19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Added preferences to delete player prefs on startup, fixed delete save games on startup
Fixed UIWidget.IsActive NRE
UI execution cleanup, reset on load
AI designer persists selected module
Hints/WhatsNew editor prefs toggle
Editor prefs for wiping save on startup in editor
Added IsRequiredAmmunition condition
Added Refill Ammo GoalPlan to Human/ItemGathering AI module
DSE.Scores sets Decision.PlayerInstigated when the blackboard contains a player created desire. Piped through to GPV, for use in Actions.
Deleted Ability.MoveTowardsTarget & SetDestination.GotToAttackRange "player commanded "variants
Added testbox_hunting
Player controller clears combat target with every command
Fixed ItemContainer.CanDeposit not returning true when weight limits were being used
Added custom drawer for ItemContainerParameters
ItemContainer data cleanup, restriction modes, positioning options
ItemDesire can reference a specific item, fulfillment checks test whether the item is the target of an active behaviour (stops people dropping shit they need)
Removed WaitRealtime debug logs
Fixed UnitSpawner created humans not being properly added to the player tribe when the spawner is flagged as player controller
Player tribe is created prior to world spawn, so that spawners can use the tribe as their parent group
Rejiggling some init order related to triggers and player tribe creation callbacks
Added starting items to UnitSpawner
Fixed up/down arrow navigation in data browser not respecting asset groups/sorting
Machine process auto start on deposit is exposed in data, cleaned up editor a bit
Added fire lighting behaviour to Human/Warmth module
Added WaitRealTime Action
Improved selected indicator UI widget icon selection (action, behaviour, target is order of priority)
Condition and consideration editor foldouts defaults
Removed DataAssetValidator logging
Fixed DecisionScoreEvaluatorParametersOnValidate dirtying assets
More editor cleanups
Camera effects to namespace
Clothing insulation buffs
Start in late summer, easier starting stats
Navigation.TrySetDestination returns false if agent is not on the navmesh
Fixed controls listing being wrong
SetColdOverlay to 1 in HumanView
What's new UI, version++, hints fuckery, double LMB to select
RTS/Map Camera actual bounds
Fixed missing task descriptions, tweaked tutorial UI
People no longer sit by an unlit fire for warmth
Campfire effect increases mood a bit quicker
GUI shader channel things
Left click release to open radial
Trying to fix blue people
made it so you can carry and skin turtle and tortoise
Fixed UnitBehaviourButton animator warning
Fixed no spawns NRE in Session.StartNew
Fixed people not waking up when loading a game that was saved prior to removal of "washed up" starting effect (added duration)