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light hair materials are now more blonde
made test heads area with test heads materials
made light_short mat brightness value 1 from 0.5 and tweaked alpha of diffuse map
prefabs and asset setup for facial hair 04
took some shine out of dark variant materials and removed backup materials from main
removed skintest prefabs and materials, made ginger more ginger, lightened dark short afro material
Merged hair_caps with main. Fixed beenie hat morph, updated hairstyles 1, 2, facial hair 1, 2, added hair and facial hair 3, 5, tweaked dye colours and values, removed old materials and textures
added hairstyle 5 lods and hat morphs, added for both genders and all races. tweaked materials a lot. Fixed broken alpha channel on strands diffuse. Set capmasks up to not be huge filesize, tweaked eyebrows to be a bit less shiny and body hair to be more colourful
hair style 5 lod0 and dye tests for it
Removed old hairstyle 3 materials. Added new shaved head and facial hairstyles 3 and dyesets, added capmask for hairstyle 5 and dyesets, added wip hairstyle 4 physics test
fixed up fuzz on hairstyle 1, added wip hairstyle 4
set beenie hat to not use baseball cap morph, material and dyeset tweaks
short material and fuzz updates
removed old facial hair texture and materials, reset skin material to default, added some thicker strands to facial hair 1, tweaked dark material values, set capmask compression
created morphs and lods for facial hair 2 and set up in scene
added facial hair style 2 (need to set up morphs and lods), tweaked dyesets to accommodate
added _dark pubic varients. removed old hair textures and cleaned up folders.
added dark materials and short dark materials. added hairtest prefabs. tweaked dyeset colours and settings. added lods and morph targets to facial hair style 1
temp added hair colour test heads to scene to check dye colours at runtime. tweaked dye colours to be more natural and set capmask colours. made style 2 shape more natural and added top layer of split strands to break up light. added new facial hair 01, balanced lighting on composite material
flagged torso clothing to remove armpit hair and legs clothing to remove pubic hair
set specular and roughness values on hair caps to counteract probe changes and then disabled the dyeswapper on those values
removed capmasks from skin materials so they're all the same for the dyesets. adjusted new textures so they aren't gigantic and have decent compression, removed all old and wip textures and mats apart from styles that still depend on them currently
fixed uv1 issue on clothing items that have exposed skin. fixed skinning issue on wrists on collared shirt and mesh clipping on baseball cap
fixed armpit hair, material tweaks, fixed lod distances
temp fixed armpit hair, set up dyesets for all characters apart from capmask colour, temp removed hairstyle 3 until its reworked, removed old haircap mats and old \hair_dye\ folders as now referencing original mats
starting to remove old erroneous materials and textures. updated hairstyle 1 and 2 to new versions, added hat morphs and lods, working with new system ready to assign dyesets
created female pubic capmask and set up, unwrapped female torso and legs lods 0,1,2,3 for female pubic capmask implementation
vertex lighting on eyebrows, re-exported, set eyebrow material colours to be more natural, tweaked ginger short material
updated eyebrow prefabs for male and female and rebuilt morphs, thinned out facial hair cap style 1 and hairstyle 1 haircap mask alphas,
eyebrow mesh and material changes, fixed uv issues on playermodel
added prelim new facial and eyebrow strands to hair strands maps and updated materials, re-mapped existing styles to compensate for new maps
tweaked uv3 on heads for better facial hair capmask reexported playermodel
finalised uv 1 and 2 on heads, uv 1 on bodies across all lods and exported
uv 2 and 3 changes to playermodel
set composite materials to not use sRGB and tweaked composite textures accordingly, material tweaks, made alpha more solid at distance
uv tweaks on short strands
current progress on haircaps, exported playermodel with uv2 channels on head and bodies, hairstyle 2, hairstyle 1, composite maps, disabled more automatic dye presets
tweaked hair colours and thickened out style 2, tried out multiple normal map variations on skinhairtest and added latest
added skinhairtest unity scene with skinhair cap and test head
added uv2 channel to playermodel LOD0 heads for test (need to add to all lods and bodies) added hair mask to skin material, testing nontssaa with new comp and diffuse textures
temporarily turned off male asian hairdye switching. working on blondes and ginger colours with new system.
working on new strands and materials/textures
rebuilt haircap 2 with morphs and skinned and got working seamlessly with male head, works with non tssaa
rebaked out vertex lighting, reskinned and added skin-haircap to male pubic, made look better on non tssaa
added new skin-hair haircap to female pubic and improved hairstrands on non tssaa. built prefab
Fixed pubic skin-hair cap floating geo and added hairstyle 02 skin-hair cap, Seems to work with no visible seams.
created new hair cap material that blends with skin, and tweaking textures and mesh