
5,531 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.06cph!

9 Years Ago
Updated the pumpjack lods to skinmeshes
9 Years Ago
closed a few gaps in the meshes
9 Years Ago
Quarry, pumpjack, windmill now have gradient foundations
9 Years Ago
Updated the crater texture to match variety or ground types better. Also dithered the alpha to fade out smoothly.
9 Years Ago
Adding model and textures for the mining crater
9 Years Ago
Tier furnace art, models, lods, col, gibs and prefab
9 Years Ago
meta files / half res tweak
9 Years Ago
tier 2 furnace brick texture sets
9 Years Ago
prefab update with build volumes and crate spawns
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Reduced rotor blur opacity
9 Years Ago
Updating collisions for some jump distances, allowing ladders on the structure, prefab scene update
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
merging subtract cl
9 Years Ago
merge from main@9267
9 Years Ago
cleaning up
9 Years Ago
Adding models, materials and collisions for the monument
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Added a debug scene for SESSAO
9 Years Ago
new charcoal texture set, metal_panel_c texture set, refinery prefab setup, refinery models, collisions and gibs files
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
lowered sandbags barricade
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
texture res change
10 Years Ago
Windmill files update - models, collision, LODs, Gibs, animation
10 Years Ago
Fixed batched mesh incorrect transform rotation on foundation.steps.stone
10 Years Ago
Adding a lod in corrugated to mach number of lods in foundation.steps
10 Years Ago
Updated barricade.wood to use the generic texture atlas
10 Years Ago
gibs for mining quarry @helk Also adding a missing texture for oiljack
10 Years Ago
Updated quarry bucket collision Added Oiljack gibs
10 Years Ago
Oiljack animations and prefab setup
10 Years Ago
Oiljack all files so far
10 Years Ago
reducing ceiling light textures sizes to 512
10 Years Ago
Scrap ceiling light, ~~all the files
10 Years Ago
checking in some meta/fbx files
10 Years Ago
merge from building lod atlasing
10 Years Ago
merge from main
10 Years Ago
Added an normal map version of the LOD atlas, to reduce popping, shrunk atlas res to 1024 woth almost zero loss. :)
10 Years Ago
Lots of prefab rebuilding or refactoring
10 Years Ago
merge from main
10 Years Ago
Moved twig skin lods to atlas texture, prefabs updated Added LODs to some pieces that didnt have any to maximize the impact
10 Years Ago
Moved wood skin lods to atlas texture, prefabs updated