19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
may have fixed people sleeping standing up
AI Modules can be disabled on the asset level
Disabled breeding and collaboration related modules
Renamed RemoveUnitTag to RemoveUnitFlag because that's actually what it does
Hooked up consideration response invert to editor drawer
Removed some consideration assets that are no longer needed as a result of the wrapper level invert
Did a bunch of reflection in DataAsset.GetReferences
Goals and GoalPlans can flag their DSE as "allowed no considerations", mostly for player instigated AI (this disables warnings and validation)
Refactored ResponseCurve to support inverse internally.
A wee bit of consideration adding in Breeding Instigation AI.
Considerations on some combat related DSEs
Added ConsiderationSettingsWrapper.InvertResponseCurve and hookups
Let's display the editor error when considerations list is not expanded too.
Added a new way of finding the radius of a unit collection that first finds the Bounds of the collection, then use that to get the radius via extents magnitude.
GoalPlan momentum tick is now on game minute, not sim tick, managed by AgentComponentSystem.
Debug rejigging
AI Designer no longer displays GoalPlan list in Goal editor
DSE data zero consideration validation/flag
Relying on assumption of perception data keys in Senses test routines because performance maybe ;x
Senses raycast origin, grid position and distance check origin uses collection when Unit is Senses elect
people can't become tired when asleep
Knowledge fuckery and entity debug tab improvement.
Cleaning up unit collection assets and data, all animal collections now used deferred Senses
Unit collections can elect a Unit to defer all Senses processing to...
hunting chase music stuff again
Added UnitCollections gizmos drawing + toggle to DebugTools/DebugToolsObject
Addded DSE validation that spams the console about missing Considerations (currently harmless, does not affect DM logic at runtime)
Updated DSE drawer so that it longer validates selector dependencies when filtering re-orderable list asset choices, instead we print Blackboard read requirements
Added SelectorSettings.BlackboardReadKeys property
Removed old DecisionPlanParametersDrawer
added interaction positions to berry bush so you can interact with it
added collider to berry bush
InfluenceComponentSystem.SecondsPerSimTick increased to 30 from 10
Goal.Craft's DSE uses Craft Desire Weight as bonus
Restored old EntityManager tick flow, commented out coroutine setup for testing
fixed incorrect leaf texture assignment
finally got this merge working, new bushes and a human controller bug fix, and something with the yams and garlic IDK what
greatly increased wake up noise threshold in an attempt to stop fuckers from waking up all the time
Minor Senses.SimTick TimeManager.DateTime usage optimisation
Cleaned up some un-used members in FixedArray
UnitView backing field cache of Unit ref
EntityManager ticks EntityComponentSystems via a coroutine
fruit bush update (not using biome mats atm)
Hiding some options from Menu UI because they're buggy because Unity reasons?
Can't pick up decayed corpses.
Removed some candlight plugin stuff, nuked UnitViewEditor
Navigation.Tick returns early if we're not moving, to save setting stat values etc when we dont need to
Navigation.TrySetDestination directly calculates a path and calls SetPath instead, as a test (seems to improve repsonsiveness with larger agent numbers)
Fixed entity names being fucked.
Unit Navigation avoidance prority/data exposure test
Nuked unused ResetBehaviour action
Removed spammy morphs warnings
Fixed incoming GPV not being correctly passed through Break execution when executing player commands
Renamed EntityTypes.Generic to Collecction since we no longer have entites of Generic type
Debug stuff, Unit.Navigation robustness etc
DecisionMaker.AddDecision doesn't need to create DecisionContext when creating new Decisions on demand
Decision constructor creates a DecisionContext
index debug is no longer in ms
Agent Component System debugs