
5,828 Commits over 3,592 Days - 0.07cph!

3 Years Ago
Added NPC:GetIdealActivity Added NPC:SetIdealActivity Added ENTITY:OnMovementFailed Added ENTITY:OnMovementComplete Added ENTITY:OnChangeActiveWeapon( old, new ) Changed translation of base_ai class from "AI" to "Base SNPC" base_ai now functions when spawned directly, rather than being a floating error
3 Years Ago
Updating CEF to 86.0.4240.198 on Windows 32/64 builds
3 Years Ago
Revert clientside timer changes as it causes problems for mods
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
When AddCSLuaFile refuses to add a file with bad symbols, it now displays an error message Fixed lua\vgui\dcolorbutton.lua not being added to the clientside download list
3 Years Ago
merge the steam api change to pre release
3 Years Ago
Do not recreate Steam interfaces on dedicated servers every time they are accessed
3 Years Ago
Noclip drive type for cameras Added Jump and Crouch bind actions to the default drive types Got rid of the weird 40 HU 3rd person view from noclip drive type Removed incorrect arguments from render.DrawSprite calls Spawnmenu handles screen resolution changes in-game better Removed dead wiki links Loading screen fixes Fixed Lua errors when default usergroups file is missing Also cleaned up the file Fixed DListView Lua errors when sorting mixed types Fixed Lua errors with Spawnicons when Paint is overwritten Create OptionsSubAudio.res Adds volume_sfx slider Adds OnRequestFullUpdate serverside gameevent
3 Years Ago
Fixed using mixed types (strings and numbers for example) within a single DListView column creating Lua errors when sorting
3 Years Ago
Adjusted the message "C_PhysPropClientside::Initialize: PhysModelParseSolid failed for entity X" to include the model name
3 Years Ago
Better errors when gamemode/weapons/scripted_ents tables do not exist or are invalid types. (weps,sents errors also no longer close the game)
3 Years Ago
Removed 5th argument usage for render.DrawSprite in Lamp/Light tools, as render.DrawSprite does not have a 5th argument
3 Years Ago
Undo renderFX copy for clientside ragdolls, it causes issues
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
gmpublish use consistent types for workshopID
3 Years Ago
update steam binaries for windows/linux
3 Years Ago
steamworks v1.50
3 Years Ago
merge from main up until steamworks update
3 Years Ago
update steamworks to 1.50
3 Years Ago
update steam binaries for linux
3 Years Ago
update windows binaries to the ones from steamcmd
3 Years Ago
Updated steamworks SDK to v1.50
3 Years Ago
Added NPC.Set/GetSquad, NPC.IsSquadLeader, NPC.GetNearestSquadMember, ai.GetSquadLeader, ai.GetSquadMemberCount, ai.GetSquadMembers
3 Years Ago
Added OnPlayerPhysicsPickup and OnPlayerPhysicsDrop hooks, which handle +use physics pickup Deleting an active player_pickup entity will now properly stop and cleanup the +use pickup stuff instead of leaving the player in an invalid state
3 Years Ago
Added optional argument to IGMODAudioSteam.SetTiime: If set to true - do not decode/render the steam to given position which can be expensive but necessary for some streams, just seek to it. Defaults to false.
3 Years Ago
Adjusted "Disconnect" button on gui.OpenURL dialog for localizations that are too long (Community Contribution)
3 Years Ago
Decoupled sound.PlayURL/File's threads and the timer library clientside from server's tickrate
3 Years Ago
nav_quicksave 2 will now skip mesh visibility computation
3 Years Ago
Added FCVAR_USERINFO flag to gmod_language cvar
3 Years Ago
sv_gravity updates live for physics on client too Fixed ability to crash the game when the dying player receives damage while in a death related hook. This results in Player.Alive returning false ( used to return true ) in PlayerDeath and DoPlayerDeath hooks for the dying player
3 Years Ago
Fixed the broken Gunship patrol pathing code (without hl2_episodic 1) reaching infinite loops and hanging the game
3 Years Ago
Hammer: Increased amount of recent files to 10, from 4
3 Years Ago
Added debug output for a potential memory related crash when loading textures from disk Doors will no longer try to "Loop" sounds which report their length as 0 by playing them every frame, causing massive performance issues when having a lot of games mounted
3 Years Ago
Fixed maps and addons trying to spawn NPCs non weapon entities (like a prop_physics) as weapons crashing the game. Now displays a warning.
3 Years Ago
Adjusted server info text on the loading screen to not wrap and to be centered better
3 Years Ago
Replaced link
3 Years Ago
Dock openUrl/askconnect dialog's Disconnect button to the left, away from Yes/No buttons (Community Contribution)
3 Years Ago
Spawnmenu handles screen resolution changes better
3 Years Ago
Fixed include() no longer having returns after recent changes
3 Years Ago
Loading screen displays "gamemode title" and not the folder name if it's installed locally
3 Years Ago
Spawnicon properly initializes self.OverlayFade, and doesn't spawn errors when mods override its PANEL.Paint
3 Years Ago
Better argument type checking for Compile/RunString(Ex) Display a nicer message when the above functions are trying to run bytecode
3 Years Ago
Replaced the wiki link in the "Calling net.Start with unpooled message name!" error with "(Did you forget to call util.AddNetworkString serverside?)"
3 Years Ago
Hammer: Disallowed object groups (CMapGroup) to be hidden by the visgroup system - the objects themselves are hidden not the CMapGroup. Fixes "orphaned objects" warning Hammer: Adjusted visgroup validation to allow solids be a child of a object group regardless of format version. Prevents those solids on old .vmfs from losing their visgroup.
3 Years Ago
Hammer: Added HammerID to the "solid with X faces" and "group of X objects" descriptions for easier distinguishing/debugging
3 Years Ago
Added ErrorNoHaltWithStack( ... ) Fixed autorefresh not working when include is called from a C function Added "volume_sfx" and "snd_musicvolume" to convar blacklist
3 Years Ago
Added sound effect slider to Audio menu
3 Years Ago
Added "volume_sfx" console variable - Adjusts the volume of sound effects & NPC voices, but does not affect player voice chat or music, both of which have their own console variables.
3 Years Ago
Improved error handling of dedicated server workshop support
3 Years Ago
Fixed force ladder move not resetting without an active ladder on player death