19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
AI refactor to allow gathering / harvesting to all be one Goal for building.
Added some checks in EntityValueForbuilding to disallow invalid interactions from being written to the blackboard.
Made other value for building considerations use EntityValueForBuilding.
reexport female to fix filckering hair
removed 60s hair from female
pine trees exported with correct materials
Depositing to building from container now works.
Dropped items now remove themselves from their container.
Various tweaks to gathering for building.
Fixed TerrainMeta.StopPainting not passing correct topo enum
Fixed TerrainMeta.CurrentTopologyType not being set
More terrain meta cleanup
Fixed TerrainMeta not switching paint mode when changing topo types
TerrainMetaInspector fixes
Terrain system cleanup, editor
Fixed various issues with craft/build windows not closing properly when selecting things
Moved building construction to its own goal.
GPVs with score overriding now only use the overridden score for comparing with incoming GPVs
Added more logging to Navigation
Fixed UIWidget.OnActivated not being invoked when widget has no tweeener
Changed the way UnitAttachments persistence works (nuke yo saves people!)
Can now pass groups as the creator/target of activities for diplomatic events
Building things near other tribes will now trigger a negative diplomatic event
Fixed wooden log attachment point groups so log wasn't equipped in chest
Made move order effects unscaled and increased reliability so every mouse click should make a visual marker
PlayerController now clears override cursor if it cannot tick (fixed override cursor persisting when opening menus, changing sessions, etc)
Zones now get notified when a session is being killed
All Zone weather now gets disabled when a session ends (fixes bug 918)
Added some checks in world debug tool so it doesn't error out between sessions
Dont change cursor state for a default interaction that is not available
Fixed lingering tooltip when opening radial
hacky pine tree collision fix
Fixed combat music (and probably various other triggers)
Disabled raiding goal plan that contains an empty GPV
Fixed NRE in UnitGroupCondition when the target entity had no group
Modal UI windows now share common tabbed navigation
Added UnitDetailView portrait spinning
Removed UDV items listing (pending new features)
Fixed unit attachments not being properly unblocked sometimes.
Removed potential trailing reference to attached entity
Removed Consume Item ability because we don't need it.
Self abilities on radial shouldn't check UI exposure
both new trees have "collision" mesh with material "collision" to use for mouseover help
more holster fixes (bow, hand axe, wood club, bow)
BuildingRequiresItem condition evaluates items in carried containers when used in the TargetBuildingCarriedItems mode
Fixed both spears, hammer, stone club missing holster points
female hair improvements(?)
BehaviourChainFilter.EntitySources.UnitItems now includes items held in containers
merge from interaction_hand_stuff to main