19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixed spit requiring construction
Fixed shonky hut requiring 27 grass to construct a turf roof
Fixed building upgrades triggering the building complete activity
Fixed time not unpausing when exiting a tabbed window
commented out tool desire creation upon failure of carrying required tool.
Nothing to craft notification should no longer show if the crafter is currently crafting.
Fixed ActiveBehaviourCondition awful copy paste.
Goal momentum on woodcutter module.
Roles now always disables other roles on assign.
Totally important editor things that took ages
ConditionSettingsWrapperDrawer can fuck off tbh
Fixed TabbedWindows double deactivation
removed bears and moved wolves to other side of island 1
removed various hunting area hints and put them on the appropriate spawners
hunter role unlocked from start.
spears in default possessions.
Made a bunch of AI for creating find desires when people can't do things.
Disabled said AI.
All stockpiles now unlock at the same time as standard buildings.
Fixed shitty delay after leaving a modal window
Building UI will refresh choices whenever player unlocks something and the widget is open
Added some scene UI for the biome data editor (button to refresh all biome objects in scene)
Fixed activity UI not being properly cleared and refreshed between sessions
Fixed unit attacked notification not clearing (potentially)
Biome fuckery
UI transition improvement
Added UI buttons for all the fullscreen windows (tribe/progression/diplomacy/knowledge)
cut out and split up sea edge
made grass light the same colour as grass again so we could use it to paint out grass from edges of cliffs
Tweaked some curves to try and prevent the basket pick up/drop loop
Fixed a container nre in TargetFilterUtility
Added Units to the player building placement collision mask - spawning buildings on top of units is pushing the units down onto lower ground layers
Item Spawner now positions items above the ground, should fix some spawners spawning items clipping into the ground and falling below it
Moved a rock spawner closer to the camp
Trees now give a good amount of sticks.
Trees that don't assign trunk view prefab will destroy the trunk view and can dispense any number of items.
Basic hut now requires 10 wood (was 16) and 5 rock (was 8)
Player assignment role via RMB checks unlock status
Filter target filtering returning 0 entities
Possession component persistance
Unified target filtering code into TargetFilterUtility
Fixed Attribute.SoftCap NaN
fixed being unable to select units when a dead unit is selected
PlayerBuildingPlacement no longer tries to pathfind check using dead units
Uncommented ConditionSettingsWrapperDrawer
Improvements to harvesting for other people's find desires
SmartObject.CanSubscribe checks unit's active role
Fixed Keyword base.name returning bad things
Actually fixed NRE in ProvidesItemDesiredByTribe (dont assume that dispensable contains items)
Added Attribute gains data to various skills
Fixed NRE in Condition.ProvidesItemDesiredByTribe
Added SKILL_VERB keyword
Added AttributeGain activity type