19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
AI Debugger shows buttons to quickly select module/goal/plan/selector/behaviour with each log
TakeFromDispenser skill usage is conditional, not always applied (.Enabled in data)
Fixed AI Debugger Decision Log logging not filtering grouped logs properly
Moved GroupKnowledge "Can Find" methods to Unit Knowledge (crafting UI buttons will be disabled when the selected Unit cannot find required items)
NRE fix, better request cleanup
More Collaborations cleanup, component only holds a single received request
Simplified Collaboration request send/receieve, added some more restrictions to avoid people sending requests that will always be rejected
Fixed collections missing color data
made wolves root motion attack work
Re-enabled Collaborations AI modules
Added a little cleanup routine for badly spawned Items in WorldManger (hack pending spawn refactor)
People should now stop approaching targets when within range
Fixed Resources without interaction positional data not being interactable. (InteractionSettingsWrapper.MaxSubscriptions was 0, now validated editor side)
Unit.Navigation.TrySetDestination robustness
AI Debugger panel moved to BeforeEditorLayout, added to DebugTools
Fixed potential KeyNotFoundException in Senses
GoalPlanSettingsWrapper now holds a list of fallback GoalPlanSettings, when fallbacks are provided DecisonMakers will evaluate whether a valid variant can be found for the GoalPlan, creating Decisions for fallback plans if that evaluation fails.
Added building interactions to possible default interactions.
Right click on a building under construction will create a desire to build said building.
Default Interactions now use a GenericMenu
Blackboard key usage injected from module data heirarchy when editing a GoalPlan in the AI Designer
AI Designer layout improvements
Blackboard key usage display in GoalPlanSettingsEditor
GoalPlan BehaviourChains can now be edited in the GoalPlanSettingsEditor, not only the AI designer
Scripts organisation
Decision layer assigned through DSE data constructor, Conditions/Considerations drawers contextual awareness stuff.
Removed DecisionLayer field attribute
Added a warning when setting Target as the evaluation target in considerations, since we should only evaluate Target in Behaviour Chain. Not a perfect solution, but better than nothing :-)
not sure why this was changed
WIP possibility to set default interactions on dispensers
Minor goal plan attribute fix
Removed [s]/[t] prefix from GoalPlan node consideration display
Fixed a bunch of module data that got fucked due a field rename that unity refused migrate via FormerlySerializedAs ;\
Merge from goalplan_fallbacks
Fixed the AI Designer being broken af
Removed Energy considerations from Common - Collaborations module, since this is more of a "manage collaborations" module, I ticked "Allow no considerations" for it instead, that we rather let the collaboration inititiative modules take care of the consideration scoring.
Evaluation Target for considerations is now shown on the node summary as [s] for self and [t] for target.
Added Mood considerations to Human - Collaborations - Social module.
You're now more likely to take the initiative for collaborations if your mood is high.
You're now more likely to start a conversation if your target's mood is high.
You're now more likely to give someone a hug if your target's mood is low.
Ticked "Allow no considerations" for all goal plans in Human - Building module, since they're either player commanded or picked based on careful condition flagging.
Energy considerations added to Common - Stamina module (more likely to recover stamina with higher energy).
All Goals and Goal Plans in Common - Movement Mode module now has Allow for no considerations ticked.
Added Stamina consideration to Flight goal in Common - Combat - General.
Manage Targets and Clear Combat Target nodes now has "Allow No Considerations" ticked in Common - Combat - General.
Renamed GoalPlan.Attack(Human) to GoalPlan.Attack (since it's used in Common - Combat - Attack module).
Added Stamina consideration to Common - Combat - Defensive module.
Added Stamina consideration to Attack (Human) goal plan in Common - Combat - Attacking (though how is this Human specific?)
tweaking with sleep AI so people sleep and wake up at reasonable times
Energy consideration added to Common - Collaborations in AI Designer.
Added inverse mood stat consideration to Decline Breeding Social Invitation.
Added a "inverse" hint in the list of considerations displayed on nodes in the AI Designer.
building asset and new shader in a new branch
Fallback goal plan preliminary stuff
Commenting out some reflection fuckery that I bokred