
700 Commits over 273 Days - 0.11cph!

10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] damage floaters
10 Years Ago
Replaced Mathf.Max(int, int) with Math.Max.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting Conflicts: GameAPI/Mathf.cs
10 Years Ago
Nasty fix for nasty fix.
10 Years Ago
Reordered precedence when detecting the core language used by a game.
10 Years Ago
Nasty fix for TestJS not building when using make.
10 Years Ago
Fixed case where makefiles would grow exponentially.
10 Years Ago
Stopped using URIs for path comparisons in the bindings generator to hopefully fix an issue on Unix systems.
10 Years Ago
Fixed JS stage creation.
10 Years Ago
Started testing JS stage creation.
10 Years Ago
Exposed Stage and Entity to bindings generation.
10 Years Ago
Fixed void returning method generation and proxy array parameters.
10 Years Ago
Auto generated files are now not overwritten if no update is required.
10 Years Ago
Added struct conversion generation.
10 Years Ago
Created SteamServerAuth class to handle connections that are waiting to be authed by Steam. Drops the connection when timed out or failed auth.
10 Years Ago
Added struct binding generation.
10 Years Ago
Server uses auth tickets sent from clients.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of the commit.
10 Years Ago
Updated Bolt and Steamworks to latest versions. Testing Steam authing to see if it works before I implement it for reals.
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] more combat, enemy and weapon hp and death
10 Years Ago
added int versions of Min and Max to Mathf
10 Years Ago
Added controls bindings.
10 Years Ago
Fixed another bug with proxy method generation.
10 Years Ago
Fixed proxy method generation.
10 Years Ago
Fixed root game object not being set correctly.
10 Years Ago
Proxy class generation can now include inheritance.
10 Years Ago
Other proxy types are now used for members in generated proxy type definitions.
10 Years Ago
Implemented basic Bindable proxy instance class generation.
10 Years Ago
Reverted some code that was mistakenly staged.
10 Years Ago
About to implement Bindable proxy generation.
10 Years Ago
Refactored the JS game instantiation process.
10 Years Ago
Some refactoring and started work on a Bindable abstract class for instantiable types that are exposed to Jurassic.
10 Years Ago
Project files are no longer amended if no changes are necessary.
10 Years Ago
Added support for single-precision floats in bound members.
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] enemies flip back face down after attacking
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] started on enemy vs player attacks (and all player Items are now just Weapons
10 Years Ago
added an int version of Clamp to Mathf
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] removed the blink when item added to inventory
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] made apples replenish hunger
10 Years Ago
Bindings generation now amends project files to include the generated source files.
10 Years Ago
Bindings are now generated from methods in static classes marked with GenerateBindings.
10 Years Ago
Started work on static class binding generation.
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] Removed a Debug.Log call.
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] Fixed MoveItemCoroutine not acting in parallel.
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] inventory auto-rearranging
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] items get added to ur inventory, can remove them
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] moved some generic coroutines to an Actions class
10 Years Ago
Added automatic property renaming to conform to javascript nomenclature.
10 Years Ago
Added experimental Lua project to be ignored by premake.
10 Years Ago
Premake script now should use the correct search path for unity DLLs on mac.