
700 Commits over 273 Days - 0.11cph!

10 Years Ago
Basic emulator is now functional.
10 Years Ago
Refactored GameCabinetEditor to extend a new CustomEditor abstract class, added CabinetEmulatorEditor.
10 Years Ago
Abstracted UnityAudioProvider, added CabinetAudioProvider and EmulatorAudioProvider.
10 Years Ago
Abstracted UnityGraphicsProvider and UnityControlsProvider, added implementation for 3D cabinets and the emulator.
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier_JS] Fixed calling prototype defined function.
10 Years Ago
Added nicer JS exception prints at runtime.
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier_JS] initial commit
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] bullet casing bounce tweak
10 Years Ago
Fixed gmake action not adding *.js files as dependencies.
10 Years Ago
added overrideable JS methods for Entity
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] blood flash when bullet hits soldier
10 Years Ago
Removed floor and wall textures, file sizes too big and not power of two, they're not needed yet anyway.
10 Years Ago
Committing progress with wall meshing, not complete yet. Fixed bolt deprecation warnings.
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] visual kickback on guns
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] fixed issue with shooting soldiers right besides walls
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] player gets tired and runs slower
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] blood wont overlap side of walls
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] improved gunshot-wall collisions
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] bullet casings
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] enemies dont spawn in walls
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] impact flashes, better wall-gunshot hit detection
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] wall debris
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] minor tweaks
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] trying to get bodies to not cover walls
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] prevent shooting through walls
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] changed tilemap structure, blood depth
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] carpets
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] gunshots stop when hitting walls
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] walls block soldiers
10 Years Ago
Fixed redundant redefinition of _GLOSSYENV_BOX_PROJECTION in ScreenReflect.shader
10 Years Ago
Removed reflection probes as they are unused.
10 Years Ago
Main cabinet chassis now reflects screens.
10 Years Ago
Experimental realtime screen reflections for cabinet details.
10 Years Ago
Added a bit of bloom, raised cabinets so their feet are exposed.
10 Years Ago
tweaked SingleGameTest settings
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] starting on walls
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] refactored depth handling
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] multiculturalism
10 Years Ago
Added uniformly curved screen overlay mesh.
10 Years Ago
Reflection probes, smoother screen model, image effects tweak.
10 Years Ago
Fixed SingleGameTest's screen.
10 Years Ago
Added "pan" argument to audio playing methods to simulate locational sounds.
10 Years Ago
Audio source creation location is now modifiable in-editor.
10 Years Ago
Fixed cabinet audio sources being 2D after the switch to Unity 5.
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up shaders a bit.
10 Years Ago
Re-implemented cabinet screen anti-aliasing.
10 Years Ago
Corrected game aspect ratios, CRT shader is now additive.
10 Years Ago
Fixed cursor controls being misaligned.
10 Years Ago
Updated network cabinet prefab to use the new cabinet prefab.