
700 Commits over 273 Days - 0.11cph!

10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] moved gunshot handling from Player to GameStage
10 Years Ago
The premake script will now store the Unity 5 install location in unitypath.txt, and will automatically detect if gmcs.exe needs copying.
10 Years Ago
Fixed the LegacyCabinet prefab.
10 Years Ago
Updated Unity scripts, commented out chatbox related stuff temporarily.
10 Years Ago
Reverted to old Unity5 specific bolt binaries.
10 Years Ago
Fixed a warning in UnityAudioProvider.cs
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into Unity5
10 Years Ago
Included Diogo's fixed BudgetBoySprite.shader that splits a matrix varying into component vectors.
10 Years Ago
Fixed premake5.lua looking for Unity binaries in the wrong location.
10 Years Ago
Fixed premake5.lua to include Unity binary location resolution.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into Unity5 Conflicts: Unity/Assets/Prefabs/LegacyCabinet.prefab Unity/Assets/Scenes/GameTest.unity Unity/Assets/Scenes/Test.unity Unity/Assets/Scripts/ClickToPlayTest.cs Unity/Assets/Scripts/Events/PlayerJoinRequest.asset Unity/Assets/Scripts/GameManager.cs Unity/Assets/Scripts/Networking/SharedCallbacks.cs Unity/Assets/bolt/assemblies/bolt.dll Unity/Assets/bolt/assemblies/bolt.dll.mdb Unity/Assets/bolt/assemblies/editor/bolt.editor.dll Unity/Assets/bolt/assemblies/editor/bolt.editor.dll.mdb Unity/Assets/bolt/assemblies/udpkit/udpkit.dll Unity/Assets/bolt/assemblies/udpkit/udpkit.dll.mdb Unity/Assets/bolt/scenes/BoltDebugScene.unity premake5.lua
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] dynamic gunshots, gunshots stopped on hit
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] enemies can get shot in the head
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] enemies that walk around
10 Years Ago
ESC leaves cabinets now, instead of clicking outside screen
10 Years Ago
made a new scene for testing a single game in peace and quiet
10 Years Ago
changed camera zoom distance when focusing game
10 Years Ago
Revamped the cabinet test scene.
10 Years Ago
Clamped cursor positions.
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] mouse aiming
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
10 Years Ago
Added Controls.CursorPosition for convenience.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
SmashBlox paddle now has a limited movement speed.
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] merged, cleaned up
10 Years Ago
Added left and right click as alternate binds for A and B respectively.
10 Years Ago
Finished cursor controls, SmashBlox now uses the cursor position to move the paddle.
10 Years Ago
Refactored Controls, started work on a cursor axis.
10 Years Ago
Exposed Vector2f binary operators.
10 Years Ago
Ensured Animation.Frame will never be less than 0.
10 Years Ago
Replaced Vector2f.Magnitude() references with Vector2f.Length.
10 Years Ago
Fixed line drawing using degrees when radians are expected.
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] movement and some aiming
10 Years Ago
added NumFrames getter to Animation
10 Years Ago
made Animation _progress a public property
10 Years Ago
added Magnitude method to Vector2f
10 Years Ago
implemented a set for Animation.Frame
10 Years Ago
Replaced TestJS with SmashBloxJS
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting
10 Years Ago
Added the ability to reference other JS source files that must be evaluated prior to the current one using hints: //! require "source1.js" "somedir/source2.js" "../etc.js"
10 Years Ago
Added overloaded operator bindings generation for structs.
10 Years Ago
Exposed some more members of types in the API.
10 Years Ago
Fixed ObjectInstance.PopulateFunctions() ignoring inherited members.
10 Years Ago
Valid resource type names now have automatically created alias variables.
10 Years Ago
Added an OnReceiveBindingInstance() virtual method to Bindable, and made Bindable to ObjectInstance translation automatic.
10 Years Ago
Added bindings for resource loading, started work on a JS port of SmashBlox.
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] message box tweaks
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] cursor shows # of remaining moves in the turn
10 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] player turn timing re-structured