19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
trying to make yam and garlic edible but errors on consume when harvested (seems ok after debug spawn)
Split herbs into their own spawn entities
Tweaked the spawn tables
Hue shifted the garlic so that it sticks out a bit less
Commenting our Zone.OnDestroy because I think it fucks bamboo?
UnitSettings.GetViewPrefab never outs a null EntityViewPrefab data package
best thing ever sorry jenny
made it so you can deshell and cook tortoises
Collaboration AI tweaks
Testbox no longer has a bunch of item spawns, uses mostly biome spawn system now besides Deer + Rabbit spawners
More legible temperature balls.
island 1 ambience stuff, time value drawer fixes
TimeValue takes optional interval argument
Deleted duplicate bird_ambience_temperate file
Fixed Collaboration Execution AI Module bad UnitClass condition (was Is Human == false)
Collaborations positioning stuff tweaks, should stop people warping to crazy positions...
Collaborations tweaks, use distance instead
BaseEntity holds parent zone ref
Added Ambient Sound Player component
Dropping corpses that decay while carried, almost work.
made new tortoise corpse and applied it to tortoise
AI tweaks, people should hug and talk more often
People will drop all held items when they go to sleep (hack)
Various other misc tweaks ;x
Corpses now listen to depleted event on the dispenser, to better handle turning shit to dust and bones when there's no more to dispense.
made totoise better but goes invisible on death by disabing skinned mesh rendered \o/
Disabled UnitCollection gizmos to make frankie happy
Decay a corpse when it's dispensers are empty of shit.
VectorUtility cleanup (GetGroundHeight and Normal take override raycast height/offset)
Dispenser partials cleanup
Island1 navmesh has an ocean blocker
temp fix for attack and move that never got setup properly on the wolf and boar
limited corpse attachment points to Rshoulder only (was L+Rshoulder) to make the correct arm be raised
Renabled grass, moved tribe create scene, unload it after game start.
Biome editor fixes
Fixed a bunch of stat manipulator ticking percentage changes of current rather than max
Disabled NavMeshObstacles in InteractionPosition
Groundwork for radial menu descriptions/failure strings. Needs keyword support, LOOKS BROKEN FOR NOW PLEASE DONT MAKE BUG REPORTS ;3
Removed scale from radial menu button animations
Fixed a bunch of issues with portrait rendering
Fixed tribe create trees not being picked up by tinting system
PlayerController.TickRaycast should always return early if EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()
Applying modifier to decay speed should now work as expected.
Actions.CreateSocial NRE catch
Continued Activity fuckery
Finally fixed shit so one can add and remove a corpse from the fire with spit indefinitely.
Let's get the order of resetting cook corpse state right, that we don't generate NRE on Complete().
Interaction.PickUp no longer overrides cursor
Activity data mapping now works for all types
Decayed corpses now falls off fire spit and the shoulder of anyone carrying it.
Attempted a fix on making campfires with spit available for another corpse "after" the first one is removed (but untested).
More effect simulation fuckeries
Notifications widget fuckery
Effect simulation fuckeries
Tribe create scene
Removed debug logs
Default to ultra quality settings so that no one playtests the game and complains that it looks like a dog's anus