userTaylor Reynoldscancel

784 Commits over 2,982 Days - 0.01cph!

2 Years Ago
▄▋▍▄█▌ ▅▌▅▋ ▌▅▊▊▋▊▊ ▉▊▊▉█▇▆▄ █▄ ▆▅▆▋▍▍ ▄▋▌▌▉▊▇▍ ▆▆▍▆▊▊▇ ▇▌▅ ▄▅▍▆▊█▋
2 Years Ago
▆▍▌▆▊ █▇▇▉ ▍▆▄▊▌/▊▉▅█▆▉▌/▆▅▊▋▅▍▆▊▋ (▍▉▋▋▆▇▄▋█ ▍▍▊ ▋██▅▆ ▅▄▄)
2 Years Ago
█▇▆▊▊▇▅█ ▆▉▊▍▋▉▋▉ ▉▉ ▌▋▇▄ ▄▍▉▊▅▇▅▌
2 Years Ago
▊▌▄▍▇▍ ▄▇▋▇▅▌▄▌▉ ▄█▆▌▌▉▆▍ & ▇▍▉▅▄▅
2 Years Ago
Minor material changes
2 Years Ago
Added polarbear.corpse (fixes crash when spawning polar bear ragdoll)
2 Years Ago
Fix for two polar bear meshes spawning
2 Years Ago
▍▍▍█▄▇▍▆▌▅▇▆ █▉ ▋▊▉▋▅▊▊▋ █▌▌▌▍▌▉▅▋▇▍█_▉▅▅▍▊▉▆▅█ ▉▊▌▌▉
2 Years Ago
▌▅▆▆▊ █▆█▆ ▌▌▊▅
2 Years Ago
Polar Bear ragdoll setup
2 Years Ago
Polar bear lods
2 Years Ago
▌▌▇▇▍▅▇▉ ▅▆▌▍▄█▋▉▇ ▋▄▇▌ ▇▇▊▋ █▄▄▆ ▋▊▌▄/▆█▊█ ▇▊▄▌▅ (▍▊█▉▋ ▉▉▅▊ ▊▍▋ ▍█▉ ▋▉█▅▇ ▆▇▉▍ ▍▌▄▅▅▄▅▍) ▉▋█▋▆▆▊ ██▅▄▍▌▆ ▆▍▅▊▋ ▅▍█▌ ▉▄█▉▍
2 Years Ago
█▉▆▆▅█▋█▄ ▌▅█▋▅▉ ▇▊▌▆▌ ▅▆▆▉▇▄▆▅ ▄▊▆██▉
2 Years Ago
▇▍▌▌▆ ▊▌█▋ ▅▋▌▇▄▅▅▋ ▉▅ ▄▌▋▍▌▅/▋▉▌█/▄▉▍ ▊▉▊▊▄
2 Years Ago
█▆▇▇▇ ▄▍▉▍ ▆▅▋▊▋/█▊█▅▊▋▌▉▅/▊█▋▇▉▍▍▉, █▋█ ▉▆█▋▊ ▊▉▆▅▊ █▇▊▋▇▆▋▇▇▌▄▌ ▄▊▍▊
2 Years Ago
▆█▌▉▆▍▉▊▌ ▍▊▇▅▋▅▆▇▋ ▅▉▉█ █▌▄▍▊▆▇
2 Years Ago
▆▄▍▇▊ ▇▆▉▋ ▋▇▄▆
2 Years Ago
▋▋▆▅ ▅█▌▄▊▇▉▆ ▊██▇▅▆ ▊▇█▅▄ ▄▄▇█▌▆▊▇▉▇██ ▆▇ ▆▍▌▉▌ ▉█▉▌▍█▌▍
2 Years Ago
▋▊▌▆▌ ▊▊█▉ ▇▋▉▍▉▍ ▋▌ ▍▍▅▌▅ ▅▇▋▉▉ ▉▆▇▇█▅▋▋ ██▍▌▍ ▊▌█▅▆ ▊▌ █▉▇▅▅▄▍▌▊ ▉█▉▆▄ ▄▅▆▄▆▇▅▌ █▇▌▅▍█ ▄▋▄▄▄ ▋▅▄▍▅
2 Years Ago
▇▌▌▍▋ ▅▋▇▄▄ ▍▍▅▅▍▇█
2 Years Ago
▊▋▍█▊ ▄▉▌▆█ ▌█▇▉▄
2 Years Ago
▊▅▉▄▋ ▇▊▌▍▊▇▌▍█ ▊▊▊ ▄▅▍▍▄ ▆▆▌ ▍▊ ▊▆▍▊▌▉▄▉▅
2 Years Ago
▆█▄▍▍ ▍▆▊▊▌▋▉ ▋▇▄▆▆▄▆
2 Years Ago
▊▌▍█▆▆▊▊/▇▆▊▆▌▋ ▌▄▆▍▉▄▅ ▅▉█▋▋ █▉▆▄▅▉▊▋▋▇█▌ ▍█ ▉▉▅▊▇ ▄█▌▊▌▆▊▉ ▋▅█▆█▊█▋▄ ▇▇▄▄▊▅▍█▉█▍▄
2 Years Ago
▄▅▆▄▅ ▊▌▍▅▋▉▆▇█▅
2 Years Ago
▄▄▋▋█▋▇ ▍▆▄▆▋▇█▉
2 Years Ago
█▆▅▆▇ █▍▉▍ ▋▍█▄▇▋▋▅▆ ▆▆▉▄▉▊▅ ▅▉▄▉▌-▉▅ ▊▅▄▉▇▅▅▊▆ ▆▍▌▉▄ ▋▉▄█▇▄▆ ▌██▊
3 Years Ago
▅▍▆▆▆█▍▄▅ █▍▋▊▄▍▆▅ ▋▋ ▅█▆▌▋ ▉▊▇▍▌ ▋▌ ▄▅█▇▇ ▉▄▇▇▆▄▊▉ ▌▍▅▇▋▄▇ ▊▆▋█
3 Years Ago
▍█▊█▉▋▋▇ ▅▌▋▆█ ▄▆▊▆▋█▇▇▉▇▉▊ ▌▆▍█ ▇▅▅▉ █▅ ▄▆▉ ▊▊▇██ ▌▄▇▍ █▍▄▆▅ ▇▄▆▇▅▅
3 Years Ago
▇▇▄▄▅▊▋▅▄█▇▄▇▍ ▄▌▌▅▍ ▇▊▋██▍▍ ▍▄▍ ▉▅ ▇█▄▆▇█▄▅ ▄▅█▌▋
3 Years Ago
▌▄▇▌▊▋▇ ▊▍▅▊▆ ▊█▇▅ █▉▍▍█▉▆▄▌▇ ▄█▋▋ ▋▅▄▄▍▇▊▇▍▉▇▅▆▊ .▆▉▆▆▊ (▆▆█▆ ▄▌ ▆▋▆▍)
3 Years Ago
▆▅▆▅▇▅▍ ▅▊▄█▍▉▍▆▇▆▋▌▋▄.▌▋▄▉ ██ ▉▌▆▊▇▌▍ ▌▅▅▇█ ▌▄▇▉▇▊, ▌▆▅▇▌▌▅ ▄█▆██▅▉▍▊ █▆ ▇▇▅▄▊ ▄▄▅▌
3 Years Ago
▆▉▌▋█▇▄▅▇▆▍▇▆▌ .▌▄▇█▋ ▄▌▇ █▇▇▅▋
3 Years Ago
▅▄█▇▉ ▊▅▅▅▉█▌▌▌█▌▉▆▋ ▆▉▌▄▊ ▅▌▄▄▋▄▅
3 Years Ago
▊▋▋▄▄▋▋▊▍▅▋▄▅▇ ▋▅▅▊▊▌ █▉ ▍▆▄ ▆▅█▉ ▆▌ ▍ ▌▌▅ ▍▄▍▉▍▆, ▍▋▋▄ █▉▄▌ ▅▇▌██▆▄
3 Years Ago
▆▊▄▇ ▉ ▍▇▄▍▄▉▄▍▍▄▉▌▅ ▉▍▍▉▍▍▄ ▌▍▄▅▆ ▊▅▇▌▌ .▆▄▍ ▉▊▋ ▉▆▅█▇▉█
3 Years Ago
▄▇█▊ ▍ ▍▋▄▍▅▊▋█▌█▉▉▆ ▇▌▍▉▊▅▆ ▊▄▄▍▌/▋▄▅▊▄▌█▉/▅▅▉▇▊▆▅▇▌
3 Years Ago
▅▊-▍▌▌▊▊▊▋▇▍ ▆▌▍▉▄▅ ▆▅▍▇▆▊▋ ▆▉▋▄█▊ ▍▉ █▄▍▉▉▌▍▅█▄.▉▋▄▆▋▋
3 Years Ago
shark ragdoll prefab
3 Years Ago
minor shark material/texture changes
3 Years Ago
Shark LODs
3 Years Ago
Updated shark materials
3 Years Ago
Shark animations
3 Years Ago
Shark model/materials/textures
3 Years Ago
added deferred normals material to discoball
3 Years Ago
▄▅██▋▅▍▄▌▍▉▋ ▋▆▉▉/▇▇▋▄▉▅▄▇/▍▆▇▇█▉▅▄▍ & ▍▉▄▅█▊▄
3 Years Ago
making sure the fur meshes are in LOD0 only
3 Years Ago
fix for disappearing lods on stag ragdoll
3 Years Ago
small tweaks to wolf material
3 Years Ago
small tweaks to boar material