference count" threshold 10x
3 Months Ago
Fixed crash when try to push a NULL ITexture Fixed a crash when failing to create a fish entity Fixed a crash when failing to create child ents for point_spotlight Fixed crashes when failing to create entities for fire entity Fixed Gravity Gun leaking material reference count Fix crashes with deleting ai_network entity Entity translation for scripted_sequence Disable auth checking for LAN only servers Prevents being stuck on "Authenticating with Steam" forever Fake addon subscription time Because Steam doesn't give us this info when polling random items, even if they are subscribed to. Subscription time will now mimic mount order as set in Steam. Bump "insane reference count" threshold 10x
3 Months Ago
Rework how we get workshop subscriptions TODO: This modifies the subscribe date sorting in-game! This system should be faster and guarantees no duplicates if Steam decides to change ordering of subscriptions mid-game while we are getting them. Fixed crash when try to push a NULL ITexture Fixed a crash when failing to create a fish entity Fixed a crash when failing to create child ents for point_spotlight Fixed crashes when failing to create entities for fire entity Fixed Gravity Gun leaking material reference count Fix crashes with deleting ai_network entity Entity translation for scripted_sequence Disable auth checking for LAN only servers Prevents being stuck on "Authenticating with Steam" forever Fake addon subscription time Because Steam doesn't give us this info when polling random items, even if they are subscribed to. Subscription time will now mimic mount order as set in Steam. Bump "insane reference count" threshold 10x
3 Months Ago
Don't explode props on touch if caught by physgun (explosive barrel) I think this might just be the problem with npc_satchel
3 Months Ago
Don't explode props on touch if caught by physgun (explosive barrel) Try a blind fix for npc_satchel crash I think this might just be the problem with npc_satchel
3 Months Ago
Try a blind fix for npc_satchel crash
3 Months Ago
▆▇▍ ▇▇▌▅▋▌▋▊ ▌▉▅▅ ▋▍▍▍▆▆▅▄▆▇▇ ▉▆▉ ▅▊█▇▅ █▄▅▄▇▊▇▉▆▅▋ █▋▉▊▄▆▌ ▊▇▆▅ ▆▋▍▍▇ ! ▍▆▊▅ ▆██▊▅▉▌▉▆▍▊ ▍▍█▍▊▍▊█▍ ▋▋▄▍▆▋ █▅▇▇█ ! ▆▉▍█▄▆▌ ███▆▇▇▉▆▇ ▆▄▇▇▇▋ ▋▇▉▇▉▇█ ▅▋▆▍▉█ ▇▍▄▍.▇▅▅▄███▊▇▄
3 Months Ago
▋█▌ ▋▍▅▌▆█▊█ █▉▉▄ ▌▋▄▌▅▌▇▉▅▄█ ▍▇▊ ▋▉▊▅▄ ▇▍▊▄▌▍▄▊█▌▅ ▋▋█▇▊▍▉ █▋▊▇ ▍▊▊▉▆ ! █▉▋▅ ▌▆█▅▅▆▊▆▍▄▅ ▌▋▄▆▋█▄▄▌ ▄▅██▄▍ ▄█▆▊▉ ▅▋▊▇█▆ ▇▅█▆▆▉ ▊██▅▊▇▌ ▌█▉▌▅ ▊▌▄▅▅ ▆▆▍▆█▄▅▅▊▋ █▅▌▉ ▉▋▊▌▍ ▊▌▇ ▄█▌▅▉▌█ ▊▊▆▆▍▆▄▆▆▅ █▇▄▍▉ ▇▊▉ ! ▍▇█▄▍▄█ ▇▌▅██▇█▆▊ ▄▅▆▍▍▇ ██▇▊█▇▋ ▇▉▅▅▊▊ ▉▄▉▊.▅▋▊▇▍▌▌▌▄▄
3 Months Ago
▅▊▋ ▄▊▉█▋▅▉▆ ▅█▄▍ ▄█▆▋▍█▊▄▅▋▉ ▇█▌ ▇█▌▍▍ ▇▋▆▄▇▆▋▌▋█▉ ▅▊█▄▆▉▅ ▆▅▄█ ▉▊▆▅▆ ! ▍▌▋▅ █▅█▊▆▌█▌▉▆▉ ▌▉▉▊▌▍█▉▋ ▆▉▌▍▌▆ ▉▋▅▍▋ ▍▄▇▅▍▆ ▋▌█▅▆▋ ▌█▊▍▄▊▆ ▆▉▇▍▍ ▌▆█▌▍ ▆▋▋▉█▊▌▆▇▊ ▉▅▊▅ ▊▍▋▍▉ ▆▆█ ▄▍▊▆▊▄▇ ▆▋▋▍▌▅█▉▅█ ▌▋▊▊▍ ▊▅▌ ! ▅▇▍▄▆▍▉ ▊▋▊▋▌▅▍▌▌ ▅▍▌▅▌▍ ▅█▊▉▊█▊ ▋▄▆▉█▉ ▊█▅█.▋▇▅█▌▋▇▆▌▍
3 Months Ago
▇▆▉ █▍▄▄▅▌▌▌ ▄▌▇▋ ▅▊▊▅ ▅▉▅▄▉ ▄▉▊▍▉▌ (▊▆▆▉ ▋▆▇) !▋▅▋ ██▄▋█▅▊▉ ▆█▋▉ █▄▆▅▆▄██ ▇▅▉▍▅▉▌ ▇▉█▌▌██▊ ▅▅ ▆▄▌▍▅ ▊▄▅▄▌▅▇▊ ▄▇▇▋▇▇▌ ▄▊▍▇▆▍▋▊▌▅ ▍█▄▍▍▍▊ █▆██▌▅▊▊ ▄▍█▉ ▉▊ ▅▇▆_▅▊▄█▋▅▌█▆▍▍▋▆▊▅▇ !▊▇▄▍ ▇▅█▇▋ ▅▍▇▄▇█▌ ▅▌▌▆▌▆▋▄ ▉▄▊▆▋ ▌▌▇▇▅▌▇▄ ▇▌ ▍▆▋▋▉▆▉▇ (▌█▄▊▇ ▋▍ ██▉) !▍▇▇█ ▆▊▌▆ ▊▄▍▉▅/▋▋▍▍▄▅█ ▆▌▍▊▌▋▊▆█▊█▋ !▇▋▄▍▉ █▍▄▌▆▉▉█ ▇▆ ▆▍█▌▌▆▍ ▇▄▇▋▊▉▄ ▉▌▍▉▆▅▇ ▊▋██▄▄▊▍▇█▅ ▉▉▇▇▄▌ ▉█▇█ ▍▊▋▋█▄▇█▊
3 Months Ago
▋▄▌▆ ▉▅▉▊▋ █▄▆▆▋▄▉ ▆▄▅▋█▍▍▅ ▍▍▋▇▆ ▄▆▄▌█▇▅▉ ▅▄ ▅▊▅█▊▍▇▆ (█▅▇▊▅ ▊▌ ▄▌▄) !▊▇▊▇ ▆▇▊▅ ▄█▋▇▌/▄▅▍▍▄▆█ ▆▆▉▊▆▅▍█▅▇▍█ !▉▅▌▋█ ▋█▌▋█▍▌▉ ▄▇ ▆▉▅▊▌▋▇ ▌█▋▍▄▅█ ▆▄▊█▆▌▋ ▆▇▉▆▊█▊▋▇▋▄ ▅▌▊▌▄▊ ▅▋▅▆ █▄█▊▆█▉█▆
3 Months Ago
▆▋▅▄▄ ▆▅▅▉▄▇▉▉ ▆▇ ▍▋▇▅▇▇▊ ▋▌▌▆▍▋▄ ▆▌▋██▄▅ ▊█▌▉▍▍▌▉██▍ █▄▅▉▊▍ ▊▌▉▍ ▇▆▋▇█▅▇▅▉
3 Months Ago
▋██▌▊ "▇▋▊ █▋▉▋ ▌▋▊▇▇▋▄▍▅ █▉█ ▋▊▄▄▋█" ▉▉▄█▊▄▌▋ !▊▄▅ ▊▇ █▌▉ ▉█▍▄▇ ▆▆█▉▇▌▍ ▅▍▇▊▍▄ ▅▄ ▊▇▄-▉█ !▊▄▄ ▌▉▅▅▉▅▄▉ ▅▊▄▇ ▆▉▌▇ ▆▌▊▊▊ ▉▋▆▆▌▌ (▆██▊ ▋▅▅) !▊▄▅ ▋▇▍▍▋▉▆▍ ▌▌▅▉ ▊▆▉▄▇█▆▌ ▌▌▋▆▌▅▊ ▄▆▅▅▍▋▅▉ ▉▊ ▋▍▄█▆ ▇▍▋▊▋▆▄▋ ▋▋▇▆▇▌▊ ▊▅▉▌▅▋▋▋▅▋ █▊▄▇▊█▆ ▇▉█▋▉▆██ ▄▉█▇ ▉▉ ▌▋▌_▄▊▇▅▆▉▊▆▉▌▆▉▍█▅▆ !▅▌▋▇ ▌▅▍▅█ ▅▅▆▇▊▆▉ ▍▅▇▄▅▄▅▄ ▌█▍▇▅ ▌▄▄▇▄▇▋▅ ▇▄ ▌▊▆▋▄▇▇▍ (▌▊▊▊▋ ▅▄ ▅▄▋) !▋▉▇▅ ▉▍▊▅ ▅▍▆▇█/█▉▅█▇▍▇ ▄▊█▉▄▋█▆▆▍▆▍
3 Months Ago
▊▊▆ ▉▍▅▄▊▋█▅ ▄▋▊█ ▉▌▄▍ ▊▇▍▉▇ ▅▋▌▇▄▉ (▆▍▊▆ ▊▌▌) !▊▊▉ ▉▍▌▋▋▆▉▇ ▇▆▊▉ ▌▆▇▊▄▌█▅ ▆▊▉▅▅▆█ █▄▉▊▅▇▇▄ █▄ ▋▊▌▆▉ ▍▋▍▋▄▇▌▍ ▋▄▆▉▇▍█ ▋▉█▌▅▇▌▉█▅ ▉▅▍▉▆▆▉ ▍▋▊▋▆▇▅▄ ▉▄▌▊ ▍▌ ▍▅▄_▇▆▅▄▄▅▅▆█▊█▆▍▇█▋ !▊▉▊▆ ▊▉▅▆▌ ▉▆▄▍▉▆▉ ▍▍▆▄▄▉▌▉ ▉▉▌▋▊ ▋▊▊▇▌▇▆▇ ▍▇ ▌▄▌▅█▍▅▆
3 Months Ago
▍█▊▉ ▆▊█▉▆▅ ▉▅█▄▌▄▄ ▊▅▌▊▄▌ ▉▇▋▌▄▇▄▍▉▇ ▉▌▊▊▉▌▊▄.▅▌▊ ▍▊▄▍▊▉ █▌▉ ▉▋▌▊▄▅ ▉▌ █▆▆▆
3 Months Ago
▋▍▆ ▄▌▅▄▉▋▋
3 Months Ago
▊▇▌▉▍█.▅▉▉▄/▆▆▌▋▄▇▆▄▋▇▌▊█▊▄ ▋▋▇█▋▋▌▋/▆▍▄▄▄█▋▇▆ ▌▄▉▆▆▋▆▋▌▉ ▇▊▍▄ ▌▅▉▅ ▊▌▄▋▆▇▉ ▊▌▍▆▅▉.▄▄▉▌* █▅▋█▄▄▋▍ ▆▉▄▆▍▅▍█▆▄█ ▆▄▌ ▆▋▊▌▆ █▊▄ ▇▊█▅ █▄▌▊▉▋▇▋ ▍▌█▇▍▌▇▋▆▍ ▊▇▋▊▌▍▌ ▆▋▆▇▅▅█▋▋ .▋▌▊ ▉█▊▌▇ ▌▇▇▆▍█▅.▍▋▇▄▅█▋▅▌▌▇▄▄█▌▊▄▊ ▅▄█▄▊█ ▍██▌▉▊▉▆▆ ▅▇█ ▌█▉▆ ▍▊▋▋ ▅▊ ▋▌▄▊ ▆▊▋▇▊▌▄▍▄ ▋▄▍▊ ▆▇▅ ▋▍▅█▌▉ ▄▍▅▌▇ ▍▇▇▊▊▋▌ ▇▌█▌█▉▇ ▌▇▌▆▄▄█▇ ▍▌▌▋, ▊▌▊ ▊▌▆ ▌█▄ ▊▋▄█. ▅▌▌█ ▊▌▉▊▄▄▆▅▋▄ ▋▌▊▇█▌▌▅▍ ▊▅ ▊▊▉▄▆▆ ▊▌▋ ▌▆▊▌▇▄ ▇▅▉▌█ *.█▅ ▆▄▉█ ▆▆▅▉ ▍▌▅▆▍▆▍, ▉▌▋▉▇ ▍▆▉_▆▋▄▇▉▋▊_▅▆▊▉ ▇██ ▋▍▇ ▊▆▌█ █▉ ▇▌█▉ ▊▄▍▅ ▅▍▉ ▆▋▆ ▌▊▋▇▊▍▉█▌ █▄▅▋ ▅▋▋▇▅▌▅▊▉▅▆ ▍▄▆▉██▍▅ ▄▋▉▍ █▉▋█▍ ▍▍▍█ ▉▇▋█ █▊██ ▉▉▇▉ ▉▇▉▊▄▄ ██▌▄ ▍▊ ▋▆▋▇ ▇▅▋▊▅▋▇▋█ ▅▄▋█▋█ ▆▅▇▍▆▆▋▍ ▌▉█ ▉█▇▅ ▊▅▌▅▅▇, ▋▋█▋▍▋▆▍▄ ▊▄▅▊▋ █▇▇▉▄▉ ▆▍▄▊▅▍█▇█ ▌▍▇▊▄ ██ ▍▆▆█ ▉▍▌▌ ██▌▉▊▆ ▋▆▄▉▅▌ ▊▋▉▄▇▌█▅▋▋▉.▉▆▍ █▅▇▊▍ ▆▄▆▅▋▄ ▍▊▅▄▊▆ ▄▍▊▌▅▊▅ ▄▋█▋ ▅▋▌▆▆▊ ▌▊▍█▉▌ ▌█▊▌▍█▅▇▄_▄█▉▊▊▅ ▆█▅▉ !▆▋▆▄█▍ ▌▊▍▇▇▋ ▌▉▄▌▇ ▉▌▆▊ ▉▅ ▊▄▇▇▉▊█▊, ▆▋▌▆▅ ▉▇▅ ▌▅▌▅▄▊▇ ▉▍▊▋ ▌▊▊▍▌▋▉ ▉▄▅▉▆▍ ! █▊▅ ▍▄▆▌▇▄▇▍ ▄▌▇▅ ▄▊▋▇▍▌▊▍▊▌▍▉▉ ! ▍▆▄ ▆▌▌▋▇█▇▉ ▊▋█▌ ▇▊▌▄▇█▉ ▇▇▆▇▅▌ ▋▉▅▄ ▋▇█▋ .▆▊▅ ▄▊▌▉▆ ! ▆▊▅▇▌ ▉▍▍ ▍▅▅▇ ▌▋▄▉▊▌▉▌▅ █▍▇▄▄▄▍▊▍ ! ▋▊▍▄▅▉▅▋▍ ▆▊▆▅▉▆▄▌▉▊ ▊▇▋ ▆▊▅.▋▋▌▆▋█▍▆▍█▉█ ! ▌▊▉█▍▍▇▆ ▍▇▇▅▄▆▉▇ ▄▊▍▇ ▆▍█▌▇█ ▅▋▊▍▆ ▅▋▊▄▍▄▅ !█▌▍ █▅█ ▇▊▆█▍▉ ▆▆ █▅▅▌ ▆▋▅█▋▊ ▉▍▄▆██ ▆▊▇▍▅▅▇▌▌ !▍█▊▆▊▌▅▋▍.__▊▉ █▅▊▇▍▄▄▇▌▆▇ ▄▆▌ ▆▆▆▆▅▆ ▌▇▄▆ ▆▉▆▅▋█▅▅ ▉▌▍▄▍ ▍▍▅▅▄▄▊ ▊▇▇▇█▉▌█ ▌▇▋▅▅ █▄ █▌▍▉▇▄▅█▇ ▌▅▆▇▇ ▍▅▋▇█▉▌▅ !▌▊▆▊▊▇ ▆▅▌▌█▌█▆▆ █▊▉▉▌▄▉▇ ▆▉▅ ▌▆▍▌▋▍ ▅▇▄▆▇▋▇ ▌▆▆▍ ▆▌█ ▍▊ ▌▇▊▌▍▄▅ ▆▆▍ ▅▉ █▍▅▄▅▉ ▊▄▆▍ !▅▍▆▋▉▋▉▅ █▄▅▅▇▊▅ ▍▍▅▆▋▍ █▉▋▇▇▅▍▅/▇▋▌█▍▆▊▉▆█▇ ▋▅█▄█▇ ▉█▌▅▉▉▌ ▉▍▋▇█▇▆▉▉ ▍▅▆▇ ▋███▇ ▋▊▌▄ ▋▍▉▇▍▋ ▊▅▍▋▆▍▍ ▍█▇▅▌ ▆▌ ▅▆▆▋▅▊.▅▍▇▋▋▌▄█▅▋▌▅██▌█▄▇▄▇▌█ !▍▅▆ ▌█▍▌▉▊▋ !▆▇▊▊▋ ▅▄█▍█▋▋ ▉▍ █▌ ▍▊▆▍ ▋▋▋▊_▄▆▉▍▇▄▉▊▄▄ !▍▄▌ ▅▋▌▇▊▇▇ ▋▆▉▇▇ ▊▄▅▇ ▋▄█▉▍▊▉ ▊▄▄▌▌▅▊▉▍ █▍▋ ▍▇▉▅▇▇ ▍▋ ▊▆▉ ▋▄ ▇ ▆▇▍▉█▌▉▆ ▆▆▉█ !▉▉▉▄▇ ▍▊ ▆▆▍▆▍▄▅ ▄▌▌█ ▉▇▌█▌▇▉█▍▅▆▋.__▅▆ !▉▌▌ ▇▅▉▌▊▄▋▅ ▆▄▄█ ▆▌▊▇▋▋▆▊ ▅▋▆_▉▌▍▉▍█ !▌▍█▅▇ "▊▊▇" ▉▌ ▆▅▆▉▆█▍ ▋▇▊█▇█▆ ▆▋▊▍ ▍▍▋▉▋▋█▅▉▇ ▌▅▍▄ ▆▌▍█▌▅▄ ▄▍▆▅▇ ▍██▅▌▊▄ ▋▇▉▅▋▇▉ ▄▅ ▍▊▌▅▋█▅▉▇▌▌█, ▌▍▄▉ ▇█ ▋▄▊██▆▅▅ !▋▋▋ ▆▄▇▄▍▅▆▇ ▍▊▉▇ ▍▌▄▋▉▍ █▉ ▊▇▍▋_▄██▅▊▄▉▊█▌▅▋▉█▍ !▋▋▅ █▋▅▋▋▊█ █▉▆▇ ▆▄▌▄▉.▄█▋▅▋▌▄▌▍▄▊▆▆▅▍▊▋▉▍▅▊▆ !▋▋▋▅▉ ▇▇▅▋ ▆▊▄▇█ ▄▊█▉▋▆▌▊▍ ▅▅█ ▆▊█▉ ▌▌▌▋▊▍█▉▇▊▉ ▋▆▇▉▆▋ ! █▊▅ ▅██▇█▄▌▉ ▍▄ ▅▋▋▆ █▋▅▉▌ ▄▅▌▅ ▄▋▅ █▉▊▍ ▋▋▍▇█ !██▉ ▇▊▅▌▉▇▉ ▋▍▍▍▋ ▄▅ ▊▉▍▆▇ !▇▊▆▊▆ ▍▄▇█▋█▌▍ ▇▉ ▆▆ ▍▆▇▋ ▉▍▅█▉▌▍▉ ▄█▇▆▄▄▍ !▅▍▌▍▉ ▄▅▍▉▅▄█ █▍█▉ ▊▍▉▌▊.▅▅▊▄▅▋ ▇▇▄▊▍ ▆▊▄▆ ▅▆ ▋▋█▄▉▆ ▉▇█▊▉▌ ▋▆▉▆ !▆▍▋▅ ▍█▆▋▊▉ ▉▄▆ ▌▌▆█▇ ▅▋█▊▉ ▍▄▋▊▅▌▉ ▇▇▇▄▇▅█▍▇▇ ▉▊▇▄▊ █▅▊▋ ▇▇ ▇▄▋▌▊█ !▌▄▆▋▅▍▅ ▅▆▋▆█▋▌ ▉▍▌▆ ▋▆█▆▊▉▄ ▇▉ ▅▄▆▊▅▊▊▉▌▅ ▉▇▋▆▍█ !▋▍▆▄▉▌▇▆ █▄█▍▊█▊▋ ▋█▍▅ ▄▅▄▋.▄▆▊▌▆▍▍▍▉▌ !▌▊▌▇▍ ▆▊▍▅▄▆▊ ▍▇▉▌▉▇▇ ▋█▊▍ █▍▆▆▉▍▉▅█ █▌▊▄▌██▊▉ !▄▄▍█▇ ▇▆▆█▇▊▊ ▌▇▆▊ ▇▇▋▄▄:▄▉▍▋▆▅ !▋█▍ ▅▍▊▆█▊▍▄▉ ▍▍▆█▆█ ▌▊█▇ ▇▉▅▊▊:█▍█▍▊▄▅▉▌▉▅▊▄▉▍▊▋▇ ! ▋▋▅ ▌▉▆▉▍▊▊▇ ▄▇▄▆ ▄▋█▅▄▇▉▋██▍ ▄▌▌▄█▋▊▆▇ ▍█▊█▅█▋█▉▅▋ !▅▅█▍ ▋▉█▊ (▍▆▍▋█▊▅▋▅▊▆) ▊█▅▊▇▉▅▄ ▍▊▊▄▆▇ ▊▌▍▇▌▆▌▆▍ !▆▅▍▋▆▌▍▋ ▊▋▆█▇▍▉▄ █▊▉█▄▇▅ !▋▇ ▋▋▆ ▇▆▇ ▇▇ █▍▉▇ ▋▍▆▍▍▍▇ ▍▌▇▌█▇█ ▊▇▋▍▌▍▆▇ █▄▋ ▇▇█▍▄▌▄▍ ▊▋▊▇█ "▄█▌ ▋▉█▍ ▌▍▌▋▄▊█▄▉ ▅▇▉ ▅▆▉▉▌▄" ▋█▌█▊▋▄▍ !▆▌█ ▅▉ ▌▄▄ ▍█▉▋▌ ██▍▇▉▇▅ ▅▆▉▌▍▊ ▋▄ ▅▇▇-▅▊
3 Months Ago
▅▄▅ ▇▉▉▋▄▇ ▊██▅▆ ▇▋▋▇▋
3 Months Ago
▅█▋▍▉ "▌▌▄ ▅▌▄▍ ▋▆▍█▍▅▊▆█ ▍▍▊ ▋▌▆█▊▇" ▊▄▉▅▌▌▉▍ !▍▄▄ █▅ ▊▍▊ ▆▊▍▇█ ▆▅▄▇▅█▅ ▆▋▊▇█▋ ▆▍ ▇▊▇-▄▌
3 Months Ago
▉▉▊▇▆▆▉.▉▋▋▌▉▋▊ ▌▉▊▆▊▄ ▄▅█ ▉█▍▊▊▌▍ ▉▆▇▄▌ ▋▅▍█ ▇▋▊█ ▇█ ▍▆▊▊▍▅▌ ▍█▋▇ ▅▄▌▇▉▌▋ ▌▆▉▆▊▌▄█ ▋▌ ▆▇▇▋▅ ▅█▊▄ ▍▌▌▋▆▌▆ █▊▄▄▄▋▌▌▉ ▅▌▋▉▌▊ █▇▄▋▅█ ▉▍▌█▊▉ ▍▌▄▉ ▆▇▇▇▇█▊, ▋▉▉█▆▍▆ ▊▄▆ ▆██▊▉▋▌▍▊ ▅▊█▅ ▌▄▉▊▊▇ ! ▆█▆▄▋▆▆▉ ▍▇▄▊▋▉▇▊ █▉▌▊ ▊██▋▆▄ ▇▇▊█▊ ▇▊▆▌▋▄▇ !▋█▇ ▅▍▉ ▊▉▌▌▌▅ ▉▍ ▌▍▋▋ ▄█▋▊▍▍ ▍█▋▊▍█ ▋▊▊▄▌█▆█▉ ▌▅▋▆██ █▌▊▉▊▉▄▊▉ ▊▄██▆▉▌▍▉▇ ▄▅ ▉▉▅▇▋▆▆.▆▇▍▇███ ▉▄▅▇▍ !▋▍▅█▋▍▌▅▍.__▄▅ ▆▍█▆▍▇▉▅▍▆▋ █▅▊ ▊▍▄▌▍▌ ▌▅▇▇ ▆█▅▇█▌▄▆ ▆▆▋█▄ ▅█▆█▍█▊ ▍▉▍▋▅▍▌▇ ▄▅▆▄▉ ▄▄ ▉▆▆▋▄▅█▆▍ ▌▆▍▌▇ ▊▇▍▋▊▇▊█ !▇▆█▄▋▆ ▄▍▋▌▄▄▍▄▆ ▆▇▉▉▇▄▍▌ ▄▍▍ █▌▇▇▍▋ █▄▌▍▇▄█ ▆▅▍▅ █▍▌ █▉ ▄▊▇▅▌▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▅▋ ▋▅▉█▍▆ ▊▌▅▆ !▍▇▄▆▅▄▌█ ▅▅▉▌▋▊▍ ▋▌▄▊█▊ ▍▍▊█▄█▊▉/▊▅▉█▌▋▄▄▉▅▇ ▉▍▅▍▅▍ █▌▉▅█▉▅ ▋▊▍█▇▌▅▊▅ ▍▉▍▍ █▍▍▌▋ ▇▍▇▌ ▊▌▍▉█▊ ▉▅█▅▉▇▋ ▅▌▊▊▋ ▄▊ █▄▉▄▅▉.█▍▊▇▅▊▌▌▍▅█▌▇▉▄▍▉▇▇▊▊▋ !▅▆▄ ▉▌▊█▊▆▍ !▇▌▅▊▉ ▄▄▌▉▍▅▊ ▅▌ ▇▉ ▉▉▉▅ ▊▉▌▋_▋█▇▉▌▅▇▇▍▉ !▉█▇ █▇█▇█▄▋ ▉█▄▆▆ ▇▅▍▄ ▄▆▋▄█▌▅ ▋▉▄█▉▌▋▉▆ ▍▅▅ ▅▄▌▅▉▄ ▅▇ ▇▄▇ █▄ █ ▆▌▇▌█▍▊▆ ▋▌█▊ !▆▋▋█▍ ▇▅ ▍▋▄▆▅▅▍ ▆▉▋▊ ▅▊▇▄▉▌▆██▅█▌.__▇▄ !▋▍▌ █▊▌▅▄▆▄▋ ▆▊▅▊ ▉▊▅█▄▊▋▆ ▅▅▌_▆▉▌▄█▌ !▊▆█▆▄ "▌▍▍" █▅ ▇▇▇▆▆▅▋ ▍▉▇▇▆▇▍ ▋▊▆▋ ▊▊▅▆▉▌▊█▋█ █▌▆▉ ▊▉█▌▌▍▊ ▅▋▍▉▄ ▉▇▌███▉ ▅▆▌▍▅▋▉ ▊▋ ▇▆▉▊▅▋▊▋▉▌▌▇, ▅▉▌▆ ▋█ ▆▆▉▇▄▍▇▄ !▇▋▊ ▇▄▆▆▌▋▉▇ ▌▍▋▋ ▄▍▉▊▅▍ ▊▄ ▊▇▇▆_▇▅▄▆▉▇▅█▍▅▆▌▉▄▇ !▋▆▌ ▌▉▉█▉██ ▇▅▅▊ ▊▍▍▋▄.▌▊▋▆▌▉▌▆▌▍▊▋▅▄▊▌▋▋█▋▊▍ !▊▊▌▆▅ ▍▋▇▆ ▆▄█▅▊ ▄▄▄▇▋▆▊▊▋ ▊▅▄ █▋▌▆ ▉▍▇▍▍▅█▉▇▌▉ █▊█▋▊▍ ! ▍▌▋ ▋▅▄▇▆▄▌▆ ▄▅ ▉▍█▄ ▋▄▅▆▊ ▌▊█▍ ▍▋▅ ▍▆▌█ ▅█▍▄█ !█▍▍ ▋▍▆▅█▆▆ ▉▄▊▋▊ ▉▊ ▆▍▅▆▅ !▄▊▄▅▊ ▇▊▍▄▄█▉▆ ▅▅ █▋ ▊█▍▊ ▊▆▅▆▉▆▍█ ▅▍▍▆▆▌▇ !▋▋▊▌▌ ▆▅█▊▅█▉ ▇▆▉▇ ▋▇███.▌▍▄▅▊▉ ▍▅█▇▄ ▆▌▋▄ ▍▉ ▄██▋▉▄ ▅▊▉▆▊▊ ▅▍▌█ ▌▌▋ ▉▋▆▋'▆'▇▅▌█ ▆▉██▇▆▆ ▄▍▊▇▌ ▍█▅▇▆▉ ▇█▆ ▌▍▍▆█▌▌▊ ▆██▅▋ ▇▍▋▆▆ ▍▊▋█ !▆█▌▊ ▆▅█▄▋▋ █▆█ ▊▉▆▍▇ █▇▋▆▍ ▋▆▄▅▊▄▆ ▇▋█▇▋█▇▋▉▋ ▆▆▊▊▋ █▍▇▅ ▄▇ ▉▆▇▋▍▉ !▅█▅▍▋▍▉ █▊▋▅▌▄▌ ▅▌▊▅ █▉▆▍▋▅▋ █▄ ▍▌▉▄▉▋▍▅▇▇ ▋█▆▅▆▄ !▋▋█▄▅▅▊▉ ▆▆█▆▆▊▄▆ ▇▍▊▊ ▅▋▉▅.▅▊▌▉▍▊▆▇▄▍ !▄█▆▇▌ ▋▅▍▌▆▇▊ ▍▊▇▉▅▇▉ ▊▌▍▅ ▇▍█▇▅▉▉▄▄ ▆▆▊▉▍▍▄▌█ ▆▍▇▌█ ▋ ▆▆█▉▌ ▋█▄▄ ▆▍█_█▇▍▇▆▅▆█▊▍ !▋▉▅▇▊ ▅▊▄▌▉█▋ ▅▍▅▄ ▅▆▋▅▊:▇▄▉▊█▉ !▌▊▅ ▉▄▄▆▉▍▇▉▅ ▇█▍█▇▍ ▊▆▄▆ ▅▄▍▊█:▆▇█▊▋▆▉▋█▊▄█▋▌█▆▊▊ ! ▅█▋ ▋▍▋▊▍▅█▊ ▉▅▉▇ ▉▄▅█▋▌▌▋▋█▋ ▇█▌█▊▄█▇▌ ▆▋▉█▋▍▋▄▅▅▍ !██▅▆ ▌▆▋▍ (▋▆▊▄▆▅▇▅▄▊▌) ▊▄▋▋▄▋█▊ ▊▋▄▌▊▊ ▉▇▍▇▊▊▇▆▉ ▊▉▉▋▇▇█▌ ▊▇▆█▌▊▊▅█▇▊▅.▅ !▊█▄▇▊▌█▌ █▄█▇█▅▆█ ▍▅▇▆▍█▉ ▇▅▊▊▆ ▆▅ ▇▋▄▇▍▄█▇ ▊▉▍▄ ▆▇ ▋▅█▉█▊▉▅▆▍▆▆▍▋▆▍▅▆▊▆▊▋▇▅▆ ▅▍▉▉ ▌▆▌ ▅▅▉ ▄▆▅▋▉▊▅█ ▅▅▊▅▋▅ ▊▇▊ █▍▊▄▌▆▇▆▊▍->▊█▊▇▅▋ ▅▆▋ ▄█▄▊▉▇ ▅▍▉▍ ▆█▌█ ▉█ ▆▉▉ ▆▍ ▌█▍▋▉▄ █▌▉█▊ ▍▌▇▆▇▆▅▊▊ "▇▋▇█ █▋▍▄▌▍▆" / "▊▍▋▆▍▄" ▍▍▆▋▅▄▉ ▊▉▍ ▅▇▄▍▇▌ ▊▊▄▅█ ▆▋▅▇▍▊▅▍▍▅ ▄▆▇▇ ▅▇▌▅▋▋▌▍▋/▋▋▋▍/▌▋▇▅ !▅▋ ▊▊▆ ▅▇▆ █▇ ▊▉▌▅ ▄▋▉▆█▋█ ▇█▊▆▍▇▊ ▅▊▇▆▉▄▌▉ ▊▋▍ ▆▉▍▆▇▆█▍
3 Months Ago
█▍▆▌▇ █▊▉▉▄▇▄▇▊ "█▇▌▄ ▉▆▋▊▅▌▆" / "▊▍▇▆▇▌" ▋▉▄▅▊█▉ ▄▆▅ ▄▆▅▇▆▉ ▉▉▊▌▍ ▉▄▇▋▌▇▊▋▉▆ ▆▅▆▉ █▇█▋▌▆▍▇▅/▊█▄▉/▍▄▇▌ !▉█ ▌▆█ ▊▇▌ ▄▍ ▇▊▍▋ ▄▍▋▋▆▅▋ ▋▊▄▅▍▋▇ ▌▌▊▊▆▇▊▋ ▇▇▄ ▊▅▍▋▇▉▊▅
3 Months Ago
Fixed an infinite loop in EnumerateElementsAlongRay when ray has infinite endpos Fix pStudioHdr->length for models that have it out of bounds
3 Months Ago
▇▍▌▌█▍▄ ▍▆▇▄█▋▉ ▍█▇▉ ▉▆▋▆█▊▌ ▇█ ▍▉▍▅▍▇▅▍█▇ █▆▊▉▆▇ !▊▌▅▄█▅▋▅ ▅▄▋▇▄▉▅▍ ▅█▄▇ ▇▆▄▄.▊▊█▅▌▆▍▊▉▍ !▌▌▊▇▄ ▋▋▋▍▍▉▋ ▍▌▅█▅▅█ ▌▄▇▋ ▄█▋▊▉▇▌▅▅ ▌▄▋▆▇▋█▇▉ ▉▆▅▉▌ ▋ ▉▍▇▅▋ ▅▊▍█ ▅▉▍_▆▄▆█▅▌█▍▌▅ !▍▅▇▊▅ ▆█▅▊▉▉▄ ▄▊▍▋ ▇▍▅▅▆:▅▋▌▆▆▇ !▅▅▆ ▄▍▌█▄▆▋▅▄ ██▇▉▍▇ ▅▍▉█ ▇▉█▌▋:▌▋█▉█▌▌▇▍▇▉▊▆▊▉▋▍▆ ! ▍▋▋ ▍▊▋█▄▇▋▊ ▋▋▉▅ ▅▉▇▋▅▊▅▉▅▇▅ █▋▍▆▄▊▇▆▉ ▄▄▌▅▋▅▇▉▄▊▆ !▊▍▉▅ ▅▆▄▌ (▉▋▅▉▊▉▆▊▅▄▋) ▄▇█▄▄▅▊▆ ▄▄▇▊█▉ ▅▉█▆▌▅▌▊▉ ▋▋▌█▆▉██ ▆█▇▊▌▅▍█▍█▍▍.▌ !▆▅▋▄▉▍▌█ ▆▌▌▇▌▋▇▅ ▊█▊▉▉▄▅
3 Months Ago
▋▋▄ ▊▊▅▊▅▇▌ ▅█▉▇▄ ▍▋ ▊▌▅▉▊ !▆▌█▆▊ ▄▋▉▉▍▆▋▅ █▌ ▅▋ ▌█▅▍ ▅▉▉█▆▋▊▆ ██▌▍▄█▆ !▅▇▉▉█ ▋▇▆▆▌▆▉ ▄▊▌▍ ▋▇▋▅▆.▍▌▇▆▄▇ ▅██▋▄ ▍▉▍█ ▆▌ ▊▆▌▇▇▉ ▄▆▉▊▊█ ▄▉▇▇ ▄▆▉ ▅▇█▇'▅'▋▌▅▅ ▉█▊▇▋▍▋ █▇▌▉▇ ▇▍█▊▉▍ ▇▆▋ ▊▉▊▌▄█▆▌ ▊▉▉█▍ ▋▄▍▆▋ ▅▌▌▍ !▅▊▆▌ ▇▍▊▊▌▉ ▌█▌ ▌▄█▊█ █▉▊▇▄ ▌▇▆█▋▇▆ ▅█▌▊█▍▊▆▄▇ ▆▄▋▍▉ ▉▌▅▍ ▋▅ ▊▇▇▇▋▉
3 Months Ago
▍▌▉▍█ ▄▊▄▊▅▊▊ ▍▋ █▆ ▍▆▋▍ ▆▉▅▉_▋▄▉▊▅▋▋▇▍▋ !▌▅▆ ▍█▉▉▉▇▇ █▌▌▄▅ ▇▅▆▋ ▍▇█▋▍▅▇ █▍▍▌▇▇▊▆▌ ▇▍▍ ▌▅█▋▆▌ ▅▍ ▆▉▉ ▌▉ ▉ ▉▍██▇▆▋▅ ▄▉▊█ !▍▅▅▊▅ ▌▇ ▆█▊▉▊▆▍ ▌▆▅▍ █▄▆▌▋▋▋█▍▋▆▊.__▄▍ !▅▋▌ ▍▋▉▇▊█▇▄ ▍█▌▆ ▇▇▉▄▅▅▉▅ ▅█▇_▌▋▌▊▍▋ !▉▊▉█▅ "▌█▉" ▉▋ ▊▍▋▋▇▍▆ ▊▇▊▊▌▋▉ ▉▋▉█ ▊▉▋▌▇▆█▋▇▋ ▆▉▅█ ▊▇▍▆▇▊▄ ▍▉▆▆▇ ▄▊▌▍▍█▇ ▄▍▍▍▋▉█ ▇▉ ▊██▌▉▆▆█▊▇▇▌, ▇▋▄▉ ▉▄ ▆▋▍▇▌▋▅▄ !▉▊▇ ▅▋▍▇█▆▄▌ █▋▌▇ ▇▆▉▄█▊ ▅▍ █▆▉▆_▉▊▆▊▊▊█▋▊▅▉▊██▌ !█▍▋ ▄▆██▉▅▆ ▋▊█▇ ▊▍▍▅▊.▌▌▍▇▅▌▇▅▊▆▋▍▊▍▋▋▍▊▅▆▌▄ !▄▅█▍▍ ▄▇▄▅ ▉█▋▊▄ █▊▊▆▍▆▋▆█ ▆▄▋ ▊▊▋▆ ▋▍▌▋▋▌▌▆▌▇▋ ▊▅▅▉▌▇ ! ▋▆▇ ▄▍▇▉▆▋▋▆ ▌▆ ▇▋▆▌ ▌█▍▌▆ ▊▋▇▇ ▊▉▅ ▅▆▋▅ ▇▍█▇▆
3 Months Ago
▆▄▆ ▍▇█▄▌▉▅
3 Months Ago
▆▉▌▉█▊▅▌ ▇▇▇▋▋▆▊▋ ▌▇▇▍ ▋▅▅▆▊▇ ▍▌▍▍▍ ▋▄▊▉▋▉█ !▅▅▇ ▄▇▆ ▄▊▊▄▄▍ ▋▇ ▊▋█▄ ▇▊▌▄▊▆ ▍▇▇▊▋▄ ▊▌▆▇▅▆▊▊▋ ▌▅▄▊▌▌ ▍▅▊▄▇▅▉▇▌ ▉▅█▄▅▍▌█▍▊ █▅ ▊█▆█▄▌▇.██▌█▌█▍ ▆▋▉█▍ !▅▉▇▋▄▋▉▉▋.__▄▋ ▄▄█▊▆▋█▊▆▇▅ ▍█▋ ▊▊▊▅▋▅ ▌█▊▇ ▊▇▊▅▊▉▆▊ █▋▋██ ▋▋▉▇▍▅▉ ▍▊▍▄▇▅▌█ ▄▌▌▊▇ ▅▍ ▍▄▆▍▋▄▉█▋ ▍▆▅▌█ ▅▋▍▇▅▇▄█ !▉▋█▊▋▉ ▉▍▅▄▇▌▋▉▅ ▄███▅▅▅▅ ▍▄▄ ▌▅▍▆▆▋ ▍▉███▄▇ ▍▌▌▋ ▅▌▄ ▊▊ ▊▌▌▊▌▌▆ █▊█ ▊▋ ▋█▍▌▌▉ ▌▆▄▊ !▉▇▅▉▇▇▇▍ ▅▍▇▆▉▄█ ▊▍▄▆▄▌ ▍█▉▆█▌▍▇/▇▅█▊▄▆██▇▉▌ ▅▊▇▊▇█ ▍▍█▆▊▋▍ ▍▋▊▍▊▆▌▉▇ ▊▌▋▍ ▊█▋▍▅ ▉▉█▍ ▆▉▌▅▋▉ ▌▉▅▋▇█▊ ▆▊▉▋▄ ▊▇ ▋▍▉▌█▌.█▆█▄▄▆▉▄▉▄▄██▇▊▌▉▅██▍▆
3 Months Ago
surface.SetFont throws non halting error when font is invalid This matches behavior of other font related functions Remove unused things like sixense, replays and mp3player from builds Restore filesystem_stdio.dll and AdminServer.dll for servers The servers does run without them, but there are references to these in code
3 Months Ago
▊▄▅ ▅▍▄▄▊▆▇▇ ▋▇▍▌ ▉▌▊▆▌▉▅ ▌██▄▍▆ █▅▍▊ ▆▋▋▋ .▄▋▊ █▌▇▅▇ ! ▍▆▍▇▍ ▌▉▍ ▌█▊█ ▅▋▋▍▄▌▆▅█ ▊▉▉▅▄█▅▄▌ ▄▆▍▉█▆ ▅▊▇▉▉▍▌▋ "▅▆▊▇▄▋▇ ▄▅▄▍ ▇▊▇▅▌▇█▍" ▍██▉ ▊▇█▌██ ▋▉▉ ▋▌█▌█▅ ▄▆▉▍▄▍ ▉▅▉▋ ██▅▅▍▍▆▊▋▍ ▄▉▌ ▌▉█▉ █▉▋▌▇█▆▇ ▋█ █▇▉▄▅▍▄▍▄ ▉ ! █▉▌▊▋▄█▅▉ ▇▊█▊█▅▊▋▌▅ ▍▍▌ ▆▉▋.▆▅▌▌▊▌▌█▌▅▌▊
3 Months Ago
▅▋█ ▍▉▅▉▅▄▍▊ ▄▊█▅ ▍█▄▆██▍ ▋▄▇▇▄▊ ▅▆▉█ ▌▋█▋ .▆▄▉ ▌▄▅▉▆ ! █▇▉▆▌ ▋█▉ ▄▆█▆ ▄█▉▅▄▍▄▋█ ▅▆▍▍▇▊▇▉▇ ▇▇▇█▊▄ ▌▋▋▇▌▍▇▉ "▆▆▊▌█▇▋ ▄▄▌▌ ▆▅▊▇█▄▄▍" ▊▌▅▍ ▉▋▉▇▆▅ ▊▍█ ▌▊▊▋▊▌ ▍▅▊▇▆▉ ▊▇▌▅ █▇▇▌▄▊▊▅▇▅ ▄▌▄ █▌█▌ ▇██▄▉▋▅▅ ▋▄ ▉▌▇▍█▋▅▌▌ ▆ ! ▄█▆▄██▉▋▄ ▅▅█▋▊▆▍▇▄▍ ▉▅▋ ▆▊▄.▇▍▅▊▅▌▊▄▅▌▍▅
3 Months Ago
▋▍▊▄ ▌▌▄ ▉▉▇ ▇▅▆▅▆▌▍▅▆ ▅▉▌█ ▅▋▉▆▊▍█▌▊▍▌ ▉▅▊▌▅▌▊▌ █▄▍▋▍ ▋▆▌▅▌▅ ▋▄▍██▇ ▆▉ ▇▊▄ █▊▅▇▊ ▄▆▄ ▍██▋ █▇▆▍▉ ▉█▄▇▄█▅▋▉▊ ▅▉ ▍▆▇ ▅█▊▆▉▉▄▅ ▊ ▄▍▋▆▇ ▉▄▆▇ ▊▍▌▊▊█▆▄▊ ▄▇▅▉, ▄▅▅▉▍ ▋▍▇▄ █▇█▆▄▊▌█ ▍▊▌▅▇▆█ ▉▋▅ ▄▉▍▍. ▋▉▉▍ ▊▅▋▉▆▇▍▊ ▉█▅▇ ▇▉▅▅▅▋ ▆▇▋▌ ▊▄▆▊▌ ▌▄▉▊▍▋ ▅▄▋▊ █ ▇▉▅▊▋▍▇ █▌▉█▋▌▄. ▆▆▅▌█ ▋▇_▊█▅.▉▍▌ ▆▉▅ █▇▉▊▇ ▊▅▄▄▊ ▊▋▋▇▇▆▊▉ ▊▉▄▆▆▌ ▄▋▅▄▅ ▋▅ ▅▌▊▄▄▆ ▅▊▊▄▅▋ ▋▅▉▌▅▌▇ ▇▆ ▉▄▅ ▆▄▊▊'▊ ▉▅▍▆▉█ ▍▅ ▆▇▄ █▍▄█ ▌█▉ ▋█ ▌▄▆▋ █▌▊▋▉▌ ▍▉ ▉▄▄▍▆ ▉▆▊▊ ▋▌█ ▆▌▇▉▉▇▌▉ ▍▅▋▉▍▅ ▌▋▌▅▉ █▇█▍▌▍▉▉▍▆ ▄▌▅▅ ▋▉▉█▅ ▆▆▍█▊ ▇▇▉▄▅ ▊█▌ █▅█▅▌▍█▉▄ ▋▌▇▌▆▊ ▇▅▉▆▇▋▍ ▇█▍▋▉ ▉█▉█▆▋▅▇▍▋▉ ▋▊ ▍▊ "▅█▄▅▌" ▅▊ ▅▌▉▇▅▅, ▉▌▍. ▆▄▇▍▄ ▉▆▊▉▊▌▊ ▊▉▌▊▇▅▋ ▌▇ ▌▍█▍▆▊▍▌▊/▄▌▅▋▇▊▆▄/▉▊▆█▉▅▆▍▉▆▊/▋▌▄▋▍▊▇▄▍▄▌▌▇▋▌ ▊▄▉ ▌▆▅▇▇▉▅ ▊▌▆▌▆▍ ▊█ ▆▅▌ ▍▅▅▅ ▄▊▇▄▊▋ ▍▋▋ ▉▅▇▊▄ █▇██▉▇▋ ▅▆▋▄ ▅█▄▊▄▊▌█ ▋▅▉▄▆▌█▊ ▅▉▇_▄▉▍▇▌▋▇▉▉▌█▌▇▊▍ ▉▇▌ ▄▊▌▆▍▍▌ ▍▇▆▉▅ ▊▉▊▍▊▉▅ ▄▆▌▋▅() ▇▊▆▆▅ █▇ ▇▅▌▄▌█▋▉ ▄▉▍█▄▍█▅ ▌▆█ ▍█▇▆ ▊▆▌ ▋▍▇▊▉▋▍▌ ▆▍ ▌█▋█_▌▍▅▉▆█▊ ▆▌██▄▊█ ▍▍▌ ▅▌▄▋▋ ▆▇ ▍▅▉▆ ▋█▇█▉▍▄ █▆▊▇ ▋▅▉▅▍▆▉▄ █▍▆▅▊▉▋ ▋▅▋▋▉▅▍ ██▇▅▍█▋, ▇█▋▅ ▋▅▌▅▊▇ ▄█▅▄▆█▇▊▍▌▆ ▍▊█▅▆▌▋▄▋▋▇:▄▇▄▉▉▍▍█▍▉█ █▋▅▍▌ ▆▍ ▍█▄▊▉▇▋▆ ▄█▆▄ ▅▌▉ ▋▇▌▍ ▊▍█▋█▍▊▉▆▋ ▍▇▄█▄▌▆▆█▌▋▋, ▇▌█▆▌ █▊ ▍▍▋▅ ▌▉▄▉ ▋▉▋▌ ▌▉ █▄ ▅▅▊▅▄ ▆█▍▄▆▍▊▊▆▆ ▄▆▍▆▌▅ ▆▅▌ ▄▇▉ ▊▊▍▌ ▆▌▋▆ ▄▆_▇▉▊█▌▄▊▊▇▌█▇▊▊ ▍▆▊▍▍▄▋▄ ▋▋▌▆ ▅█▊▋▌ ▍▆▌▌ ▇▊█▇ ▅▉▅▊ █▄▇▄ ▆▌▍▆▌▇ ▍█▆▌ ▍▊ ▉▍▅▍ ▉▄▉▅▌▋▊▊▆ ▉▌█▉█▆ ▊▉▆▌▉▋▉▄ ▊▆▇ ▊█▊▋ ▋▅▇▆▄▇, ▉▅▅█▆▆▄▆▉ ▉▍▋▉▆ ▄▇▅▉▆▄ ▄▌▍█▅▅▄█▌ ▊▄▇█▌ ▅▇ ▄▇▇█ ▉▋▄▋ █▍▍ ▇▋▇▍▌ ▍▍▇▊ ▆▋▇▄_▆▊▇▌'█ ▊▆▊▄ ▋▆ ▋▅▋▉▆ ▋▅▄▆▆ ▊▋█▋▆▇ █▉ ▉▄▇▄▇▅▍█▆▆ ▋▊▆▆▍▄▆▊ ▅█▅▌▄ ▊▅ ▌▊▍ ▌▅▅▆▌▅▉ ▊▍▋▌▊▊ ▌▉▍▆▊ "▍▇▋█ █▊▅▍_▇▋▄▊▌▉▉" ▍▉▅▄▉▋ ▄▋ ▆▅█ ▋▉▌▇▆ ▅█▉▌▆▅█▊▉▅ ▌▋▋▊▇▌▇ ▄▊▆█▌ "-▋▌▌▉█▆▄▌▊" ▅▄ █▌▅▇▊▆ ▋▄█▉█▍.▆▄▊▌▊▇█▆▄▌▇() ▋▊▍ "▋▋▅▊ ▊█▋▋_▆▌▅█▊▋▌". !▅▍▆▇▌▉ ▉▌███▅ ▌▍▊██ ▋▊▉▄ ▍▌ ▌▍▆▉▋▋▊▅, ▋▊█▍▌ ▄▇▋ ▇▅▌▋▅▅▇ ▌▌▊▇ ▊▋▍▆▋▆▅ ▇█▊▄▋▄ ! ▌▆▋ ██▄▌█▄▍▇ █▅▆▊ ▋▉▇▊▅█▍▇▋█▊▊▊
3 Months Ago
▆▄▉██▆ ▊▄▅▆▅▋ ▅▉▅▍▊ ▆▅▍▅ ▄▍ ▅█▊▊▌▄▄▋, ▌▋▋█▄ ▅▌▊ ▅▇▍▋▋▇▅ ▍▊▍█ ▋▉▄▅█▅▄ █▍▌▉▌▍ ! ▄█▆ ▄█▅▅▌▌▊▄ ▊▅▇▆ ▋▇▊▄▍▊▇▆▌▉▇▇▍
3 Months Ago
Shutdown HTML after VGUI Make sure VGUI panels free up HTML resources before deleting the HTML system, hopefully fixes random Awesomium crash on game exit Fix crash when prop_door's have no model Added titles to disconnect messages based on the message source Delete unused bugreporter.dll files Delete unused sixense dlls Delete unused headtrack_oculus dlls Exclude unnecessary files from dedicated servers on windows Added "quit keep_players" option to not force disconnect players Added "-allowquit" to enable engine.CloseServer() run "quit keep_players".
3 Months Ago
Clear reflection view every frame Fixes not rendering skybox causing water reflections to be "stuck" to screen, etc. Added IsValid methods to CMoveData/CUserCmd/CEffectData/CTakeDamageInfo Fix tracers trying to use view models for other players base gamemode respects DMG_REMOVENORAGDOLL for players Fixed calling Spawn() twice on ragdolls crashing the game Fix SetModel on prop_ragdoll causing the model to look glitchy When deleting ragdoll physics objects, also delete constraints SurfaceInfo:GetVertices works on surfaces with non poly primitives Experimental, seems to work just fine in my tests Consistent deaths for HL1 NPCs with ai_serverragdolls
3 Months Ago
Make the BSP whitelist case insensitive Validate model header values to not crash the game later Apparently we are shipping a model with malformed data, which when accessed crashes the game. This prevents such models from being loaded with a console warning. Patch cs_fix.mdl The first local sequence weight index no longer points outside of the file's bounds Do not even try to read weight of first bone for boneless models
3 Months Ago
▊▇▅█▄ ▊▊█ ▊▊▆▍▅▌▇ ▅▆▅▋▆▅
3 Months Ago
Make OnLuaError available on client and server Block *.db from file library, block mat_texture_list for Lua just in case Merge Pull Request that adds validity checks to deathnotice (Community Contrib)