
6,625 Commits over 2,527 Days - 0.11cph!

1 Year Ago
▆▉▄ ▇▄█▍▄▊▅▌▍▍ █▅▊▅▉▆▋ ▌▉▇▊▅▌▇
1 Year Ago
▊▆▇▅▊▉ ▉▉ █▋▄ ▅▆▍ █▄▋▍▆▇▋▇▆ ▇▄▆▉▋▇▉▍ ▋▍▉▊▋▄██▅▍▉▋▌▄
1 Year Ago
▌▍▌▌█▉ ▌▋▌▅▌▆█▇▋▋▆ ▇▅ ▍▊▆▋ ▉▆▄▊▅▊▍ ▆ ▍▆▌▌▆▍▉▊ █▄▉▇▌█▄ ▋▋ ▆▋▇▇▉▆▋ ▉▆▆ ▊ ▇▌▋▅▌▌▌▍ ▊▉ ▉▌▋▊▊▌▅▍▌▅▅▇▍▍▌▊▍█ ▄▄ ▇▍▊ ▌ ▆▉▇██▍ ▊▄ ▅▆ ▊ ▍▉▊▍▇ ▊▉ ▇▅▉▄ ▍▋▇ ▆▍█▍▊▅▉▅▌█▅▉▋█▍█▅▅ ▊▆▌▄ ▇█ ▊▇▋▊▉▇▅▉▉ ▄▆ ▄▅▄█ ▅▅▋▋ ▅▌▌▍ ▅▇ ▊▇▌▆▉█▆▉ ▍▆ ▆▇▍▉█▇▉▍▊▆▍▆ ▄▊▉ ▅▅▆▅
2 Years Ago
▊▅▊▊ ▋▇▆▋▄▌ █▉▇▆▉▄▋ ▉▍ ▉▌ ▌▊ █▊▆ ▉█▍ ▄▄█▌▊▋▍▍█▉▄█
2 Years Ago
▋▉▌▊▌▍▉▊ ▊▍▉▍▉▉ ▋▉█▉▊▄▋▆█ ▅▇▆▇ █▋ █▄▆▄ ▉█▇ ▇▆▅▇▍ ▉▌▊▄▋▅▇█ ▌▌▋▅▌ ▋▉▄▋▆▊ '▊▅▌▆▍▆' ▍▄▅█ ▅▆▇
2 Years Ago
▌▅▆ ▅▋▊█▊▍▊▄▉▍▊▅ ▌▆ ▋▋▌▄▋▌▌ ▉█▄ ▊▇▄▋▌▌▉▅ █▄ ▉▉██▅▄▌▄▉▌▇ ▊▅▄ ▊▊▆▅▅▆█▉▆ ▊▌▇▌▍▅▊▇█ ▋▋▊▆▆▇▌▊▍ ▋▄▊▊ ▍▅ ▍▅▅▉ █▄▅ ▉▄▆▌▊ ▋▅▍▌▌█▍▌ ▇▇██▍ ▆█▇▋█▉ '▄▌▅▍▋▄' ▅▍█▊ ▆▊▍
2 Years Ago
▆▆▅█▇▄▅▅ ▉▉ ▋▅▍▄▄▍▄▌▊▊▊ ▍▇▋ ▆▉█▋█▊▊▄▊ ▉▅▆▉▉▄▋▅▆
2 Years Ago
▊▌▊▇▋▌▍▇ ▅▉▍▅▍▊
2 Years Ago
▄▉▍ ▅▆▍█▌▍▅▅▇▆▅▊ ▆▇ ▌▌▊▋▅▇▅ ▇▆▇
2 Years Ago
Revert "Dripsy beginnings for the Hub" This reverts commit c7107a60dfffec7b6cc4435d24a2d6f4da05eb69. Revert "Revert "Dripsy beginnings for the Hub"" This reverts commit b70d66d43b7a0ad347099fe8238fc0e2a1eb5b77.
2 Years Ago
Revert "Dripsy beginnings for the Hub" This reverts commit c7107a60dfffec7b6cc4435d24a2d6f4da05eb69.
2 Years Ago
Merge from clans
2 Years Ago
Include the clan.create command in builds (for now) Update banner texture
2 Years Ago
Cherry pick 70282
2 Years Ago
Client xor server compile fix
2 Years Ago
Merge from clans
2 Years Ago
▉▍▉▇▇▍▄ ▅▆█▋▍█▍ ▆▍▉▅ ▅█ ▌▄▉▄▅█ ▇▅▍▉▇▄▆▉ ▇▆ `▄▋▉▉▉▇▌▅█▍▉()` ▄▇▅▉█▅▆▄ ▉█ ▉▆▍ ▊▌▆▋▄▊▊▍ ▉▍ ▌▌▉▊ ▌█▅▇▉▅▌ ▇▌▌ ▍▍▍▄█▌ ▌▉▉▊▌▊ ▅▄▅▋ `[▆▊█]` ▇▆▋ ▌▉▇▊▇ ▅▄▄▄▇▍▇▋▄ ▋▊█▋▄ ▇▆▌ ▌▅▇▄▆▋▍▅ ▌█▉▆▄█ ▊▌ █▋▉▉▉█▋▋▇ ▄▄▊▆▋▆ ▍█▍▊▅▇▆▍▆ (▅▍▉▉▌█▄ ▇▍▉) ! ▆▇▌▋▇██ ▉▋▅▋▆▌▅▅▉▋ ▄▋█▉▆▌▆█ ▊▌▅▍ ▌▄▋ ▊▊█▍▅▋▊.▆▊▋▉▋ ▉▌ ▄█▇▆ ▊▍▉█▄▍▉▉▆ ▋▉▆▊▌▅ ▍▊ ▅▊▆▇▄ ▇▉▌▋▋ ▄▋▉▉█▌ '▊▆▄▅▅▊█▇▊█'
2 Years Ago
Merge from parent
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Add notification channel for clan announcements Send a push notification to all clan members when updating the announcement (if it's been more than 5 min since the last change) Update NotificationList to support sending notifications to over 100 different steamIDs at a time
2 Years Ago
Update icon for the clan button
2 Years Ago
Set up notification channel for clan announcements with toggle for it
2 Years Ago
▆▉█ █ ▄▄▍ ▄▇▋█▆▍▌▄▍▄█▊ ▋▇▆▄█▊▇ ▅██ █▋▇▋ ▅▌▌▋▊▍▋▉▋▋▌▍▊
2 Years Ago
Replace navigation buttons in inventory, crafting, and contacts screens with GameUI.Navigation prefab
2 Years Ago
Add navigation buttons at the top of the clan UI to switch to the inventory etc
2 Years Ago
Show clan member online status on UI Improve consistency of the clan UI styling
2 Years Ago
Include online status in protos for clan members
2 Years Ago
Provide clan member online status and hook it up
2 Years Ago
Null checks to prevent errors on logout
2 Years Ago
More reliable clan color gradient logic
2 Years Ago
Set up RPCs and models for clan chat Refactor the chat components so they can use either the team or clan chat models Mock setup for clan chat Team tab is now a chat tab Header can now be used to switch between team and clan chat (very rough atm)
2 Years Ago
Keep the last few clan messages in memory so the app can load them into its scrollback Refactor how clan chat worked so it can be adapted to support nexus Fix exception thrown when loading the clan member list and a player has a note set
2 Years Ago
Set up rpcs to set the clan motd and send messages to clan chat Implement setting the clan motd
2 Years Ago
▊▅▊▄▅▉▍ ▊█▉▆▄▅▋▄▌▍█▌▍▅▍▋▅▅▉▆▉█▅█, █▆▍▉'▄ ▊▆▅▋▊▇▋▉ ▅█ █▆ █▊
2 Years Ago
Fix slowness on chat UI again Show the clan logo and color nicer
2 Years Ago
Padding for bottom safe area in bottom tab bar
2 Years Ago
Implement PlayerCapsuleTablet (didn't use localization and promote did nothing) Add a dev tool to spoof the signed in steam ID as someone else when rendering things Show the signed in player name in the drawer now that we can Provide the member and role instance of the signed in player to the clan UI
2 Years Ago
Update react-class-model to fix the map not loading
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Fix fields not being copied over from model instances Bump to v0.0.6
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Bump to v0.0.5 Skipped 0.0.4 cause it got messed up on npm
2 Years Ago
Fix server time being invisible
2 Years Ago
Automatically refresh clan using data pushed from the game Update react-class-model to fix a bug where the motd timestamp wouldn't update
2 Years Ago
Merge from easter2022)crash - testing shader revert
2 Years Ago
Revert shader changes, switch egg suit to use the StandardWithDecal shader that signs etc use
2 Years Ago
Merge from easter2022_crash - testing changes
2 Years Ago
Revert changes to EngineUI and GameUI
2 Years Ago
Change RequestFileFromServer behavior to work the same as main but add a flag to optionally respond if not found (only used by egg suit)
2 Years Ago
Subtract 70097 - taking another approach with the RequestFileFromServer changes