
12,537 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.14cph!

10 Years Ago
Added new spawn filter category: topology Fixed ores and northern field trees spawning on mountain summits Allowed trees to spawn on mountains, as long as they're not high enough for snow Re-added rock clutter on dirt Increased the number of bushes in open fields
10 Years Ago
Updated native plugins Terrain heightmap feature size scales with inverse of frequency Terrain heightmap generation now supports per-biome settings (will be useful in the future) Tweaked biome distributions Improved biome transitions Tweaked terrain splatmap Tweaked forest size and frequency (not final, it just broke with the noise algorithm update and I had to do some adjustments) Protocol++ (this means servers have to restart - you can stop asking me now)
10 Years Ago
Removed flto flag from build definitions (were only added for testing purposes, shouldn't have been committed)
10 Years Ago
Added composite noise, tweaked simplex noise normalization
10 Years Ago
Made noise code file names uppercase, to be consistent with Diogo's naming convention
10 Years Ago
Fixed typo that led to discontinuity in 2D simplex noise Cleaned up code
10 Years Ago
Fixed some possible warnings in math.hpp, made floor respect the zero
10 Years Ago
Moved all custom math to its own namespace
10 Years Ago
Made OSX plugin bundles only get distributed with OSX builds
10 Years Ago
Changed the simplex noise implementation to a port from GLSL that's a little more sane
10 Years Ago
Replaced some bitmask voodoo with sane operators
10 Years Ago
Updated test level
10 Years Ago
Fixed jump animation being initiated twice when jumping
10 Years Ago
Refactored player movement Added player jump cooldown Improved player ground detection Removed underwater crouch Improved underwater movement
10 Years Ago
Another native plugin update
10 Years Ago
Added 4 missing EXPOSE thingies
10 Years Ago
Updated native plugins to latest version
10 Years Ago
Trying some stuff to see if it fixes the entry point error on Windows
10 Years Ago
Set all native plugins to always be available when in-editor
10 Years Ago
Auto-updated texture import resolutions
10 Years Ago
Set native plugin platforms explicitly (keeps Unity from copying them to the output folder of platforms they're not used on)
10 Years Ago
Moved simplex noise to native code Tweaked terrain generator height amplitudes Protocol++
10 Years Ago
Changed Linux and OSX commit scripts to commit all libs in a single commit
10 Years Ago
Added extern "C" to all noise functions
10 Years Ago
Made 50 degrees the maximum walkable angle to make stairs work again
10 Years Ago
Added hpp to files filter
10 Years Ago
Minor language setting tweak, probably changes nothing but whatever
10 Years Ago
Added build and commit scripts for Linux and OS X
10 Years Ago
Changed SimplexNoise to RustNative to be used for all future native code
10 Years Ago
Added SimplexNoise native library
10 Years Ago
SteamNative OS X bundle cleanup
10 Years Ago
Added a maximum jump angle to player movement to keep people from jump-climbing up walls and trees
10 Years Ago
Refactored AILocomotion speed and direction controls Updated animal speeds
10 Years Ago
Updated some decor and spawn filter rules
10 Years Ago
Added a slippery slope piece to the test level
10 Years Ago
More work on the character controller
10 Years Ago
Added some missing #if SERVER
10 Years Ago
Added waypoint system Added dedicated subtree behaviour system Added animal patrol behaviour Made behaviour trees more modular
10 Years Ago
Added beaches1 and beaches2 placeholders
10 Years Ago
Fixed resources loaded from saves not incrementing the population count
10 Years Ago
Refactored Spawnable / SpawnHandler
10 Years Ago
Fixed underwater fog being slightly visible above water
10 Years Ago
Fixed first person camera position not matching player head position when ducked
10 Years Ago
Fixed player being able to unduck into other colliders
10 Years Ago
Tweaked underwater effects
10 Years Ago
Fixed physics / metabolism water level being higher than the water plane
10 Years Ago
Tweaked underwater fog
10 Years Ago
Fixed players sometimes spawning inside objects
10 Years Ago
Made ores spawn everywhere (at least for the time being)
10 Years Ago
Decreased grass vertex count (performance test)