
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

7 Years Ago
Increased base GPV momentum to 2. Added AI for general stockpiling of items. Fixed CraftItemProcess Progress.
7 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in ItemSettingsEditor
7 Years Ago
UnitView looks for "_overlay" or "_damage" mesh instead of just damage
7 Years Ago
Cohesion NRE fix
7 Years Ago
TribeWindow WIP
7 Years Ago
Data tidy up
7 Years Ago
ProtoInclude Cohesion
7 Years Ago
Cohesion to component WIP
7 Years Ago
NRE fix
7 Years Ago
Remade human vie prefabs
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed humans not animating
7 Years Ago
Prefab save
7 Years Ago
Nuked Human and Animal entity types, merged everything into Unit/UnitView. Removed IUnit interface
7 Years Ago
Fixed portraits not getting rendered after unit creation Misc UI bits
7 Years Ago
Can now specify if a wearable can be taken off, turning this bool off won't autofill the take off interaction on smartobject (defaulted to true on everything) Can no longer unequip babies
7 Years Ago
Added a HasBaby condition, prevents units getting pregnant while they already have a baby (can only equip one baby item at a time)
7 Years Ago
Units now check if they can hold a dispensable before attempting to take from the dispenser (fixes some building issues)
7 Years Ago
Unsaved change
7 Years Ago
Notifications no longer expire while skipping to morning, fixes notifications appearing and expiring without the player seeing them
7 Years Ago
Fixed unselected indicators not being properly reset between sessions
7 Years Ago
UI bits
7 Years Ago
Fixed multi-selection not working Fade out unselected indicators
7 Years Ago
Desire clenaup (fixed missing filters in some classes), added GeneralDesire type Added Building.Ownership component Added Human+Shelter partial Added UnitRank condition Added UnitIsBuildingOwner condition Added indicators for all units all the time Version++
7 Years Ago
PlayerProgressionWidget now goes into modal state Building placement doesn't resume when in modal state
7 Years Ago
Stone stockpile unlocks Stonecutter
7 Years Ago
Fixed crafting table
7 Years Ago
Player can select non-unit entities, added entity info UI panel Human overrides .SetView and requests a portrait update, removed
7 Years Ago
updated some text in basic tutorial
7 Years Ago
Fixed GPV scores not being correctly passed down from interaction desires. Momentum drain is now passed down from interaction desires. Additional info in agent behaviour debug.
7 Years Ago
WIP UI rework to deal with tribe ranks
7 Years Ago
Added some protection in UnitAttachments and Items to protect against missing items on load (It looks as though some items are being lost on save/load) Added some bonuses to Collaboration execution to try and make units execute collaborations more reliably Added a social need consideration to the start conversation goal - this should make units only start conversations if their social need is greater than 40%
7 Years Ago
Fixed exception in GroupHierarchy when loading a game Fixed resources that deplete over time not unsubscribing from events and causing exceptions after loading a game Lowered grass requirements for turf roofs Collaborations will now expire if they exist for 4x the timeout, regardless of state (previously they could only timeout if their state was pending, that didn't catch collabs that are stuck for other reasons) Fixed collaboration OnStateChanged event not getting hooked up when loading a game Can now remove a collaboration from the debug panel
7 Years Ago
Changed some baby settings: Gestation period: now 1 (was 4) Baby Days: now 2 (was 8) Young Days: now 2 (was 15)
7 Years Ago
New Time Since last birth consideration Tweaked Breed goal scores to ensure it can actually occur Made pregnancy notification medium severity so it has to be dismissed
7 Years Ago
PlayerTribe.SpawnStranger no longer NREs when there are no spawn points in the zone
7 Years Ago
Improved projectile leading calculation. Re-added pity timer for projectile accuracy. Thrown weapons should no longer unfulfill Possessions desires. Possessions tidy up.
7 Years Ago
ProtoInclude PersistedGroupHierarchyData
7 Years Ago
Missed a )
7 Years Ago
Show group rank in debug view
7 Years Ago
GroupHierarchy progress
7 Years Ago
Entity component refactor to prevent initializing twice Added GroupHeirarchy boilerplate
7 Years Ago
SkillVerb now returns the name of the skill if it doesn't have a verb
7 Years Ago
Misc cleanup, UI Fixed timestep defaults to 0.05
7 Years Ago
UI save
7 Years Ago
Pause the game when someone wants to join the tribe
7 Years Ago
SetDestination can ignore perception. DSE should now skip considerations if all groups are empty. Added stranger spawn to nospawns.
7 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect crafting failure notifications
7 Years Ago
Tribe tracker now requests a new portrait if a unit's view gets set