
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

9 Years Ago
GUI workshop scene file.
9 Years Ago
TraitPickerWidget on TribeCreation UI Added a bunch of placeholder traits + icons
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Agent stores a list of of it's currently active modules, has methods for installing/uninstalling Goal's optionally store a reference to their source module Traits now install modules and apply effects Added Lazy, Strong and Loner traits
9 Years Ago
Removed old animal shaders, renamed Before/Animal3 to Before/Animal
9 Years Ago
Traits added to BeforeEditor Added TraitSettingsEditor File cleanup
9 Years Ago
Remade prefabs
9 Years Ago
Missed a bit
9 Years Ago
UnitComponent implementation, ported Senses, Items, Attachments, Wearables and Aging so far Renamed EntityPhysicsListener to PhsyicsListener, Added IPhysicsReciever, implemented by components that use triggers (senses so far) Reduced PlayerCamera min distance to 50 (from 500)
9 Years Ago
tiger and bits
9 Years Ago
Tweaks, unit prefab audio source setup
9 Years Ago
Entity's can spawn without a View
9 Years Ago
More profiler hook fixes + UnitCollection tweaks
9 Years Ago
Fixed a bad profiler hook in Unit+Morphs causing a bunch of overhead
9 Years Ago
Unit+Movement navmesh issue workaround
9 Years Ago
A little UnitView cleanup WorldManager sets TOD cycle length on init Options holds cycle length Lots of effects data balance
9 Years Ago
re-looped the loop
9 Years Ago
sabertooth anims are still shit but at least its not 100% broken
9 Years Ago
more nipple tweaks
9 Years Ago
Custom stay handling.
9 Years Ago
Movement drains less staminda, Alive has a stamina gain
9 Years Ago
Put ticking on a tod seconds pulse, for better time scaling.
9 Years Ago
nipple tweaks
9 Years Ago
merge - merge & nipples
9 Years Ago
Tweak Awake, Alive, Cold and Starving Effects so that people dont die of starvation quite so quickly
9 Years Ago
Rebaked island01 navmesh, didn't fix anything ;x
9 Years Ago
Removed UnityEditor from EntityManager.
9 Years Ago
Not 100% sure, but I suppose we should strive to make a complete cycle before we break out pre spending entire ms budget, rather than to break out when we reach the end of the list... hm...
9 Years Ago
Ehrm, let's not iterate the list of entities more than once, shall we! Let's not keep "that" hard to the ms budget.
9 Years Ago
Moved ms budget ticking into Entity Manager without a generic solution to get some more improvements. Changed Entity tick budget to 5 ms.
9 Years Ago
More entity budget tick integration stuffs.
9 Years Ago
Fixed cusor import settings Added music to tribe create
9 Years Ago
HumanView no longer initializes MaterialPropertyBlock fields Adde BasicSurvival module to all Unit data
9 Years Ago
Added AIModules, which hold Goals data, AgentParameters now stores a list of AIModules
9 Years Ago
ÀIDesigner tweaks and pre-module commit
9 Years Ago
Started introducing ms budget to Entity Manager.
9 Years Ago
UnitView formatting/commented out alignment raycast stuff for now Wrote and ran goal data conversion script Unit View prefab creation now stores the mesh as as child AIDesigner nodes now filter their Add goal/plan lists to exclude the current node's data ID
9 Years Ago
First draft of character creation music loop
9 Years Ago
Effects data fixes, ported back actions etc from 4155
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
removed can transition to self from some anims
9 Years Ago
Disabled effects data validation for the time being
9 Years Ago
this is supposed to have IK on the human feet and rotate the animals on slopes then counter rotate the heads
9 Years Ago
Effect/StatMinipulator fixes
9 Years Ago
Merge from effect refactor
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
StatMinipulatorParametersDrawer swishy++
9 Years Ago
Removed old NestedEditor types
9 Years Ago
Effects data NestedEditor attribute / drawer tweaks, added to all EffecSettings fields
9 Years Ago
Added EffectSettingsWrapper, used where data stores a list of effects, for easier property drawer usage