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Harbor2 prefab links update
Adding mooring bollards models/LODs/Textures/Prefabs
Updated Harbor1
Deferred normal encoding by default; making room for anisotropic params
Runtime water optimizations in editor mode + improved visibility and simulation culling
Fixed airfield monument crashing the world generation on some seeds
Merged prerelease into main
added some barrel spawns to airfield
decreased hqm chance from crates (increases chances of everything else)
lowered chance of oil barrel spawning in junkpile
removed spring requirement from beartrap/landmine/reactive target
junkpiles now properly despawn their contents
Added pooling support to renderer and collider batching
hazmat stuff uncraftable (for now)
components max stacksize increased
added recycler to radtown3
added small refinery to radtown 3
added another recycler to airport in a hangar
fixed inaccessible recyclers
recyclers process every 5 seconds (was 3)
cctv camera/targeting computer now recycle into techparts/hqm
removed ammo spawns from loot crates (more of everything)
merge into prerelease
updated LODs so you can see barrels from farther away
roadsign armor jacket now requires roadsigns
added procedural junkpiles that spawn in fields
Can clear/set textures to "none"
Added fuzz options for cloth shader (turning fuzz to 0 enables spec color)
Added emission options
Fixed broken rocks
Added optional double sided lighting activated by RUST_STD_DOUBLESIDED (cloth only for now)
Cherry picked terrain shader optimizations
Final dockwalls - models/LODs/Cols/Prefabs
Added pooling for the conditional models of buildings
Terrain + terrain-blend shader (non-pvt) optimizations; up to 2x faster on max settings
Changed parallax step adjusment from mip to distance + view vector
Touched all rust/std shaders
Added support for registering any game object as a prefab at runtime (so we can pool runtime-generated objects)
Morte posix compatibility
Show workshop weapons in player model's hands
Players in limbo (server join without a sleeper) are in group 1 (instead of null)
Deprecated brdf-embedded cloud shadows (move to shadow/post)
Reduced reflectance micro-occlusion to 3% of range (closer to unity baseline)
Fixed some workshop item diffuse textures having unused alpha - which is confusing skinners
OSX workshop crash fix (speculative)
Cave 7 missing tunnel segment
Fixed delayed network group subscription when spawning as sleeper (caused delayed entity loading)
Disabled caves (postponed due to performance issues)