117,126 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Added flare meta files
Disabled automatic flare fbx material import
Fixed grass being white after its first generation
Slightly reduced maximum wind bending
Obsessed needlessly over code layout
Added grass layer
Grass uses later of spawner object
Grass no longer rendered in reflection
Tweaked grass
- Added vertex coloring
- Color fading between splats
- Color randomness
- Wind based on color (encourage blade seperation)
- Grows 2 meters underwater
- grass atlas is now greyscale
Fixed HTML UI being invisible on OS X and Linux
It might still be pretty buggy on those platforms, but at least not invisible and buggy
new animations for the flare
Replacing menu with HTML Menu
Grass randomizer
Defer digestion, update @ 20fps (prevents server refresh lag)
Hide the in game UI when in game (for now)
There seems to be a naming bug in those prefabs, Unity fixed it on library recreation
Added translate for "back to menu" buttons, updated classes on server modal buttons
Switched from table to bootstrap grid server listing
Non functional disconnect button
Re-implemented translations again
Added classes for buttons and server table row.
CSS updates for buttons, tables and some other global tweaks
Fixed cursor not hiding (again)
Added simulate buttons to debug
Added connection status feedback (todo)
Show loading screen when connected, instead of when starting to connect
Don't refresh servers until we open the page
Steam Sharp - handle steam not being open without crashing
Updated steam native dlls
redid the treadwater animations so they look more natural.
Made decor system use GameManager.CreatePrefab rather than GameObject.Instantiate
Added overloads of GameManager.CreatePrefab that take a GameObject as prefab
Removed manual garbage collection pass from grass system
Let's see if we can get along without calling it manually at all
Fixed menu screen not closing when in game
Removed now apparently unused menu.html
removed hardcoded development class
Cursor managment from HTML (cursor will show if any element with .needcursor is visible)
Fixed glue.on not getting arguments
renamed glue.call to glue.trigger (to avoid confusion)
added $rootscope.global object - which is set by the game on startup
server queries use server_protocol from game
game now hides menu element where appropriate
Joining server is now working
Made grass and decor gizmo color configurable via inspector
Added language picker
Added selected server popup
Removed global gutter padding (this should be done on a screen by screen)
Server join button
Querying Lan/Friends/History
Fixed ` input and console position