userTaylor Reynoldscancel

1,099 Commits over 3,227 Days - 0.01cph!

3 Months Ago
Added belt pelts to skeleton/prefab
3 Months Ago
Updated backpack pelt constraints
3 Months Ago
Frontier bag cloth material
3 Months Ago
Backpack pelt constraints
3 Months Ago
Updated model Updated backpack settings
3 Months Ago
Backpack/Backpack Pelts setup
3 Months Ago
Added body mesh back into prefab
3 Months Ago
Updated frontier hazmat rig, skeleton definition & prefabs (just backpack for now)
3 Months Ago
Added Natural Dye set and some colours
3 Months Ago
Hair Dye properties work with the standard shader (just colour for now) Hair Cap no longer does incorrect gamma adjustment
3 Months Ago
Debug hair dye setups Debug hair cap geometry
3 Months Ago
Style 02 setup/debug
3 Months Ago
Added head.male.average
4 Months Ago
Added mid skin materials Added mid head variation Added EyeAO materials
4 Months Ago
Playground.Player scene updates
4 Months Ago
Updated skinning on male player model with forearm twist bones and elbow twist bone
4 Months Ago
Added new head to skinset.male
4 Months Ago
Reset skin colour gradient on all skin sets (for now)
4 Months Ago
Updated player_model bind pose
4 Months Ago
Blue variant + texture tweaks
4 Months Ago
player_model fixes (fixes broken eyes, broken censor objects)
4 Months Ago
Added Pit Viper model/mats/textures
4 Months Ago
Added versions of ghost sheet and dracula cape without burst cloth rig Added proxy cape models
4 Months Ago
Crocodile prefab work
4 Months Ago
Crocodile prefab references crocodile model (no longer model in animation fbx) Split animations into separate .fbx files Updated animations with correct scale (exported from source) Folder/file cleanup
4 Months Ago
Renamed crcodile anims file
4 Months Ago
Initial setup
5 Months Ago
Updated DraculaCape with new settings
5 Months Ago
Prisoner Hood cinematic assets
5 Months Ago
Raised charms to prevent clipping with hand
5 Months Ago
Added rigged model (separate model for now)
5 Months Ago
Frontier Hazmat viewmodel
5 Months Ago
Lods + bakedLOD textures/material
5 Months Ago
merge from main
5 Months Ago
Added test fur trim setup to viewmodel
5 Months Ago
Model/Textures/Materials and prefab setup
5 Months Ago
Removed base layers from fur setup
5 Months Ago
Added new fur setups to cinematic rig
5 Months Ago
Added mantle to cinematic setup
6 Months Ago
Initial cinematic rig setup/mats
6 Months Ago
merge from ModelViewerFixes
6 Months Ago
Prisoner Hood world models
6 Months Ago
Added prisoner hood icon
6 Months Ago
Added art for prisoner hood overlay
7 Months Ago
Fix minigun belt lod glitch
7 Months Ago
Added lods to minigunammopack wearable
7 Months Ago
Updated minigun ammo pack with final model (placeholder materials for now)
7 Months Ago
Heavy scientist suit can be equipped with backpacks Heavy scientist suit tanks get hidden when backpack is equipped
7 Months Ago
Heavy Scientist viewmodel setup (for Paddy)
7 Months Ago
Split heavy scientist backpack into tanks + instruments